Matplotlib Sprint
We'll be doing a sprint starting around 10AM on matplotlib. There aren't a fixed set of topics yet, but please joing a discussion on matplotlib-users or matplotlib-devel if you have some specific ideas, or just add it to the wiki.
We have a list of official goals at page and we could try to pick off as many of these as possible. Here are some things of particular interest to me (John Hunter)
Topic ideas
- contribute to the user's guide
- support arbitrary clipping paths
- gradient fills for polygons
- provide mathtext fonts that don't have the licensing restrictions
- of bakoma, eg the umbellek fonts
- unicode support / internationalization
- expose latex/tex when available for mathtext rendering
- expose agg drawing primitives (paths, etc) directly.
- mapping and projection utilities
- pygtk/matplotlib/ipython integration: build a gtk widget to embed as a shell in gtk apps
- bonus marks, do it in a way that is backend independent.
- provide an extension code method to blit the agg canvas to wx for wxagg
- add your favorite plot type!
John Hunter <>
- John Gill
- Michael Twomey