Moin Wiki Syntax
Headings and table of contents
see: HelpOnHeadlines
Table of contents: <<TableOfContents()>> Table of contents (up to 2nd level headings only): <<TableOfContents(2)>> = heading 1st level = == heading 2nd level == === heading 3rd level === ==== heading 4th level ==== ===== heading 5th level ===== ====== no heading 6th level ======
Table of contents:
Table of contents (up to 2nd level headings only):
heading 1st level
heading 2nd level
heading 3rd level
heading 4th level
heading 5th level
no heading 6th level
Text Formatting
see: HelpOnFormatting
Markup |
Result |
''italic'' |
italic |
'''bold''' |
bold |
`monospace` |
monospace |
{{{code}}} |
code |
__underline__ |
underline |
^super^script |
superscript |
,,sub,,script |
subscript |
~-smaller-~ |
smaller |
~+larger+~ |
larger |
--(stroke)-- |
stroke |
see: HelpOnLinking
Internal Links
Markup |
Result |
FrontPage |
[[FrontPage]] |
HelpOnEditing/SubPages |
/SubPage |
../SiblingPage |
[[FrontPage|named link]] |
[[#anchorname]] |
[[#anchorname|description]] |
[[PageName#anchorname]] |
[[PageName#anchorname|description]] |
[[attachment:filename.txt]] |
External Links
Markup |
Result | |
[[]] |
[[|MoinMoin Wiki]] |
[[]] |
{{}} |
[[|moinmoin.png]] |
MeatBall:InterWiki |
[MeatBall:InterWiki|InterWiki page on MeatBall]] |
[[file://///server/share/filename%20with%20spaces.txt|link to filename.txt]] |
| |
Avoid or Limit Automatic Linking
Markup |
Result |
Wiki''''''Name |
WikiName |
Wiki``Name |
WikiName |
!WikiName |
WikiName |
WikiName''''''s |
WikiName``s |
`` | |
[[]]notlinked | |
see: HelpOnDrawings
Blockquotes and Indentations
indented text text indented to the 2nd level
- indented text
- text indented to the 2nd level
see: HelpOnLists
Unordered Lists
* item 1 * item 2 (preceding white space) * item 2.1 * item 2.1.1 * item 3 . item 3.1 (bulletless) . item 4 (bulletless) * item 4.1 . item 4.1.1 (bulletless)
- item 1
- item 2 (preceding white space)
- item 2.1
- item 2.1.1
- item 2.1
- item 3
- item 3.1 (bulletless)
- item 4 (bulletless)
- item 4.1
- item 4.1.1 (bulletless)
- item 4.1
Ordered Lists
with Numbers
1. item 1 1. item 1.1 1. item 1.2 1. item 2
- item 1
- item 1.1
- item 1.2
- item 2
with Roman Numbers
I. item 1 i. item 1.1 i. item 1.2 I. item 2
- item 1
- item 1.1
- item 1.2
- item 2
with Letters
A. item A a. item A. a) a. item A. b) A. item B
- item A
- item A. a)
- item A. b)
- item B
Definition Lists
term:: definition object:: :: description 1 :: description 2
- term
- definition
- object
- description 1
- description 2
Horizontal Rules
see: HelpOnRules
---- ----- ------ ------- -------- --------- ----------
see: HelpOnTables
||'''A'''||'''B'''||'''C'''|| ||1 ||2 ||3 ||
A |
B |
C |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Cell Width
||minimal width ||<99%>maximal width ||
minimal width |
maximal width |
Spanning Rows and Columns
||<|2> cell spanning 2 rows ||cell in the 2nd column || ||cell in the 2nd column of the 2nd row || ||<-2> cell spanning 2 columns || ||||use empty cells as a shorthand ||
cell spanning 2 rows |
cell in the 2nd column |
cell in the 2nd column of the 2nd row |
cell spanning 2 columns |
use empty cells as a shorthand |
Alignment of Cell Contents
||<^|3> top (combined) ||<:99%> center (combined) ||<v|3> bottom (combined) || ||<)> right || ||<(> left ||
top (combined) |
center (combined) |
bottom (combined) |
right |
left |
Coloured Table Cells
||<#0000FF> blue ||<#00FF00> green ||<#FF0000> red || ||<#00FFFF> cyan ||<#FF00FF> magenta ||<#FFFF00> yellow ||
blue |
green |
red |
cyan |
magenta |
yellow |
HTML-like Options for Tables
||A ||<rowspan="2"> like <|2> || ||<bgcolor="#00FF00"> like <#00FF00> || ||<colspan="2"> like <-2>||
A |
like <|2> |
like <#00FF00> |
like <-2> |
Macros and Variables
see: HelpOnMacros
<<Anchor(anchorname)>> inserts a link anchor anchorname
<<BR>> inserts a hard line break
<<FootNote(Note)>> inserts a footnote saying Note
<<Include(HelpOnMacros/Include)>> inserts the contents of the page HelpOnMacros/Include inline
<<MailTo(user AT example DOT com)>> obfuscates the email address to users not logged in
see: HelpOnVariables
@SIG@ inserts your login name and timestamp of modification
@TIME@ inserts date and time of modification
Smileys and Icons
see: HelpOnSmileys
see: HelpOnParsers
Verbatim Display
{{{ def hello(): print "Hello World!" }}}
def hello(): print "Hello World!"
Syntax Highlighting
{{{#!highlight python def hello(): print "Hello World!" }}}
1 def hello():
2 print "Hello World!"
Using the wiki parser with css classes
{{{#!wiki red/solid This is wiki markup in a '''div''' with __css__ `class="red solid"`. }}}
This is wiki markup in a div with css class="red solid".
see: HelpOnAdmonitions
{{{#!wiki caution '''Don't overuse admonitions''' Admonitions should be used with care. A page riddled with admonitions will look restless and will be harder to follow than a page where admonitions are used sparingly. }}}
Don't overuse admonitions
Admonitions should be used with care. A page riddled with admonitions will look restless and will be harder to follow than a page where admonitions are used sparingly.
see: HelpOnComments
Click on "Comments" in edit bar to toggle the /* comments */ visibility.
Click on "Comments" in edit bar to toggle the
visibility.{{{#!wiki comment/dashed This is a wiki parser section with class "comment dashed" (see HelpOnParsers). Its visibility gets toggled the same way. }}}
This is a wiki parser section with class "comment dashed" (see HelpOnParsers).
Its visibility gets toggled the same way.