Nat Dunn
A free Django course with videos based on the Django Software Foundations official tutorial.
- Learn to install the latest version of Django in a virtual environment.
- Create your first single-app Django project.
- Learn to use models to create and modify the database for your app.
- Learn to work with your app via the API at the interactive shell.
- Learn to create views and configure URLs.
- Learn to create and process forms.
- Learn how to quickly created list and detail views using Django's class-based views and templating system.
- Learn to write automated tests to prevent errors down the road.
- Learn to add static content (e.g., images and CSS) to your website.
- Discover the awesomeness of Django admin - Django's built-in admin site.
Regression Modeling with Statistics and Machine Learning in Python [Video]
Minerva Singh
9781839215346 Packt Course Length: 6 hours 8 minutes (31 Dec 2019)
Video Overview:
This course is your one-shot guide to statistical and machine learning analysis. This course will teach you regression analysis (for both statistical data analysis and machine learning) in Python—all in a practical, hands-on way.
Specifically, the course will:
• Take you from a basic level of statistical knowledge to a level where you can perform some of the most common advanced regression analysis-based techniques
• Equip you to use Python to perform various statistical and machine learning data analysis tasks
• Introduce you in a hands-on way to some of the most important statistical and machine learning concepts, so you can apply them to practical data analysis and interpretation
You will get a strong background in some of the most important statistical and machine learning concepts and their applications in regression analysis. You will be able to decide which regression analysis techniques are best suited for answering your research questions and most applicable to your data; then you'll interpret the results.
This is a practical, hands-on course—we spend time dealing with some theoretical concepts related to both statistical and machine learning regression analysis.
All the codes and supporting files for this course are available at -
Project-Based Python Programming For Kids and Beginners [Video]
Minerva Singh
9781800204782 Packt Course Length: 5 hours 0 minutes (31 Dec 2019)
Video Overview:
Coding for beginners and kids is now made exciting and easy. Learn to code fun games, graphics and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python, one of the most powerful programming languages known for its speed, flexibility, and ease-of-use. The Python coding language integrates well with other platforms and runs on almost all modern devices. This OSI-approved open-source language allows free use and distribution (including commercial distribution).
This course helps you delve into the graphics and UX (user experience) aspects of Python. You’ll get up to speed with this computer language in a hands-on manner by drawing shapes, coding a simple game, and designing GUIs (graphical user interfaces), including a functional GUI for a temperature converter app. The course will also guide you through analyzing scientific and statistical data. As you advance, you’ll get to grips with developing educational software. In addition to this, you’ll gain comprehensive insights into accessing and organizing databases, along with understanding how to manage networks.
By the end of this course, you will be well-versed with using not only Python 2 but Python 3 as well for designing immersive games and developing interactive applications and websites.
All the codes and supporting files for this course are available at -
PyTorch Bootcamp for Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning Applications
Minerva Singh
ISBN 13: 9781839218897 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 15 minutes (Dec 2019)
Video Overview:
Hands-on PyTorch boot camp for Artificial Intelligence applications with artificial neural networks and deep learning
Master the latest and hottest deep learning frameworks (PyTorch) for Python data science
This course is your complete guide to practical machine learning and deep learning using the PyTorch framework in Python and covers the important aspects of PyTorch. If you take this course, you'll have no need to take other courses or buy books on PyTorch.
In this age of big data, companies across the Globe use Python to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal; the advent of frameworks such as PyTorch is revolutionizing deep learning.
By gaining proficiency in PyTorch, you can give your company a competitive edge and take your career to the next level.
Functional Programming in Python
Martin McBride
ISBN 13: 9781800200661 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 16 minutes (28 Nov 2019)
Video Overview:
Learn functional programming concepts and techniques to build Python applications
Python supports four programming paradigms – imperative, procedural, object-oriented, and functional. Of these, functional programming is probably the least understood and the least used. This book covers several topics that are directly and indirectly related to functional programming.
With this book, you’ll have all the knowledge you need for developing your applications with functional programming in Python.
Migrating from R to Python for Data Analysis
Rajat Jatana
ISBN 13: 9781838643690 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 57 minutes (31 Oct 2019)
Video Overview:
Migrate from R to Python to perform effective data analysis
R has been the go-to language in data science for the last decade. However, given the latest developments and enhancements in Python's capabilities and its numerous supportive libraries, Python has dethroned R and is the first choice for data science enthusiasts, especially those working on descriptive and prescriptive analytics.
With this course, you will be familiar with Python functions and will be able to transform your R code into Python with far fewer lines of code, better performance, and increased speed.
Python 3 For Offensive PenTest: A Complete Practical Course [Video]
Hussam Khrais
ISBN 13: 9781839212109 Packt Course Length: 4 hours 49 minutes (18 Oct 2019)
Video Overview:
Learn to use Python for ethical hacking and penetration testing.
Assume your target is running unpatched Windows XP, Anti-Virus is disabled, the firewall is turned off, IPS is not in place then you may (or not) get into a system! Does that sound like a real-world penetration test for you?
If you have ever attended an ethical hacking course that teaches you how to use some tools and how to click on some buttons, then you probably already know that being an advanced hacker needs more knowledge than clicking a few buttons as most of these tools will fail in a real-world scenario.
Whether you get bored from theory and basic courses which repeat the same tools and techniques over and over again and fail to teach you how to hack into even insecure systems, or you want to push your skills from beginner to the next level, then you have come to the right place!
There are quite a lot of people who call themselves hackers but, few have the solid skills to fit the definition, when other's tools fail, writing your own makes you a true hacker.
All the code files are placed at
Python 3: Project-based Python, Algorithms, Data Structures [Video]
Mashrur Hossain
ISBN 13: 9781839216510 Packt Course Length: 14 hours 29 minutes (27 Sep 2019)
Video Overview:
Learn to program with Python 3, visualize algorithms and data structures, and implement them in Python projects
This course is one of the most comprehensive and beginner-friendly courses on learning to code with Python—one of the top programming languages in the World—and using it to build algorithms and data structures with projects from scratch.
We will walk you step-by-step through the fascinating world of Python programming using visualizations of programs as they execute, algorithms as they run, and data structures as they are constructed. Nothing is left to the imagination; you'll see it all and then build it all.
Since it caters to a broad spectrum of students, the course is split into two parts: part 1 focusing on the Python programming language and part 2 focusing on Algorithms, data structures, performance analysis, and larger-scale projects.
Part 1: Python and programming fundamentals
• Text - Strings
• Numbers - ints and floats
• Execution flow control - branching with if/elif/else
• Compound data types - lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets
• Iterables and iteration with generators, for and while loops, and more!
• Functions, execution context and frames, and building custom functions
• List comprehension
• Lambda expressions
• Generators and creating your own generators with yield
• Objects and building classes, methods, and special methods
• Reading from and writing to files using context managers
• Visualization with each topic and more!
Part 2: Algorithms, Data Structures, and Performance Analysis
• Sorting algorithms (basic) - bubble sort, selection sort, and insertion sort
• Sorting algorithms (advanced) - merge sort and quick sort
• Big O notation, complexity analysis, divide and conquer, and math visualizations
• Recursion in-depth with examples
• Searching algorithms - bisection search and hashing
• Data structures with linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and binary search trees
• Operations with data structures - insert, search, update, and delete
• Multiple projects with increasing levels of complexity to tie concepts together
• Visualizations of all algorithms, data structure, operations, and more!
All the codes and supporting files for this course are available at -
Python Programming For Everyone [Video]
John Elder
ISBN 13: 9781839214387 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 58 minutes (27 Sep 2019)
Video Overview:
Learn Python 3 programming fast!
