Out of print books.

Out of print Python books.

All books in this category are out of print. They may contain outdated information and are listed here only for historical reference.

{i} Ordered by publication date.

Internet Programming with Python

Internet Programming width Python book cover

This was the very first Python book to be published.

Links: Pythonpros (The Wayback Machine) , FSB Associates (The Wayback Machine) ,Chapter 1 (The Wayback Machine) , Linux Journal review

Programming Python (1st edition)

Programming Python 1st edition book cover

Links: O'Reilly's webpage , Mark Lutz's webpage , foreword by Guido van Rossum

Python Pocket Reference (1st edition)

Python Pocket Reference 1st edition book cover

Links: O'Reilly's webpage , Mark Lutz's webpage

Learning Python (1st edition)

Learning Python 1st edition book cover

Links: O'Reilly's webpage , Mark Lutz's webpage

Python Annotated Archives

Python Annotated Archives book cover

Programming with Python

Programming with Python book cover

Python Essential Reference (1st edition)

Links: David Beazley's webpage , Pearson webpage

The Quick Python Book

Links: Manning's webpage

Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours (1st edition)

This book's primary aim is to teach programming using Python as the language. Readers don't need previous programming experience.

Links: Ivan van Laningham's webpage Pearson webpage

Core Python Programming (1st edition)

Links: Pearson's webpage , Wesley Chun's webpage , Chapter 1 (PDF) , Linux Journal book review

Programming Python (2nd edition)

Links: O'Reilly's webpage , Mark Lutz's webpage , Foreword by Guido van Rossum , Google Books

Python Essential Reference (2nd edition)

Links: David Beazley's webpage Pearson webpage , Google books

Perl to Python Migration

"Are you a Perl programmer who would like to be able to program in Python? Brimming with a wealth of practical examples and resources, this book will show you how."

Links: Pearson Editorial , Martin C. Brown Web page (The Wayback Machine)

Python Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)

Links: O'Reilly's webpage , Google books

Python Programming Patterns

Links: Pearson webpage

OutOfPrintBooks (last edited 2015-01-14 22:21:04 by LuisdelaOrden)

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