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Revision 98 as of 2008-08-08 21:19:30
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Revision 135 as of 2011-03-09 16:18:14
Size: 10536
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See Also: ["Asking for Help/Why doesn`t this work?"]
  * Hi, I just installed MacPython. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to include the CoreGraphics-Python Module. Where ist my old system python? How can I uninstall MacPython?
= Asking for Help =
Line 4: Line 3:
  * Hi, I am new to Python from Java background, I have following structure
{{{#!wiki tip
The most efficient way of getting help is via the [[MailingListsAndNewsgroups|various mailing lists and newsgroups]], particularly [[CompLangPython|the comp.lang.python]] newsgroup.

See the [[Community]] page for a selection of related resources.
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    I am in the folder2 and want to run class3.py but it need to import a module from Class1.py
    Could someone please help me?
  * I believe you just need to add folder1 to your path variable. Should be something along the lines of: import sys; sys.path.append('/root/folder1'); import Class1 (with ; replaced by newlines). If that doesn't work, look through the documentation for info on how the sys.path variable works--I may just have the syntax slightly off
For those of you willing to wait, and to add to the archive of problems (and solutions), enter your question in the list below. For longer questions, consider adding a new page using the button just below: write a short version of the question in the box - this will be the page name - and then write the actual question or problem description in the page editor that appears after pressing the button.
Line 18: Line 11:
  * Is there any way to get the environment from a subprocess.Popen created by python? In other words, if the new process updates it's environment, is it possible to get access to the modifications. For example In my case I'm executing MS Visual Studio's vsvars32.bat file and would like to access the modified PATH environment variable. <<NewPage(AskingForHelpTemplate,Add a page for a question,@SELF)>>

The page will be automatically added to the [[#LongerQuestions|longer questions]] section below.

== Questions ==

 * How (aside from reading gobs and gobs of source code) can I find out the asymptotic time behaviour of various primitive Python operations? For example, for list xs, does xs.append(x) take amortized O(1) time or O(n) time?

 * ssl-1.14.tar.gz exists and supposedly works with Python 2.5x. Assuming I have Visual Studio .NET 2003 available on my box, how do I build the package for Windows. It currently complains about a series of openssl *.h files that aren't available. I can drag in openssl for www.openssl.org, but which version, if that is applicable, and how do I connect the two either in a directory structure or appropriate configuration files?

 * I'm working with embedding Python into my applications. However, the Py_Initialize() is producing an " 'import site' failed " message on non-dev computers. I was wondering if there is a way to fix this or is it just a bug with Python? Thank you.

 * I'm trying to run the IDLE but it wont go on. i have an R52 leptop with ibm-tools installed (there is ver 2.2 there but i changed it so it wont ebe the default one). im trying to run ver 2.6. Thank

 * I'm new to python and I am just working with the idle-shell. How can I write a script without having python executing orders immediately after I type them into the shell? Follow-Up question: Having written the script, how do I run it in the interpreter?

 * I just installed MacPython. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to include the CoreGraphics-Python Module. Where ist my old system python? How can I uninstall MacPython?

 * Is there any way to get the environment from a subprocess.Popen created by python? In other words, if the new process updates it's environment, is it possible to get access to the modifications. For example In my case I'm executing MS Visual Studio's vsvars32.bat file and would like to access the modified PATH environment variable.
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 * ["I want to right-click on data files in Windows XP and open them with a Python program."]
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 *["How to store information in variable arrays?"]
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 *["Why do I call conctructor of Cmd class in my Cmd subclass __init__ method?"]  *[[Why do I call constructor of Cmd class in my Cmd subclass __init__ method?]]
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 *["How to run Python based softwares from sourceforge? !!!Newbie"]  *[[When I import Tkinter, Python exits. Why?]]
Line 31: Line 39:
 *["How to use Python with MySQL on Windows"]  * I am new at python, I have python 2.5 and every time i open the shell python resets my moniter to 800x600. How do I keep python from messing with my monitor settings? -Travis
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 *["Why do I get permission denied errors when using macostools.copy"] <<Anchor(LongerQuestions)>>
== Longer Questions ==
Line 35: Line 44:
 *["When I import Tkinter, Python exits. Why?"] Pages containing longer questions should appear in this list:

<<FullSearch(category:CategoryAskingForHelp -category:CategoryAskingForHelpAnswered -title:AskingForHelpTemplate)>>

