Fatemeh Tarashi Kashani

About Me

I am a passionate python developer with a profound interest in mathematics and computational algebraic geometry. Additionally, I enjoy playing and analyzing Othello board games. My Python journey embarked in 2012, heralding an exhilarating adventure in programming. By 2013, my engagement with the Tehran Python Users Group (TehPUG) deepened, where I now play a pivotal role in organizing and facilitating TehPUG events.

Join the TehPUG Community

If you are in Tehran or planning a visit and have a keen interest in Python, we would love to hear from you! Our community welcomes everyone, from those looking to make presentations to those eager to participate in friendly discussions. Your enthusiasm for Python and coding is what we cherish most.

Stay Updated on Events: To keep abreast of our events and gatherings, consider joining our mailing list. This is a great way to stay informed and connect with fellow Python enthusiasts in Tehran. TehPUG Mailing List

If you have any questions or need help coordinating your participation, please feel free to reach out.

Email : tarashikashanifatemeh[@]gmail[.]com

I am always open to discussions and looking forward to making your acquaintance and exploring the vast possibilities Python and our community have to offer.


FatemehTarashi (last edited 2024-03-23 19:47:19 by FatemehTarashi)

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