The next Python Users Meetups has been rescheduled to Saturday July 17th from 19:30 to around 22:30. This time the PUN will be hosted by the Open Community Camp, an outdoor nerd event organised in Oegstgeest. Because of the OCC programme being already quite full we had to reschedule to Saturday. But that gives us the great advantage of doing a PUN in an outdoors environment and joining a larger group of nerd colleages who have expertise in a broader set of fields, allowing for some interesting crossover.

The location for the PUN can hold a maximum of 49 people (this is a hard limit imposed by the local authorities), so if you will join, please register yourself here. Also the OCC has to know how many people will be at the PUN so they can properly stock their bar :) Please make sure you register before Wednesday July 14th!


At 18:00 a BBQ will be organised on the OCC terrain. Anyone who wishes to join in, please be there at 18:00 and bring your own food (the BBQ itself, sauces and possibility to buy drinks at the bar will be provided by OCC). If everybody brings enough food for himself, we can share between us.


Confirmed (max. of 49 participants)

  1. Remco Wendt (Maykin Media) BBQ: Yes

  2. skrat (Floorplanner) BBQ: Yes

  3. Kashi BBQ:Yes

PUN/OCC170710 (last edited 2010-07-17 16:30:39 by dhcp-077-251-015-190)

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