Distutils requires that you manually specify each package to be included in the distribution. For packages with large and deep sub-package hierarchies it can be a pain to keep this list in sync with the code, particularly as forgetting an entry is not noticable until a user happens to report that an entire sub-package is missing.
Use an automatic sub-package scanning mechanism to generate the package_dir and packages parameters for setup:
import os def is_package(path): return ( os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, '')) ) def find_packages(path, base="" ): """ Find all packages in path """ packages = {} for item in os.listdir(path): dir = os.path.join(path, item) if is_package( dir ): if base: module_name = "%(base)s.%(item)s" % vars() else: module_name = item packages[module_name] = dir packages.update(find_packages(dir, module_name)) return packages
Then call find_packages to get the set of packages to be included (note that this call assumes that the packages are sub-directories of the directory where resides).
packages = find_packages(".")
Then use packages as the source within your call to setup:
setup ( name = "pytable", package_dir = packages, #... packages = packages.keys(), **extra_arguments )
You can see a real-world usage example in the PyTable setup script
There should be some way to do this with distutils own machinery, I just don't know what it would be.
Idea: Giving “packages=['egg', 'ham']” should be enough for Distutils2 to include the egg and ham packages and their subpackages, using a function similar to Setuptools/Distribute find_package (or the one written here). merwok