These questions will be moved to the [[#AnsweredLongerQuestions|answered longer questions section]] below when they are answered (having been added to the CategoryAskingForHelpAnswered category).
Line 38: Line 51:
 *["How to have a mutable buffer with python 2.3?"]
Line 40: Line 52:
 *[:MultiLineStringsInDocTest:How do I write multi-line strings in doctest tests?]  *[[MultiLineStringsInDocTest|How do I write multi-line strings in doctest tests?]]
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 *["How do I get / set the modification date of a file?"]  *[[How do I get / set the modification date of a file?]]
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 *["How do I use gzip module with pickle?"]  *[[How do I use gzip module with pickle?]]
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 *["How can "normal" users report bugs in Python or the documentation?"]  *[[How can "normal" users report bugs in Python or the documentation?]]
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 *["How can I convert a hex representation to an integer?"]  *[[How can I convert a hex representation to an integer?]]
Line 52: Line 64:
 * Related question to the for-a-blink question in the answered section. When running os.system(some command) the CMD.exe window pops up and then terminates when the process terminates. ["How do I get the contents of what was in that CMD.exe window saved someplace - variable, file, etc."] Variable assignment doesn't work - only the exit code is in the variable.  * Related question to the for-a-blink question in the answered section. When running os.system(some command) the CMD.exe window pops up and then terminates when the process terminates. [[How do I get the contents of what was in that CMD.exe window saved someplace - variable, file, etc.]] Variable assignment doesn't work - only the exit code is in the variable.
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  I would recommend learning Python on a normal desktop system, with a recent version, a full suite of libraries, and [http://ipython.scipy.org/ IPython] (Interactive Python) installed. After you've learned the basics then you can probably adapt more readily to the limitations of the Palm Pilot interface, implementation, version (older), and libraries (reduced subset). ["JimD"]   I would recommend learning Python on a normal desktop system, with a recent version, a full suite of libraries, and [[http://ipython.scipy.org/|IPython]] (Interactive Python) installed. After you've learned the basics then you can probably adapt more readily to the limitations of the Palm Pilot interface, implementation, version (older), and libraries (reduced subset). [[JimD]]
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 *TestHarnessDesign -- I've been assigned the task of designing a test harness for embedded systems, servers and software. -- ["JimD"]  *TestHarnessDesign -- I've been assigned the task of designing a test harness for embedded systems, servers and software. -- [[JimD]]
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  See PublishingPythonModules - ["Philip"], 2005-09-19   See PublishingPythonModules - [[Philip]], 2005-09-19
Line 70: Line 82:
  ["lwickjr"]: My question, "my" page. I created that page, empty, in hopes that someone would populate it. They have, and I've read it. They hadn`t yet when I created *this* page for posting how-to questions, at about the same time, so I included the question here in the seed page. See the attachments to [:lwickjr: my page] for my final solution to the problem. ;) By the way, "How to publish Python modules" has been renamed "PublishingPythonModules", to be more Wiki-style. [Me, again.] 2005-11-24.   [[lwickjr]]: My question, "my" page. I created that page, empty, in hopes that someone would populate it. They have, and I've read it. They hadn`t yet when I created *this* page for posting how-to questions, at about the same time, so I included the question here in the seed page. See the attachments to [[lwickjr| my page]] for my final solution to the problem. ;) By the way, "How to publish Python modules" has been renamed "PublishingPythonModules", to be more Wiki-style. [Me, again.] 2005-11-24.
Line 78: Line 90:
  * Father Jack, you should look at the ["PythonHosting"] page and consider some of the options presented there. Your site doesn't seem to be available, so it's hard to assess what its contribution to Python programming knowledge might be. -- PaulBoddie   * Father Jack, you should look at the [[PythonHosting]] page and consider some of the options presented there. Your site doesn't seem to be available, so it's hard to assess what its contribution to Python programming knowledge might be. -- PaulBoddie
Line 82: Line 94:
  * Have you tried using the [http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/pyparallel.html pyParallel] module? -- DavidBoddie   * Have you tried using the [[http://pyserial.sourceforge.net/pyparallel.html|pyParallel]] module? -- DavidBoddie
Line 84: Line 96:
 I am new at python, I have python 2.5 and every time i open the shell python resets my moniter to 800x600. How do I keep python from messing with my monitor settings? -Travis  *[[I wish to generate graphics and images directly into a file, but I'm confused as to just what i need to do this with python]]
Line 86: Line 98:
 *["I wish to generate graphics and images directly into a file, but I'm confused as to just what i need to do this with python"]  *[[How can I run an untrusted Python script safely (i.e. Sandbox)]]
Line 88: Line 100:
 *["How can I run an untrusted Python script safely (i.e. Sandbox)"]  * [[Socket module changed in Python 2.5?]]
Line 90: Line 102:
 * ["Socket module changed in Python 2.5?"]  *[[CanPythonIntrospectLikeJava|"I come from a java background. Java has an API that list all classes and their methods that come with Java. Is there anything like that in python?"]]
Line 92: Line 104:
 *[wiki:Self:CanPythonIntrospectLikeJava "I come from a java background. Java has an API that list all classes and their methods that come with Java. Is there anything like that in python?"]  *[[HowDoYouProtectSource|"How can I truly "protect" the python source code we create for a commercial product?"]]
Line 94: Line 106:
 *[wiki:Self:HowDoYouProtectSource "How can I truly "protect" the python source code we create for a commercial product?"]  *[[DoesTinyPythonExist|"Where can I find a tiny python installation (under 2 MB) for an embedded linux system?"]]
Line 96: Line 108:
 *[wiki:Self:DoesTinyPythonExist "Where can I find a tiny python installation (under 2 MB) for an embedded linux system?"]  * [[LocalVariablesInFunctions|"How do I use local variables in a function within a class? (I do not want to use self.x, as this makes the instance have variables. I want variables local to my function, that get destroyed at the end of it.) I can only think of using del at the end of the function, is there a better way?"]]
Line 98: Line 110:
 * [wiki:Self:LocalVariablesInFunctions "How do I use local variables in a function within a class? (I do not want to use self.x, as this makes the instance have variables. I want variables local to my function, that get destroyed at the end of it.) I can only think of using del at the end of the function, is there a better way?"]  * [[PythonFramework-x.x.pkg installation fails. Is there a workaround?]]
Line 100: Line 112:
 * [[How to store information in variable arrays?]]
Line 101: Line 114:
 * ["PythonFramework-x.x.pkg installation fails. Is there a workaround?"]  * [[How do I run Python based software from SourceForge?]]
Line 103: Line 116:
 * I'm trying to split a string, but without breaking the quotes:
x = '"a,b", c, d, "e,f,h", "i,j,k"'
re.sub('"([^"]*)"', "\g<1>", x)
-> 'a,b, c, d, e,f,h, i,j,k' # Ok for me
 * I was browsing the Python source code, trying to find out how str.strip() is implemented as a string method. I found string.py in the Lib directory, but that didn't seem to hold the answer. Could you please help me learn where to look?
Line 108: Line 118:
re.sub('"([^"]*)"', "|\g<1>|", x)
-> '|a,b|, c, d, |e,f,h|, |i,j,k|' # To show the separation of the groups, also Ok
   Take a look in the `Objects` directory for built-in types. The `stringobject.c` file contains the implementations of string methods, and the `string_strip` function should provide some details of the underlying functions used to provide the `strip` method's functionality.
Line 111: Line 120:
re.sub('"([^"]*)"', "\g<1>".replace(",", "|"), x)
-> 'a,b, c, d, e,f,h, i,j,k' # The same result!
-> 'a|b, c, d, e|f|h, i|j|k' # It doesn't suppose to replace all "," with "|" like here?
== Answered Longer Questions ==
Line 115: Line 123:
TIA Pages containing ''answered'' longer questions should appear in this list:


