Python users who are new to Unicode sometimes are attracted by default encoding returned by sys.getdefaultencoding(). The first thing you should know about default encoding is that you don't need to care about it. Its value should be 'ascii' and it is used when converting byte strings StrIsNotAString to unicode strings. As in this example:

Toggle line numbers
   1 a = "abc" + u"bcd"

When you concatenate byte string "abc" with unicode string u"bcd" Python will first convert "abc" into u"abc" by calling "abc".decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()). If you put non-ascii characters into byte string then .decode(sys.getdefaultencoding()) method will fail with UnicodeDecodeError, therefore byte strings should not contain non-ascii characters. In Python3.0 sys.getdefaultencoding will be removed.


DefaultEncoding (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:50 by localhost)

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