In this course, you'll learn the Python 3 programming language from an absolute beginner level all the way to advanced—in no time at all!
This course is aimed at absolute beginners; you don't need any coding experience at all!
We'll start out by setting downloading and installing Python and the Sublime Text Editor—both for free. This will give you all the tools you need to start writing and running Python code.
Then, we'll delve into fundamental computer science concepts, such as:
• Printing to the screen
• String Manipulation
• Variables
• Data types (lists, tuples, dictionaries and more)
• Simple math
• Comparison operators
• Assignment operators
After that, we move on to more intermediate topics such as:
• Conditional if/else statements
• While loops
• For loops
• Fizzbuzz
Finally, we finish up with more advanced topics such as:
• Functions
• Modules
• Classes
Python is one of the greatest programming languages and learning it has never been this easy!
All the codes and supporting files for this course are available at -
Python and PHP Programming Bundle [Video]
John Elder
ISBN 13: 9781839215612 Packt Course Length: 7 hours 49 minutes (26 Sep 2019)
Video Overview:
Learn Python programming and PHP for web development—fast! Become a software engineer, coder, hacker, or web developer
In this course, you'll learn the Python 3 and the PHP programming languages from absolute beginner to advanced in no time at all!
This course is aimed at absolute beginners; you don't need any coding experience at all!
We'll start by downloading and installing Python and the Sublime Text Editor—both for free. This will give you all the tools you need to start writing and running Python code.
For PHP, we'll use a free online development environment so that we can learn web development concepts. Then, we'll delve into very basic computer science concepts, such as:
• String manipulation
• Printing to the screen
• Simple math
• Variables
• Data types (lists, tuples, dictionaries, and more)
• Assignment operators
• Comparison operators
After that, we'll move on to more intermediate topics such as:
• While Loops
• For Loops
• Conditional If/Else Statements
• Fizzbuzz
Finally, we'll finish up with more advanced topics such as:
• Modules
• Functions
• Classes
You'll learn all these features for both Python and PHP. You'll start with Python, and then move over to PHP in the second half of the course. Python and PHP are two of the greatest programming languages, and learning them has never been this easy!
All the code files are placed at -
Python and Ruby Programming Bundle [Video]
John Elder
ISBN 13: 9781839219986 Packt Course Length:3 hours 46 minutes (26 Sep 2019)
Video Overview:
Python programming and Ruby coding are popular for a reason! Become a software coder, web developer, or hacker today
In this course, you'll learn the Python 3 programming language and the Ruby programming language from an absolute beginner level to advanced—in no time at all! This course targets absolute beginners; you don't need any coding experience at all!
We start by setting up, downloading, and installing Python and the Sublime Text Editor—both for free. This will give you all the tools you need to start writing and running Python code.
For Ruby, we'll use a free online development environment (or you can download Ruby yourself onto your computer).
Then, we'll delve into very basic computer science concepts, such as:
• Printing to the screen
• String manipulation
• Variables
• Data types (lists, tuples, dictionaries and more)
• Simple math
• Comparison operators
• Assignment operators
After that, we'll move on to more intermediate topics such as:
• Conditional if/else statements
• While loops
• For loops
• Fizzbuzz
Finally, we'll finish up with more advanced topics like:
• Functions
• Modules
• Classes
You'll learn all these things for both Python and Ruby. We start with Python, and then on to Ruby in the second half of the course.
Python GUI Programming - Building a Desktop Application with Tkinter and SQLite [Video]
Shubham Sarda
ISBN 13: 9781839211607 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 41 minutes (13 Sep 2019)
Video Overview:
Implement a hands-on Python GUI project: Build a Cryptocurrency portfolio app with Python, Tkinter, SQLite3, and the CoinMarketCap API.
Welcome to Python GUI Programming – Building Desktop Applications with Tkinter and SQLite
This course will help you build a Python GUI application step-by-step with Tkinter, SQLite. and the free CoinMarketCap API. Throughout the course, you will learn more about Python and Tkinter, including:
• Understanding API nd its usage.
• Extracting cryptocurrency coin data and working with it.
• Building portfolio logic on the command line then focusing on the GUI
• Getting started with Tkinter and Python GUI
• Merging your command-line application with Tkinter and completing version.
• Converting application to an executable .exe app.
• Understanding the basics of SQLite3 with Python.
This course integrates all the aspects you need to get you on the road to becoming a successful Tkinter developer with proper live practical exercises and walk-throughs that take you from the basics to advanced use.
After completing this course, you will be ready to expand your knowledge of Tkinter and Python.
All the codes and supporting files for this course are available at:
Python for Beginners with Examples
Ardit Sulce
ISBN 13: 9781838982294 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 53 minutes (10 Jul 2019)
Video Overview:
A straight-to-the-point Python course to quickly get you started with writing Python code and creating Python programs.
This Python course will get you up and running with Python very quickly saving you time spent googling for video tutorials, exercises and examples. The course is ideal for those who haven't programmed before, but it also works for experienced programmers who want to learn Python as long as they don't get offended by a bit of extra explanations of programming concepts. You will start from scratch by learning all Python fundamentals and slowly progressing into more advanced Python third-party libraries and by the end of the course you will know how to write Python programs. You will actually build your a real Python program that has a graphical user interface (GUI) built with Python. As a bonus you will also learn how to convert that program into an executable that runs both on Windows and Mac as a standalone program so that you can give your program to anyone. The course also guides you on how to go about building even more advanced programs with Python. You will learn how to use Python third-party libraries for building programs in a wide range of application areas. This is not simply a tutorial. The content of the course consists of a mix of video lectures, quizzes, exercises, and discussions with the instructor and the fellow students giving you a complete package to help you become a professional Python programmer. All the code and supporting files for this course are available at -
Python GUI Programming - Building a Desktop Application with Tkinter and SQLite
Shubham Sarda
ISBN 13: 9781839211607 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 41 minutes (13 Sep 2019)
Video Overview:
Implement a hands-on Python GUI project: Build a Cryptocurrency portfolio app with Python, Tkinter, SQLite3, and the CoinMarketCap API.
This course integrates all the aspects you need to get you on the road to becoming a successful Tkinter developer with proper live practical exercises and walk-throughs that take you from the basics to advanced use.
With this course, you will be ready to expand your knowledge of Tkinter and Python.
Build a User Authentication Web App with Python and Django
John Elder
ISBN 13: 9781838984007 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 9 minutes (29 May 2019)
Video Overview:
Learn to create a user authentication system in Django to register users, login, log out, edit profiles, and more!
Django and Python can seem overwhelming at first, but they don't have to be! In this course, I'll walk you through them step-by-step and you'll be building your first web app in MINUTES. You'll be amazed how quick and easy it is to create very professional looking websites, even if you have no programming or web design experience at all.
By the time we're finished, you'll have a solid understanding of Django and how to use it to build awesome web apps.
Hands-On Python Regular Expressions
Rohan Almeida
ISBN 13: 9781838556693 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 30 minutes (29 May 2019)
Video Overview:
Understand regular expressions in everyone’s favorite language: Python
Do you fear regular expressions (regexes)? Do you need to ace the next interview where you will be asked about the advanced usage of regexes? Then you need this course! Regexes are a very powerful tool when you need to deal with textual data. Python offers all the advanced features of regexes such as look-arounds, quantifiers, and commenting your regexes to help your colleagues.
With this course, you will have a better understanding of all Python functions and will be able to apply regex concepts to real-life programming situations.
