setuptools does many things. Breaking that down into different areas will allow people to contribute to a smaller chunk that they feel familiar with and excited about.
Note! This is the early stages of this. Feel free to brainstorm or organize at will. |
This is the metadata about the package that's stored in the egg
- Enhance metadata with an API/ABI version (ABI would mean, changes to file formats and such)
- Storage of metadata and data with the same API is not great as there's different storage requirements for each.
- API for extracting the metadata?
- Script interface to do the same
egg format
This is the format of metadata + code + data that is zipped up into an egg.
pkg_resources: Library Dependency Manager
This is the functionality that loads libraries of certain versions and runs them,
- Be able to both control version choices programmatically and have a default version
- Properly handle overlapping dependencies
pkg_resources: Resource Manager
Allow code to import data from an unknown and variable location on the disk.
Ability to retrieve data from outside of the Module (EggTranslations)
- General data store
- Ability to access data in different locations per platform and install method
Tool that downloads and installs all the dependencies of a package
Tool that makes building and installing from source easier
- Able to install to FHS locations or build eggs as desired
- bdist_* and install should all be terminal targets. bdist_*, for instance, should not depend on install having been run first.