Our first meeting will be held on the evening (19:30 to around 22:30) of Wednesday 17 February 2010, in the ABC Treehouse in Amsterdam. If you are going to attend, please confirm by leaving your name here. Thank you very much!
30 min - "Django-piston - creating restful/resource oriented webservices using Django" - Remco Wendt (Maykin Media) (download presentation)
5 min - "Work in Progress: The Arcade - autodeploying Django apps directly from Mercurial" - Vincent Hillenbrink (download presentation)
5 min - "Using Django to combat HIV/AIDS in Africa" - Simon de Haan TxtAlert
5 min - "Deploying Django from a syadmin perspective" - Gijs Molenaar (download presentation)
- break
30 min - "Management dashboards with Django" - Alex de Landgraaf (download presentation)
5 min - "Logging is good for you - and everyone else" - Joeri Bekker (Maykin Media) (download presentation or go to django-logdb on Github)
5 min - "Django and frontend goodness" - Dennis Bunskoek
5 min - "Your presentation" - You?
Ideas for the Meeting
If you already know of anything interesting for your fellow djangonauts to talk about, or have cool ideas for a meetup. Put them down here.
- Export to Excel, the easy way (Lightning, Wim Feijen)
- Ron van der Vegt
- Todd Matsumoto
- Dominik Bartkowski
- Dennis Kaarsemaker
- Hans Brinkman
- Jetze Sikkema
- Christo Butcher
- Marijn Vriens
- Stephan Preeker
- Thijs Coenen
- Dave de Fijter
- Thierry Schellenbach
- duy
- calamar
Unconfirmed, (confirmed for Thursday, but meeting has moved to Wednesday)
- Jauco Noordzij
- Danielle Strijdhaftig
- Vincent Pretre
- Wijnand Modderman
- Jeroen Dekkers
- Dominik Bartkowski
ReinoutVanRees kan niet op die woensdag.
- Tatiana de la O
- Christo Buschek