Hands-On Bayesian Methods with Python
James Cross, Rahul Tiwari
ISBN 13: 9781789347692 Packt Course Length: 29 May 2019 (29 May 2019)
Video Overview:
Use Bayesian analysis and Python to solve data analysis and predictive analytics problems
Bayesian methods have grown recently because of their success in solving hard data analytics problems. They are rapidly becoming a must-have in every data scientists toolkit. The course uses a hands-on method to teach you how to use Bayesian methods to solve data analytics problems in the real world. You will understand the principles of estimation, inference, and hypothesis testing using the Bayesian framework. You will also learn to use them to solve problems such as A/B testing, understanding consumer habits, risk evaluation, adjusting machine learning predictions, reliability analysis, detecting the influence of one variable over an outcome, and many others.
With this course, you will be able to apply and use Bayesian methods as part of your data analytics toolbox, thus helping you use Python to solve a majority of common statistical problems in data science.
Introduction to SQLite Databases for Python Programming
John Elder
ISBN 13: 9781838982867 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 27 minutes (28 May 2019)
Video Overview:
Master SQLite databases with Python the fast and easy way!
These days, everything uses a database, and SQLite is one of the most popular databases out there. Free and open-source, SQLite is a great database for smaller projects, hobby projects, or testing and development.
With this course, you'll build a very basic app to help reinforce all the things you learned along the way.
Build a User Authentication Web App with Python and Django
John Elder
ISBN 13: 9781838984007 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 9 minutes (29 May 2019)
Video Overview:
Learn to create a user authentication system in Django to register users, login, log out, edit profiles, and more!
Django and Python can seem overwhelming at first, but they don't have to be! In this course, I'll walk you through them step-by-step and you'll be building your first web app in MINUTES. You'll be amazed how quick and easy it is to create very professional looking websites, even if you have no programming or web design experience at all.
With this course you'll have a solid understanding of Django and how to use it to build awesome web apps.
Building Recommendation Systems with Python
Eric Rodríguez
ISBN 13: 9781788991704 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 35 minutes (30 May 2019)
Video Overview:
Build real-world recommendation systems using collaborative, content-based, and hybrid filtering techniques in Python
Recommendation Engines have become an integral part of any application. For accurate recommendations, you require user information. The more data you feed to your engine, the more output it can generate – for example, a movie recommendation based on its rating, a YouTube video recommendation to a viewer, or recommending a product to a shopper online.
In this course, you'll be able to build effective online recommendation engines with Machine Learning and Python – on your own.
Getting Productive with Modern Python
Rahul Tiwari
ISBN 13: 9781788474375 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 7 minutes (30 May 2019)
Video Overview:
Bring your Python skills into the real world. Solve production issues around databases, parallelism, and deployment
Python is simple, but it isn't easy. Python emphasizes code readability, using indentation and whitespaces to create code blocks. This makes it simpler than C++ or Java, where curly braces and keywords are scattered across the code. Python is high-level, which allows programmers like you to create logic with fewer lines of code.
This course follows a problem-solution format to tackle common roadblocks in Python programming. How can we handle large datasets and files, processing them in Python efficiently? How can we address performance issues for long-running tasks?
Scalable Data Analysis in Python with Dask
Mohammed Kashif
ISBN 13: 9781789808926 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 31 minutes (30 May 2019)
Video Overview:
Build high-performance, distributed, and parallel applications in Dask
Data analysts, Machine Learning professionals, and data scientists often use tools such as Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and NumPy for data analysis on their personal computer. However, when they want to apply their analyses to larger datasets, these tools fail to scale beyond a single machine, and so the analyst is forced to rewrite their computation.
In this course, you’ll learn to scale your data analysis. Firstly, you will execute distributed data science projects right from data ingestion to data manipulation and visualization using Dask. Then, you will explore the Dask framework. After, see how Dask can be used with other common Python tools such as NumPy, Pandas, matplotlib, Scikit-learn, and more.
Python: Your First Step Toward Data Science
Rudy Lai
ISBN 13: 9781788994415 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 25 minutes ( 25 April 2019)
Video Overview:
This fast-paced, action-packed course will maximize your time; it's designed from the ground up to familiarize you with the basics of Python, so you can pursue your data science dreams. With this course, you will be up-and-running with Python Data Science in no time, helping you prove your value and expertise today and build your CV and skill set for tomorrow.
This course will get you up-to-speed with using Python, without resorting to a collection of disconnected, unrelated pieces of information. Thus, you can take the next step toward advancing your career in data science.
Python: Your First Step Toward Data Science
Rudy Lai
ISBN 13: 9781788994415 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 25 minutes ( 25 April 2019)
Video Overview:
This fast-paced, action-packed course will maximize your time; it's designed from the ground up to familiarize you with the basics of Python, so you can pursue your data science dreams. With this course, you will be up-and-running with Python Data Science in no time, helping you prove your value and expertise today and build your CV and skill set for tomorrow.
This course will get you up-to-speed with using Python, without resorting to a collection of disconnected, unrelated pieces of information. Thus, you can take the next step toward advancing your career in data science.
Dr. Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Shubhadeep Roychowdhury, Samik Sen
ISBN 13: 9781838556617 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 18 minutes (April 2019)
Video Overview:
Creating actionable data from raw sources
For data to be useful and meaningful, it must be curated and refined. Data Wrangling with Python teaches you the core ideas behind these processes and equips you with knowledge of the most popular tools and techniques in the domain.
The course starts with the absolute basics of Python, focusing mainly on data structures. It then delves into the fundamental tools of data wrangling like NumPy and Pandas libraries. You'll explore useful insights into why you should stay away from traditional ways of data cleaning, as done in other languages, and take advantage of the specialized pre-built routines in Python. This combination of Python tips and tricks will also demonstrate how to use the same Python backend and extract/transform data from an array of sources including the Internet, large database vaults, and Excel financial tables. To help you prepare for more challenging scenarios, you'll cover how to handle missing or wrong data, and reformat it based on the requirements from the downstream analytics tool. The course will further help you grasp concepts through real-world examples and datasets.
By the end of this course, you will be confident in using a diverse array of sources to extract, clean, transform, and format your data efficiently.
Python and Data Science : A Practical Guide [Video]
Eduonix, Michael Mustaine
ISBN 13: 9781838553012 Packt Course Length: 13 hours 09 minutes (March 2019)
Video Overview:
Learn Data Science and Python to do Web Scraping, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
This course is designed to teach you the basics of Python and Data Science in a practical way, so that you can acquire, test, and master your Python skills gradually.
This course is designed in a practical way to teach you the basics of Python and Data Science. A complete course packed with step-by-step instructions, working examples, and helpful advice. This course is clearly divided into small parts that will help you understand each part individually and help you learn at your own pace.
Hands-On RESTful Web Services with Java 11 {Video}
Luan Nico
ISBN 13: 9781789956153 Course Length: 9 hours 35 minutes (March 2019)
Video Overview:
This course will help you create a RESTful web service right from scratch
RESTful Web Services is a stateless client-server architecture where web services are resources and can be identified by their URIs. Implementing RESTful Web Services with Java helps to simplify the development and deployment of web services.
This course will show you how to implement a REST Web Service (API) in Java from scratch (using servlets), covering the basic concepts. By the end of this course, you will be able to efficiently create reliable and powerful Java RESTful Web Services and get a clear understanding of the process by implementing it your web apps.
Concurrent and Distributed Computing with Python {Video}
Harish Garg, Mithun Lakshmanaswamy
ISBN 13: 9781788996020 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 48 minutes (December 2018)
Video Overview:
Implement concurrency in your apps using Celery, and Pyro, and make your Python apps distributed with AWS
Facing difficulty in implementing concurrent and multithreaded programs in your Python applications? Is this preventing you from implementing efficient code in your apps and benefiting from multiprocessing?
