Revision 22 as of 2011-10-19 15:31:33

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The next PUN will be held on Thursday October 20th 2011 at the IJ kantine in Amsterdam. The venue is sponsored by

We start at 19:30.


If you plan on joining, put yourself on visitor list down below to give everybody an idea of how many people are coming and who.

Note: you're free to come in any case, registering is just to get a rough idea on the amount of people.



  1. Jan-Jaap Driessen
  2. Steve Alexander
  3. Boaz Leskes
  4. Frank Niessink
  5. Ivo van der Wijk

  6. Remco Wendt, Maykin Media

  7. Maurits van Rees, Zest Software

  8. Jasper Spaans, Fox-IT

  9. Zaheer Soebhan
  10. Joël Cox

  11. Chris Wesseling (CWI)

  12. Mark van Lent, Edition1

  13. Vincent Pretre, Zest Software

  14. Tikitu de Jager, Buzzcapture

  15. Sylvain Viollon, Infrae
  16. Jan-Wijbrand Kolman,

Unfortunately not coming

  1. definitely not you!


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