What Can I Do for PyCon?
Matt Payne asked me what he could do for PyCon. I came up with a few ideas and, rather than just communicate them privately, I thought I'd use the dynamic nature of the Wiki to throw these out to anybody who might be asking the same question. I'd like to thank Matt for stimulating me to express my ambitions for the conference more clearly -- steve
Please think about how you can assist the conference, using the points below as a focus, and make up your mind not to simply be a passive consumer at PyCon. The more people who get involved the more fun (and the more rewarding) the conference will be. Consult the list of PyConTasks and see what you can do.
Remember: this is a Wiki: you can edit this page (and other pages). Your contributions are vital to the conference's success. If you simply want to sign up to help in a particular area, put your name below the appropriate area. We will also need some way to reach you, so an email address would be helpful.
Well, before PyCon:
- You could write a lightning talk.
- You could make suggestions on this and related pages to make sure the conference better suits your needs.
- You could organize one or more Wiki pages
- You could encourage others to contribute to that Wiki
You could publicize the conference anywhere and everywhere relevant (See the PyConPromotion page)
You could move to DC
- You could think about all the administrivia that's need to run a friendly and professional conference and produce checklists, liaise with suppliers, suggest sources
- You could help to get the papers ready for publication on the web
- You could help to prepare brochures and circulate them.
You could locate low-cost accommodation in the area and publicize it with transportation options. PyConTransportationOptions PyConMaps
During PyCon:
- You could help out at the registration desk
- You could help to build, operate and tear down the wireless infrastructure
- You could make sure that speakers are ready to speak, with viewgraphs and handouts as appropriate
- You could run a BoF (birds-of-a-feather) session or three
- You could record what happens
- You could organize transport sharing
- You could monitor the accommodation position for late arrivals
You could put a task force together to organize the *next* PyCon
- You could bring an FRS radio (e.g. Motorola Talkabout) to assist with conference communications
- You could bring Python T-shirts
If you don't understand what everyone is talking about, you can play your GameBoy Advance