This course will help you resolve these difficulties. You will start by exploring the basic concepts of concurrency and distributed computing, and you'll learn which Python libraries are relevant to these. You will not only learn to see Celery as a way to build-in concurrency into your apps, but also Pyro as an alternative to Celery. You will create processes and manage processes along with interprocess communication; combine coroutines with threads and processes; practice the management of process pools; implement asynchronous tasks/job queues using AsyncResult and Celery backends; invoke remote methods in your Python-based code, and use these skills and concepts when working with AWS for Python.
Python Deep Learning for Beginners (Video)
Rudy Lai
ISBN 13: 9781788629942 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 39 minutes (November 2018)
Video Overview:
Apply deep learning concepts and use Python to solve challenging tasks
We avoid complex math equations, which can often be a barrier to entry for newcomers. This course will teach you to apply deep learning concepts using Python to solve challenging tasks. You'll build a Python deep learning-based image recognition system and deploy and integrate images into web apps or phone apps.
You will start out with an intuitive understanding of neural networks in general. We will guide you through the building blocks of deep learning networks to tackle complex neural networks. So, take this course and learn the skills and temperament need to enter the AI marketplace today.
Black Hat Python for Pentesters and Hackers (Video)
Sunil Gupta
ISBN 13: 9781789619874 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 51 minutes November 2018)
Video Overview:
Perform penetration testing using Python scripts
When it comes to offensive security, your ability to create powerful tools on the fly is indispensable. Python is fast becoming the programming language of choice for hackers, reverse engineers, and software testers because it's easy to write quickly, and it has the low-level support and libraries that make hackers happy. In this course, you’ll explore the darker side of Python’s capabilities—writing network sniffers, manipulating packets, infecting virtual machines, creating stealthy trojans, and more. This course starts from scratch and provides the latest tools and techniques available for Pentesting using Python scripts. We’ll show you the concepts and how to implement hacking tools and techniques such as debuggers, fuzzers, and emulators. You’ll detect sandboxing and automate com-mon malware tasks, such as keylogging and screenshotting.
You’ll be able to escalate Windows privileges with creative process control, use offensive memory forensics tricks to retrieve password hashes, and inject shellcode into a virtual machine. Later, you’ll learn to extend the popular Burp Suite web-hacking tool, abuse Windows COM automation to perform a man-in-the browser attack, and exfiltrate data from a network most sneakily. After completing this course, you’ll understand how to use Python scripts for penetration testing.
Application Development with Python and Flask (Video)
Achim Takunda Munene
ISBN 13: 9781788991575 Packt Course Length: 6 hours 7 minutes (November 2018)
Video Overview:
Dive into the world of Flask Framework in Python to build an array of simple yet powerful web applications
This course will take you through Flask Microframework; it covers all its components and elements and how to integrate it with useful third-party libraries. You will download all you need to get started with Flask development and then delve straight into the frontend and backend development stack. The course will then show you the general flow in developing a Flask application, including some extensions used by developing a simple application. You will then develop multiple applications such as note-taking, social medias, and file sharing applications.
By the end of the course, you will be able to build your own web applications using Flask in Python.
All the code and supporting files for this course are available on Github at
Python for Beginners: Learn Python Programming (Python 3)
ISBN 13: 9781789617122 Course Length 2 hours 23 minutes (October 2018)
Video Overview:
This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, complete with examples, quizzes, exercises, and more. You will learn when to use Python 2 and Python 3; both versions are covered in the course and you will learn to program in both. You'll learn how to take tedious and repetitious tasks and turn them into programs that will save you time and simplify your life on Linux, UNIX, or MAC systems. You will learn how to prepare your computer for programming in Python; how to work with various data types including strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, Booleans; how to perform mathematical operations using Python, and more.
Deep Learning Adventures with PyTorch {Video}
Jakub Konczyk
ISBN 13: 9781789138641 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 31 minutes (October 2018)
Video Overview:
Journey into the world of deep learning using PyTorch. Recognize images, translate languages, and paint unique pictures
Are you ready to go on a journey into the world of deep learning? This course will be your guide through the joys and dangers of this new wave of machine learning. Why? Because, let's face it, getting started with deep learning is difficult. Tasks such as choosing between multiple frameworks, understanding APIs, and debugging code are hard. Is there an another way? Yes. Meet PyTorch. Like Python, PyTorch has a clean and simple API, which makes building neural networks faster and easier. It's also modular, and that makes debugging your code a breeze. This course will be one hell of an adventure into the world of deep learning!
You'll start by using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to classify images; Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to detect languages; and then translate them using Long-Term-Short Memory (LTSM). Finally, you'll channel your inner Picasso by using Deep Neural Network (DNN) to paint unique images.
Begin Python Programming in 7 Days {Video}
Rudy Lai
ISBN 13: 9781788990813 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 02 minutes (October 2018)
Video Overview:
Become a Python programmer in one week. Learn to code in Python from scratch with this hands-on course
We get you started setting up your environment and the tools you need to start programming in Python. You will be learning about variables and operators and how to make use of them in Python programs. You will learn all about control flow statements and loops in Python and you will be using them in your programs to solve your coding problems.
Then you will learn to use Python's advanced data structures such as lists and dictionaries. You will be able to organize in functions and save time coding by writing code that can be reused. Then, you will learn about Python modules and how to make use of them. On the last day, you will start interacting with files using Python code. The course will give you a strong entry point into programming in general and programming in Python in particular.
Real-World Python Deep Learning Projects {Video}
Jakub Konczyk
ISBN 13: 9781788620161 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 50 minutes (October 2018)
Video Overview:
Identify mean tweets, detect smiles in your camera app, forecast stock prices, and more using Neural Networks
Deep Learning allows you to solve problems where traditional Machine Learning methods might perform poorly: detecting and extracting objects from images, extracting meaning from text, and predicting outcomes based on complex dependencies, to name a few. In this course you will learn how to use Deep Learning in practice by going through real-world examples.
You will start of by creating neural networks to predict the demand for airline travel in the future. Then, you'll run through a scenario where you have to identify negative tweets for a celebrity by using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN's). Next you will create a neural network which will be able to identify smiles in your camera app. Finally, the last project will help you forecast a company's stock prices for the next day using Deep Learning.
Building Predictive Models with Machine Learning and Python {Video}
Rudy Lai
ISBN 13: 9781789132113 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 47 minutes (September 2018)
Video Overview:
Master the most popular Machine Learning tools by building your own models to tackle real-world problems
This course will introduce you to tools with which you can build predictive models with Python, the core of a Data Scientist's toolkit. Through some really interesting examples, the course will take you through a variety of challenges: predicting the value of a house in Boston, the batting average of a baseball player, their survival chances had they been on the Titanic, or any other number of other interesting problems.
This course will guide you through the tools in the Python ecosystem that Data Scientists use to get results in a matter of hours - and with practice - in a matter of minutes. The best way to learn is through examples, and this course will guide you through all the steps needed to train and test your models by tackling several classifications and regression challenges.
Building Trading Algorithms with Python {Video}
Harish Garg, Mithun Lakshmanaswamy
ISBN 13: 9781788832144 Packt XXX Pages OR Course Length: 1 hour 16 minutes (September 2018)
Video Overview:
Learn how to create an impressive trading bot using the different Python tools
This course is a great opportunity to get started with trading, reap the rewards, and take the markets by storm. Programmers who have a basic knowledge of trading in traditional assets and wish to develop their own trading bots will find that this course addresses their core concerns and shows how to go about designing and developing a trading bot.
