Revision 13 as of 2007-08-20 08:39:49

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The idea of connecting Python developers on [ LinkedIn] originated in a message sent by Tennessee Leeuwenburg to the python advocacy mailing list. Here are Tennessee's words:

"One way to help spread Python would be to have a strong presence of Python developers in various online networks. One that springs to mind is [ LinkedIn], a job related social networking site.

If we could encourage Python developers to start adding each other to their [ LinkedIn] network, then we shoud be able to create a well-connected developer network with business and industry contacts. This should benefit everyone -- both people looking for Python developers, and also people looking for work."

Here is a list of Python developers who have a presence on [ LinkedIn]:

If you are a Python developer with a [ LinkedIn] profile, please add yourself to the list and invite the other people on the list into your connection network.

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