The Python intermediate's guide: Python packages confusion reducer
This page assumes
- that you are an experienced software developer, but fairly new to Python,
that you have mastered enough of Python's language constructs and standard library ("core packages") to have ventured beyond these into the wider world of Python extension packages, and
- that you were confused by what you found.
The aim of this page is to reduce this confusion in a few important spots.
Some recurring sources of such confusion are these:
Outdated information on Q&A sites (Python has a long history!)
Many packages have names different from that of the namespace you will import when you use them
- Some closely related packages have widely different names
- Too many packages to choose from for the same purpose
- Understatement: Many packages with zero-point-something version numbers have been stable and mature for years
Disclaimer: The primary author of this page is a Python intermediate himself. If an expert could check/correct the statements and then remove this message, that would be most helpful. If this message is still present, beware of errors.
Python3 versus Python2
You should use Python 3 going forward. As of January 2020 Python 2 will be in EOL (End Of Life) status and receive no further official support. After that date, there will be no further updates nor bugfixes. Since this end-of-life date has been planned for nearly a decade (the first end-of-life date was slated to happen in 2014, and was pushed back to 2020), and nearly all popular libraries have already ported their code, Python 2.x is well on its way to obsolescence. As such, we can only recommend learning and using Python 3.
Package installation
PyPI is for Python what CPAN is for Perl and what CTAN is for TeX: an almost comprehensive catalog of the freely available reusable components.
For downloading and installing PyPI packages and keeping a set of such installations up to date, pip is far more powerful than easy_install and should almost always be preferred.
Multiple isolated Python environments
By default, packages are installed into the local Python installation. They become a part of it and will be available to any Python program on that computer. This can become inconvenient: Sometimes you need different versions of a package for different applications or a certain package must not be available for some.
One could avoid this by installing packages elsewhere and manipulating the PYTHONPATH environment variable appropriately, but this is inconvenient as well, because packages often depend on many other packages and so this approach can produce immense confustion and giant PYTHONPATH lists.
A virtual environment behaves like a copy of the Python installation's directory tree (with or without the site-packages subtree). One can have a separate virtual environment for each project or application to isolate them from each other and install only the required packages into each.
venv implements virtual environments for Python3. It is a core package and technically subtly superior to virtualenv.
You should use a virtual environment for any team project and for any package you intend to distribute.
Creating a package installer or application installer
Since Python 2.0, there is a convention that any reusable package or distributable application should have a top level file that implements a command line tool for installation and configuration. This file will
- declare the metadata of the package (name, version, etc.)
- declare the constituent parts of the package (pure Python modules,
- extension modules in some other language, data files, etc.)
- declare the dependencies of the package:
- other python packages that must be installed (and the required versions) and other binary libraries required for linking the extension modules after those have been compiled
See the documentation of distutils from the standard library. Distutils will not only make easy to write, it will also provide it with functionality for creating the distributable package file in the first place.
In contrast to some other platforms it is common in Python that neither a reusable package nor a distributable application come packaged with all the additional reusable packages they depend on. Rather, the dependencies are only declared in and an installer program such as pip will download and install additional packages (that are yet missing or the version of which is inappropriate) automatically.
Confusingly, there are multiple frameworks that are used to support
distutils is a core package (i.e., part of the standard library). Usage: import distutils
setuptools is an extension package to extend distutils. Usage: import setuptools
distribute was forked off the setuptools project. Usage is also import setuptools
distutils2 was forked off the distribute project (by the same team) with the intention to create what could eventually become a new core package, but was later abandoned.
distribute was merged back into setuptools.
distlib is an alternative attempt towards a new core package.
bento is an independent alternative framework.
So what should you use? First, be aware that many packages on PyPI will import setuptools}, so you need to have {{{setuptools or distribute installed in any case. Second, for an up-to-date answer for your own development, see the summary on stackoverflow and the Python Packaging User Guide recommendation.
GUI programming
There is a surprising range of toolkits for building desktop GUIs with Python. One of them, tkinter, is a core package consisting of Python bindings for TCL/TK's tk plus additional widgets (in tkinter.ttk and tkinter.tix). tkinter is platform-independent and easy to program for simple GUIs.
For larger applications, you might prefer a more extensive GUI toolkit.
Web development
There is a surprising range of frameworks for building web applications with Python. Several of them are quite good. They follow fairly different objectives (such as being slim vs. extensive or regarding the development style they imply). Among these, Django has the largest and most active community by far.
Object-relational mapping
There are at least two mature, powerful, and widely used solutions for O/R mapping:
Django's persistence framework
Although Django is a web development framework, some people also use it for non-web software in order to make use of its persistence framework.