The course will enable you to get started with creating a traditional asset trading bot. It will arm you with all the necessary programming tools and techniques to develop a full-fledged trading bot that numerous investors/traders can utilize. It covers general features such as using a financial calculator to do conversions, simply by interacting with a bot. Your customers, using your trading, bot can look up recent trends to make informed predictions and see what others have been trading, and how much.
Getting Started with Machine Learning in Python {Video}
Rudy Lai
ISBN 13: 9781788477437 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 53 minutes (September 2018)
Video Overview:
A+ guide to using Machine Learning to classify objects, predict future prices, and automatically learn fixes to problems
In this course, we introduce, via intuition rather than theory, the core of what makes Machine Learning work. Learn how to use labeled datasets to classify objects or predict future values, so that you can provide more accurate and valuable analysis. Use unlabelled datasets to do segmentation and clustering, so that you can separate a large dataset into sensible groups.
You will learn to understand and estimate the value of your dataset. We guide you through creating the best performance metric for your task at hand, and how that takes you to the correct model to solve your problem. Understand how to clean data for your application, and how to recognize which Machine Learning task you are dealing with.
Python Digital Forensics(Video)
Daryl Bennett
ISBN 13: 9781787126664 Packt Course Length:2 hours 55 minutes (September 2018)
Video Overview:
Use common Python libraries and tools to excel in network and host digital forensics
This course will walk you through digital forensics on network traffic, host analysis, and memory analysis.The course starts with network forensics, an important aspect of any investigation. You will learn to read, sort, and sniff raw packets and also analyze network traffic. These techniques will help you drive your host analysis. You will learn about tools you'll need to perform a complete investigation with the utmost efficiency in both Windows and GNU/Linux environments with Python.
Next, you will learn more advanced topics such as viewing data in PE and ELF binaries. It's vital to analyze volatile memory during an investigation as it provides details about what is actually running on a given system. So, you will learn the best tools to obtain and analyze volatile memory images. Finally, you will learn how to use Python in order to think like an attacker. You will complete enumeration, exploitation, and data exfiltration.
Learning IPython for Interactive Computing and Data Visualization [Video]
Cyrille Rossant
ISBN 13: 9781789805277 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 38 minutes (September 2018)
Video Overview:
Delve into the fundamentals of the platform: Python, IPython, and the Jupyter Notebook while exploring data analysis tasks on real-world datasets
Python is a user-friendly and powerful programming language. IPython offers a convenient interface to the language and its analysis libraries, while Jupyter Notebook is a rich environment, well-adapted to data science and visualization. Together, these open-source tools are widely used by beginners and experts around the world, and in a huge variety of fields and endeavors.
This course is a beginner-friendly guide to the Python data analysis platform. After an introduction to the Python language, IPython, and Jupyter Notebook, you will learn how to analyze and visualize data on real-world examples, how to create graphical user interfaces for image processing in Notebook, and how to perform fast numerical computations for scientific simulations with NumPy, Numba, Cython, and ipyparallel. By the end of this course, you will be able to perform in-depth analyses of all sorts of data.
Learning Python for Data Science (Video)
Ilyas Ustun
ISBN 13: 9781785886928 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 39 minutes (July 2018)
Video Overview:
Gain an in-depth understanding of data analysis with various Python packages
In this course you will learn all the necessary libraries that make data analytics with Python a joy.You will get into hands-on data analysis and machine learning by coding in Python. You will also learn the Numpy library used for numerical and scientific computation. You will also employ useful libraries for visualization, Matplotlib and Seaborn, to provide insights into data. Further you will learn various steps involved in building an end-to-end machine learning solution. The ease of use and efficiency of these tools will help you learn these topics very quickly. The video course is prepared with applications in mind. You will explore coding on real-life datasets, and implement your knowledge on projects.
By the end of this course, you'll have embarked on a journey from data cleaning and preparation to creating summary tables, from visualization to machine learning and prediction. This video course will prepare you to the world of data science.
Learning Python for Data Science (Video)
Ilyas Ustun
ISBN 13: 9781785886928 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 39 minutes (July 2018)
Video Overview:
Gain an in-depth understanding of data analysis with various Python packages
In this course you will learn all the necessary libraries that make data analytics with Python a joy.You will get into hands-on data analysis and machine learning by coding in Python. You will also learn the Numpy library used for numerical and scientific computation. You will also employ useful libraries for visualization, Matplotlib and Seaborn, to provide insights into data. Further you will learn various steps involved in building an end-to-end machine learning solution. The ease of use and efficiency of these tools will help you learn these topics very quickly. The video course is prepared with applications in mind. You will explore coding on real-life datasets, and implement your knowledge on projects.
By the end of this course, you'll have embarked on a journey from data cleaning and preparation to creating summary tables, from visualization to machine learning and prediction. This video course will prepare you to the world of data science.
Python Data Structures and Algorithms (Video)
Harish Garg, Mithun Lakshmanaswamy
ISBN 13: 9781788622066 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 11 minutes (June 2018)
Video Overview:
Master data structure implementation for different types of data structure, spanning from linear data structures to tree graph algorithms.
This course is about data structures and algorithms. We are going to implement problems in Python. You will start by learning the basics of data structures, linked lists, and arrays in Python. You will be shown how to code tuples in Python followed by an example that shows how to program dicts and sets in Python. You will learn about the use of pointers in Python. You will then explore linear data structures in Python such as stacks, queues, and hash tables. In these you will learn how to implement a stack and code queues and deques. There will also be a demonstration on how to realize a hash table in Python. Following this you will learn how to use tree/graph data structures including binary trees, heaps and priority queues in Python. You will program priority queues and red-black trees in Python with examples. Finally, you will be shown how to apply different algorithms such as Graph traversal, Shortest Path, Minimum Spanning Tree, Maximum Flow tree, and DAG topological sorting
This course teaches all these concepts in a very practical hands-on approach without burdening you with lots of theory. By the end of the course, you will have learned how to implement various data structures and algorithms in Python.
Python Data Science Essentials [Video]
Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron
ISBN 13: 9781789538526 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 15 minutes (MONTH YEAR)
Video Overview:
Become an efficient data science practitioner by understanding Python's key concepts
The Python Data Science Essentials video series takes you through all you need to know to succeed in data science using Python. Get insights into the core of Python data, including the latest versions of Jupyter Notebook, NumPy, Pandas and scikit-learn. In this course, you will delve into building your essential Python 3.6 data science toolbox, using a single-source approach that will allow to work with Python 2.7 as well. Get to grips fast with data munging and preprocessing, and prepare for machine learning and visualization techniques.
The course is structured as a data science project. You will always benefit from clear code and simplified examples to help you understand the underlying mechanics and real-world datasets.
Deep Learning and Neural Networks in PyTorch for Beginners {Video}
Daniel We
ISBN 13: 9781789536249 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 8 minutes (June 2018)
Video Overview:
Getting started with neural networks in PyTorch - Facebook's great neural network framework
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the hottest topic currently out there, there's no doubt about that. This is the future. Neural networks in particular have seen a lot of attention and they will be used everywhere -self driving cars, predictions in finance and sales forecasts - everywhere and across all industries. To be successful in the working world of tomorrow we have to expose ourselves to this interesting topic - and from the author's personal experience - coding your own neural network is the best way to understand how they work. Besides TensorFlow there is a new very interesting deep learning framework which is developed by Facebook - PyTorch. A challenge? Indeed. But together we can do it. Excited? I hope so. See you in the first lecture. Let's get into it.
