Get To Know Me

Hi, My name is Burkan Bereketoglu.

I am joining here from Ankara,TURKEY.

We are here starting a Python User Group for our research laboratory on Accelerator-based Free Electron Laser(TARLA-FEL). I work as an Accelerator Physicist and expecting to spread Python usage in Accelerator Physics field also proliferate statistics computing in Python (many use R).


1. Learning Theory (Knowledge Graphs, ML, DL, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Sequence Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics)

2. Statistical Analysis and Simulation (Digital Twins, Mathematical and Physical Modeling)

3. Game of Life

4. Package Building and Instrumentation System Design

BurkanBereketoglu (last edited 2024-04-17 10:37:50 by BurkanBereketoglu)

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