Revision 1 as of 2005-11-09 03:21:33

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Hi, my name is Jon Rosen. I am the Manager of Software Testing and Support for Coral8, Inc. (, which is just about to release a cool new product that provides high performance stream/event/message processing and analysis using a language like SQL called CCL. Sorry, its not open source, although it will be available for free downloads to any developer who is interested starting mid-next week.

We are using Python to power our test automation framework. We use SQLObject layered on MySQLdb which has provided us with really amazing productivity improvements over lower-level database access. Based on the experiences I've had, I am working on convincing the company to provide a Python SDK for our main product.

This will be my first PyCon and I am looking forward to it. BTW, "hello to Patrick". (He should know who this is ;-)

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