The goal of this course is to become familiar with this framework and create your own deep neural networks - a multi-layer perceptron and a convolutional neural network for image classification.
Tomasz Drabas
ISBN 13: 9781789538762 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 34 minutes (June 2018)
Video Overview:
Build data-intensive applications locally and deploy at scale using the combined powers of Python and Spark 2.0
Apache Spark is an open source framework for efficient cluster computing with a strong interface for data parallelism and fault tolerance. This course will show you how to leverage the power of Python and put it to use in the Spark ecosystem. You will start by getting a firm understanding of the Spark 2.0 architecture and how to set up a Python environment for Spark. You will get familiar with the modules available in PySpark.
You will learn how to abstract data with RDDs and DataFrames and understand the streaming capabilities of PySpark. Also, you will get a thorough overview of machine learning capabilities of PySpark using ML and MLlib, graph processing using GraphFrames, and polyglot persistence using Blaze. Finally, you will learn how to deploy your applications to the cloud using the spark-submit command. By the end of this course, you will have established a firm understanding of the Spark Python API and how it can be used to build data-intensive applications.
Data Visualization with Python: The Complete Guide {Video}
Eduonix Learning Solutions
ISBN 13: 9781789536959 Packt Course Length: 7 hours (June 2018)
Video Overview:
Learn to visualize your data using Python in this data science course
Data is becoming a force to reckon with. With the amount of data that is being generated every minute, dealing with data has become more important. The importance of data lies in the fact that it allows us to look at our history and predict the future. Data science is the field that deals with collecting, sorting, organizing and also analyzing huge amounts of data. This data is then used to understand the current and future trends. This field borrows techniques and theories from across multiple fields such as mathematics, statistics, computer science, information science, etc. It also aids other domains such as machine learning, data mining, databases and visualization. Data scientists are gaining importance and are also earning higher salaries, which means this is the right time to become a data scientist. While, it might seem easy, sorting data, these scientists are responsible for writing important algorithms and programs to help sort and analyze the data – and this isn’t an easy task.
The course will cover a number of different concepts such as an introduction to data science including concepts such as linear algebra, probability and statistics, Matplotlib, charts and graphs, data analysis, visualization of non uniform data, hypothesis and gradient descent, data clustering and so much more. That’s not all, we’ll also include projects to help you show exactly how to build visuals using Python. You can learn all this and tons of interesting stuff in this unique data science course. Enroll now and start building next generation interfaces for your data.
Selenium WebDriver With Python 3.x - Novice To Ninja (Video)
Lets Kode It
ISBN 13: 9781789131550 Packt Course Length: 26 hours 13 minutes (JUNE 2018)
Video Overview:
Join the best course to learn how to implement an automation framework from scratch using real web application
This course includes a wide range of topics from Selenium WebDriver basics and advanced, Python programming concepts, Unittest and Pytest frameworks, automation framework design (Page Objects, Data Driven, Reading CSV Files), logging infrastructure, cross-browser testing, interview preparation.
All the materials are provided including the code files. You achieve two targets with one single course - The complete Python programming language and Selenium WebDriver automation. We start from beginners' level and go through to advanced level. This is a single course for everything you need to know related to Web UI automation.
Learn by Example: Python (Video)
ISBN 13: 9781789343175 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 16 minutes (April 2018)
Video Overview:
Become a Python programmer in a few hours by diving right-in
This course lays the foundation from which you can begin using Python to solve any problem - whether in data analysis, machine learning or web development. It gives you a fundamental understanding of Python loops, data structures, functions, classes, and more, to help you solve basic programming tasks so that you can confidently apply those skills to solve real problems. The course assumes zero prior experience with Python, though some fundamental knowledge of programming is recommended.
Hands-on to provide a basic understanding of programming
Enterprise Automation with Python (Video)
Tomasz Lelek
ISBN 13: 9781788470247 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 00 minutes (April 2018)
Video Overview:
Accomplish administrative task like network automation, automating databases, user and process management and automating instances with AWS on cloud infrastructure.
This course will start by introducing the modules and the tools we will be using and how to set up a python environment to perform automation tasks and to deal with file editors and IDE like Pycharm. The course will cover network automation tasks and administration tasks with Python Fabric to automate the execution of web server with simple python programs. Moving ahead, you will learn to create database servers with python and backup them. Also, you will be creating users on multiple servers to manage users and then check the health of the Enterprise and then you will be performing automation tasks on the cloud infrastructure with python. The course will make the most of Python libraries and modules to automate your infrastructure. Leverage Python programming to automate server configuration and administration tasks.
By the end of the course, you will be able to efficiently develop your python skills making it an alternate automation tool from the major automation frameworks.The use cases in this course will help you to track the processes with high utilization on all servers and create web server via python code. So, now need not depend on Network Automation Tools like a puppet, Ansible, and chef and grab this course to make your daily work easy with automation and python modules which will help you to deliver the service more faster than before.
Learning Python Data Visualization (Video)
Benjamin Keller
ISBN 13: 9781785886102 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 09 minutes (April 2018)
Video Overview:
Learn to visualize data for real-world solutions using Python and its popular libraries for effective data analysis.
The video course introduces visualization concepts so viewers can analyze large and small sets of data using libraries such as Matplotlib, IPython, and so on.
This course primarily employs the IPython environment and matplotlib, with the following structure:
Introduce key data visualization libraries (matplotlib and so on.) and cover data importing/exporting (CSV, Excel, JSON and so on). Introduce real-world data sets (to be visualized in the video). Visualization types/techniques (bar chart, histogram, scatter plot, geospatial, and so on); demonstrate how to customize visualizations. Introduce intermediate topics to create more advanced visualizations and using complex techniques, such as real-time data visualization. By the end of the course, you will be able to demonstrate visualizations with interesting, real-world data sets.
Learn Python 3 from Scratch {Video}
Lets Kode It
ISBN 13: 9781789135855 Packt Course Length: 10 hours 41 minutes (March 2018)
Video Overview:
A definitive guide to learn Python 3.x with examples and exercises, created with beginners in mind
This is the most comprehensive yet simple course on the Python programming language and it concentrates on Python 3.x. This means that what you will learn is relevant, not obsolete. No prior coding experience is needed. Python is one of the most useful programming languages to learn. You can use it for the back-end of web applications, games, in-house scripts, and even for building robust test automation frameworks.
In recent years, the demand for Python has exploded in the job market with insufficient developers to fill the available roles. Additionally, the QA industry is rapidly transitioning to Python and building automation tools.
Fundamentals of Machine Learning with scikit-learn (Video)
Giuseppe Bonaccorso
ISBN 13: 9781789134377 Packt Course Length: 2 hours and 33 minutes (March 2018)
Video Overview:
Build strong foundation for entering the world of Machine Learning and data science with the help of this comprehensive guide
As the amount of data continues to grow at an almost incomprehensible rate, being able to understand and process data is becoming a key differentiator for competitive organizations. Machine Learning applications are everywhere, from self-driving cars, spam detection, document searches, and trading strategies, to speech recognition. This makes machine learning well-suited to the present-day era of big data and data science. The main challenge is how to transform data into actionable knowledge.
In this course you will learn all the important Machine Learning algorithms that are commonly used in the field of data science. These algorithms can be used for supervised as well as unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and semi-supervised learning. A few famous algorithms that are covered in this book are: Linear regression, Logistic Regression, SVM, Naive Bayes, K-Means, Random Forest, and Feature engineering. In this course, you will also learn how these algorithms work and their practical implementation to resolve your problems.
