Making Games with Python & Pygame
- Al Sweigart
1469901730, CreateSpace, 366 pages (January 2012)
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition
- Al Sweigart
0982106017, Al Sweigart, 438 pages (May 2010)
Game Programming With Python 1
- Sean Riley
1584502584, Charles River Media, 470 pages (October 2003).
Game Programming With Python, Lua, and Ruby
- Tom Gutschmidt
1592000770, Premier Press, 500 pages (December 2003)
Game Programming - the L Line
- Andy Harris
0470068221, Wiley, 570 pages (February 2007)
Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame: from Novice to Professional
Will McGugan
1590598725, Apress, 344 pages (October 2007)