Applications in, of or with Python
This page lists application-related ideas.
- Research how to get python support into all the cheap webhosts.
- Write a new and useful application in Python.
Improve an existing Python application (e.g. Mailman, BitTorrent, Zope). Some Python-based projects are SoC mentoring organizations in their own right, so you might end up being mentored by them, not the PSF. (You should probably contact a current developer on the project first, to ensure that your plans mesh with theirs. JimJJewett offers to help if you want to work on plucker, which lets you read web pages on a disconnected palm pilot.)
PyxIDE has several potential projects related to IDEs in Python. Real-time code analysis would be a good project (which could in turn be used to build auto-completion and other tools).
Improve support for Python in Eclipse (the Java-based integrated development environment):
Improved python code generation support in umbrello or alternatively a pure python implementation to parse umbrello files and generate python code.
Bring MayaVi 2's feature set up to the level of MayaVi 1.5 (contact).
integrate Bayesian Filtering with MoinMoin. see: full proposal
isn't this better under the MoinMoin mentors? see below..
- Create tool to allow macro recording (possibly using pyAA or pyHook - or other tools).
- Research how one pywinauto script can work on any number of (spoken) languages.
- Space Time Analysis of Regional Systems
- Assist with the refactoring of this program... Tasks include, visualization, interaction and data structures.
Improve GRAC, a GRAmmar Checker based on learning algorithms.
Improve, an optimizing Python-to-C++ compiler, that typically results in code that is 2-40 times faster than when using Psyco. A nice SoC topic would be to add memory optimizations (such as transforming heap allocation into stack- and static preallocation), to bring the performance of generated code even closer to that of manually written C++.