Programming Concepts in Python (Video)
Daniel Arbuckle
ISBN 13: 9781788995948 Course Length: 1 hour 20 minutes (February 2018)
Video Overview:
Build a strong programming foundation with the popular Python language
This course teaches the viewer Python in an engaging, friendly, example-driven way. In this course, we cover computer programming using Python. We start by running a "Hello World" program, followed by the discussion of fundamentals, such as common data structures, working with strings, and program flow controls. Later, we focus on writing modular and reusable code, using functions.
After getting familiar with the basic concepts, we delve further by covering Object Oriented Programming, errors and exception handling, and working with files. We also discuss Python standard libraries and external libraries. Finally, we provide future directions and next steps for avid learners keen to take their skills to the next level.
By the end of this course the audience will be able to write Python programs and scripts that perform most of their daily tasks—including reading a list of strings, separating values by a specific delimiter, removing duplicates, and more. By the end of the course, the viewer should be able to do everything expected of a novice Python programmer.
scikit-learn –Test Predictions Using Various Models (Video)
Julian Avila
ISBN 13: 9781789133066 Course Length: 2 hours 12 minutes (February 2018)
Video Overview:
A one-stop solution to test model accuracy with cross-validation
Scikit-learn has evolved as a robust library for machine learning applications in Python with support for a wide range of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.
This course begins by taking you through videos on linear models; with scikit-learn, you will take a machine learning approach to linear regression. As you progress, you will explore logistic regression. Then you will build models with distance metrics, including clustering. You will also look at cross-validation and post-model workflows, where you will see how to select a model that predicts well. Finally, you'll work with Support Vector Machines to get a rough idea of how SVMs work, and also learn about the radial basis function (RBF) kernel.
Getting Started with NLP and Deep Learning with Python
Giuseppe Bonaccorso
ISBN 13: 9781789138894 Course Length: 1 hour and 41 minutes (February 2018)
Video Overview:
Build a strong foundation to enter the world of Machine Learning and data science with the help of this comprehensive guide
As the amount of data continues to grow at an almost incomprehensible rate, being able to understand and process data is becoming a key differentiator for competitive organizations. Machine Learning applications are everywhere, from self-driving cars to spam detection, document search, and trading strategies, to speech recognition. This makes machine learning well-suited to the present-day era of Big Data and Data Science. The main challenge is how to transform data into actionable knowledge.
In this course, you’ll be introduced to the Natural Processing Language and Recommendation Systems, which help you run multiple algorithms simultaneously. Also, you’ll learn about Deep learning and TensorFlow. Finally, you’ll see how to create an Ml architecture.
Data Visualization Solutions for Beginners (Video)
Mohammed Topiwalla
ISBN 13: 9781788395786 Packt Course Length: 4 hours (Jan 2018)
Video Overview:
Take your R, Python, and Tableau Data Visualization Skills from Rookie to Pro!
In this course, we’ll be using tools such as Tableau, which is the best visualization tool as ranked by the Gartner Report 2017, as well as open source tools such as R and Python to understand data and share findings between fellow data scientists.
This course takes you gradually from basic, fundamental topics to advanced topics with a ton of examples. It also focuses on making you independent of these tools, so you can carry forward your visualization knowledge to any other tool you may need to use. We cover three tools in visualization, namely R, Python, and Tableau and setting up your basic framework for any project you take up. By the end of this course, you’ll have the fundamentals in place, so you can make visualizations on your own with the correct use of various visualization elements.
Artificial Intelligence with Python – Deep Neural Networks (Video)
Prateek Joshi
ISBN 13: 9781789132670 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 19 minutes (Jan 2018)
Video Overview:
Learn different Artificial Intelligence learning techniques with neural networks
The course is an introduction to the basics of deep learning methods. We will start with object detection and tracking, in which we will track faces, objects and eyes. We will then build a neural network and an OCR. We will then learn how to build learning agents that can learn from interacting with the environment. We will use Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks, and use TensorFlow to build neural networks. We will then build an image classifier using convolutional neural networks.
Artificial Intelligence with Python – Sequence Learning (Video)
Prateek Joshi
ISBN 13: 9781788999267 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 14 minutes (December 2017)
Video Overview:
Explore the world of sequence learning in Python-text, speech, and more
Enter and explore the fascinating world of intelligent apps with Artificial Intelligence with Python. Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world. By harnessing the power of algorithms, you can create apps that intelligently interact with the world around you, automatic speech recognition systems, and more.
Artificial Intelligence with Python – Heuristic Search (Video)
Prateek Joshi
ISBN 13: 9781788993463 Packt Course Length: 1 hour 47 minutes (December 2017)
Video Overview:
Explore the concepts and techniques of AI and bring its magical power to your applications
This course is a go-to guide for the four topics, logic programming, heuristic search, genetic algorithms and building games with AI. It will help you learn to programme with AI. The course will start with the basic puzzles, parsing trees and expression matching. This will be followed by building solutions for region coloring and maze solving. The course also has fun-filled videos on building bots to play Tic-tac-toe, Connect Four and Hexapawn.
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning with Python (Video)
Prateek Joshi
ISBN 13: 9781788990325 Packt Course Length: 2 hours 08 minutes (November 2017)
Video Overview:
Hop on the wonderful journey of machine learning and data analysis
Build real-world Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications to intelligently interact with the world around you, explore real-world scenarios, and learn about the various algorithms that can be used to build AI applications. Packed with insightful examples and topics such as predictive analytics and deep learning, this course is a must-have for Python developers.
Bhaskar N. Das, Mohit Raj
ISBN 13: 9781788995115 Packt Course Length: 3 hours 26 minutes (November 2017)
Video Overview:
Begin your journey with Python to take your skills to the next level and create outstanding applications of all kind
This course will help you to take your skills to the next level having a good knowledge of the fundamentals of Python.
Pandas for Predictive Analysis using scikit-learn (Video)
Harish Garg
ISBN 13: 9781788391429 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 12 minutes (August 2017)
Video Overview:
Learn how to use Pandas for Predictive Analysis by employing scikit-learn
In this course you learn that stand alone data analysis is fine but what most companies these days are looking for is to do Predictive analysis using their data. This advanced course, will make you ready to start doing Predictive Analysis on your data by showing you how to build Machine Learning models with scikit-learn and pandas.
Getting Started with Cloud-Native Python (Video)
Manish Sethi
ISBN 13: 9781788833660 Packt Course Length: 1 hours 3 minutes (October 2017)
Video Overview:
Building Microservices and Web Applications in Python
Businesses today are evolving so rapidly that having their own infrastructure to support their expansion is not feasible. As a result, they have been resorting to the elasticity of the cloud to provide a platform to build and deploy their highly scalable applications.This video will be the one stop for you to learn all about building cloud-native architectures in Python. It will begin by introducing you to cloud-native architecture and will help break it down for you. Then you’ll learn how to build microservices in Python using REST APIs in an event-driven approach and you will build the web layer.
It's a practical video: you're going to build everything using Python 3 and its amazing tooling ecosystem.
Step-by-Step Machine Learning with Python (Video)
Yuxi (Hayden) Liu
ISBN 13: 9781788622370 Packt Publishing Course Length: 4 hours 56 minutes (September 2017)
Video Overview:
Put your Python skills to the test and enter the big world of data science to learn the most effective machine learning tools and techniques with this interesting guide.
This video is your entry point to machine learning. It starts with an introduction to machine learning and the Python language and shows you how to complete the necessary setup. Moving ahead, you will learn all the important concepts such as exploratory data analysis, data preprocessing, feature extraction, data visualization and clustering, classification, regression, and model performance evaluation. With the help of the various projects included, you will acquire the mechanics of several important machine learning algorithms, which will no longer seem obscure. Also, you will be guided step-by-step to build your own models from scratch. Toward the end, you will gather a broad picture of the machine learning ecosystem and master best practices for applying machine learning techniques. Throughout this course, you will learn to tackle data-driven problems and implement your solutions with the powerful yet simple Python language.
From 0 to 1: Machine Learning, NLP & Python-Cut to the Chase (Video)
ISBN 13: 9781788624329 Packt Publishing Course Length: 19 hours 15 minutes (September 2017)
Video Overview:
A down-to-earth, shy but confident take on machine learning techniques that you can put to work today.
This course is very visual: most of the techniques are explained with the help of animations to help you understand better. This course is practical as well: There are hundreds of lines of source code with comments that can be used directly to implement natural language processing and machine learning for text summarization, text classification in Python. The course is also quirky. The examples are irreverent. Lots of little touches: repetition, zooming out so we remember the big picture, active learning with plenty of quizzes. There’s also a peppy soundtrack, and art - all shown by studies to improve cognition and recall.
Basic and Low-level Python Network Attacks (Video)
Sam Bowne
ISBN 13: 9781788399432 Packt Publishing Course Length: 2 hours 22 minutes (August 2017)
Video Overview:
Explore the world of Basic and Low-Level Network Attacks with Python
A penetration tester who only knows how to use tools written by others is limited to old techniques. Knowledge of a programming language will make you much more powerful. Python is the favorite choice for penetration testers because it combines simplicity and ease of use with advanced features.
The goal of this video course is to show you how you can quickly and easily make simple attack tools with Python, even if you have never programmed before.
Harish Garg
ISBN 13: 9781787287891 Packt Publishing Course Length: 1 hour and 14 minutes (June 2017)
Video Overview:
This video will show you how you can get the most out of Pandas for data analysis.The course starts with teaching you the absolute basics such as installing and setting up of the pandas library. Then, you will be introduced to fundamental data structures in pandas and the different data types, indexing, and more. You will then implement the basic functionalities of the pandas library such as working with different kinds of data, indexing, and handling missing data. The course will also teach you how to analyze and model your data, and organize the results of your analysis in the form of plots or other visualization means. Throughout the course, you will implement simple yet highly effective examples and use-cases which are relevant in the real-world scenario, as you build on your understanding of pandas.By the end of this course, you will have a firm understanding of the basics of pandas. You will be ready to start using pandas for different data science tasks with confidence.
What you will learn:
- Create the GUI Form and add widgets
- Know how to read different kinds of data into Pandas Dataframes for data analysis.
- Attain knowledge of how to manipulate, transform and apply formulas on the data imported into the pandas dataframes
- Be trained in analyzing and visualizing different kinds of data using Pandas to gain real world insights.
- Get to know how to use Pandas to make predictions using Machine Learning and scikit-learn
- Practice ways in which to work with Big Data using Pandas
- Imbibe how to work with quantitative financial data and how to model time-series data,
- Perform algorithmic trading, derive results on fixed and moving windows, and more.
- Get the hang of taking out transformed data out of Pandas dataframes and into the formats your application expects.
Python Machine Learning - Part 1 (Video)
Jason Wolosonovich
ISBN 13: 9781786461636 Packt Publishing 3 hours 22 minutes (January 2017)
Video Overview:
This video gives you access to the world of predictive analytics and demonstrates why Python is one of the world’s leading data science languages. If you want to ask better questions of data, or need to improve and extend the capabilities of your machine learning systems, this practical data science courseis invaluable. It coversa wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn, Theano, and Keras, and featuresguidance and tips on everything from sentiment analysis to neural networks. With this video,you’ll soon be able to answer some of the most important questions facing you and your organization.
What you will learn:
- Discover the different types of machine learning and know when to use them
- Explore machine learning algorithms and implement them in Python
- Use powerful open source machine learning libraries to train predictive models
Use pandas, NumPy, and matplotlib to manipulate data
- Evaluate and fine-tune machine learning models
Who this video is for:
If you want to find out how to use Python to start answering critical questions using your data, this video is ideal. Whether you want to get started from scratch or want to extend your data science knowledge, this is an essential resource.
Modern Python Solutions Part 1 (Video)
Steven F. Lott
ISBN 13: 9781787284517 Packt Publishing 5 hours 4 minutes (January 2017)
Video Overview:
This video comes with over 100 recipes on the latest version of Python. The recipes will benefit everyone ranging from beginner to an expert. The video is broken down into 13 sections that build from simple language concepts to more complex applications of the language.The recipes will touch upon all the necessary Python concepts related to data structures, OOP, functional programming, as well as statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to effectively use the advantages that it offers. You will end the book equipped with the knowledge of testing, web services, and configuration and application integration tips and tricks.
What you will learn:
- See the intricate details of the Python syntax and how to use it to your advantage
- SImprove your code readability through functions in Python
- SManipulate data effectively using built-in data structures
- SGet acquainted with advanced programming techniques in Python
- SEquip yourself with functional and statistical programming features
- SWrite proper tests to be sure a program works as advertised
- SIntegrate application software using Python
Who this video is for:
The video is for web developers, programmers, enterprise programmers, engineers, big data scientist, and so on. If you are a beginner, Modern Python Recipes will get you started. If you are experienced, it will expand your knowledge base. A basic knowledge of programming would help.
Data Science and Machine Learning with Python - Hands On! [Video]
By Frank Kane
ISBN 13: 9781787127081 Packt Publishing Video length 8 hour 50 minutes (September 2016)
Video Overview:
This video will help you take your first steps in the world of data science, and empower you to conduct data analysis and perform efficient machine learning using Python. Gain value from your data using the various data mining and data analysis techniques in Python, and develop efficient predictive models to predict future results. You will also learn how to perform large-scale machine learning on Big Data using Apache Spark. You don’t have to be an expert coder in Python to get the most out of this video – just a basic programming knowledge of Python is sufficient.
- Learn how to clean your data and ready it for analysis
- Implement the popular clustering and regression methods in Python
- Train efficient machine learning models using Decision Trees and Random Forests
- Visualize the results of your analysis using Python’s Matplotlib library
Who this video is for:
If you are a budding data scientist or a data analyst who wants to analyze and gain actionable insights from data using Python, this video is for you. Programmers with some experience in Python who want to enter the lucrative world of Data Science will also find this video to be very useful.
William Fiset
ISBN: 9781786468994
Course Length: 4 hours and 20 minutes, April 2016, Packt Publishing
This course assumes no programming experience and slowly builds the tools you need to take on larger challenges. Once this is done, dive into the fundamentals of Python programming with variables, numbers, strings, and so on. You'll learn to make decisions on your programs with conditional statements and discover that Python has the ability to iterate over the items of any sequence such as a list or a string with loops.
You will see how functions play a major role to provide a high degree of code reusing. Along with the built-in functions, you will be able to build your own functions as well. When you've done all this, you'll be ready to create modules in Python all by yourself. Finally, you'll enhance your skills by performing some very interesting manipulations on images.
What You Will Learn:
- Get to know Python’s data structures to enhance good design patterns and scalability to your code
- Construct loops to perform repeated tasks
- Create functions in Python to provide programs with better modularity
- Understand the concept of function recursion adding clarity to write and debug codes
- Manage program control flow and branching to perform conditional tasks
- Install third-party libraries to add advanced customizations to images
The viewer will know the basics of what programming languages are, but won’t need any knowledge of Python. Nor will the need any actual hands-on experience in a specific language.