Questions appear here when they are added to the CategoryAskingForHelpAnswered category (having been answered).

Asking for Help

The most efficient way of getting help is via the various mailing lists and newsgroups, particularly the comp.lang.python newsgroup.

See the Community page for a selection of related resources.

For those of you willing to wait, and to add to the archive of problems (and solutions), enter your question in the list below. For longer questions, consider adding a new page using the button just below: write a short version of the question in the box - this will be the page name - and then write the actual question or problem description in the page editor that appears after pressing the button.

The page will be automatically added to the longer questions section below.


  • How (aside from reading gobs and gobs of source code) can I find out the asymptotic time behaviour of various primitive Python operations? For example, for list xs, does xs.append(x) take amortized O(1) time or O(n) time?
  • ssl-1.14.tar.gz exists and supposedly works with Python 2.5x. Assuming I have Visual Studio .NET 2003 available on my box, how do I build the package for Windows. It currently complains about a series of openssl *.h files that aren't available. I can drag in openssl for www.openssl.org, but which version, if that is applicable, and how do I connect the two either in a directory structure or appropriate configuration files?
  • I'm working with embedding Python into my applications. However, the Py_Initialize() is producing an " 'import site' failed " message on non-dev computers. I was wondering if there is a way to fix this or is it just a bug with Python? Thank you.
  • I'm trying to run the IDLE but it wont go on. i have an R52 leptop with ibm-tools installed (there is ver 2.2 there but i changed it so it wont ebe the default one). im trying to run ver 2.6. Thank
  • I'm new to python and I am just working with the idle-shell. How can I write a script without having python executing orders immediately after I type them into the shell? Follow-Up question: Having written the script, how do I run it in the interpreter?
  • I just installed MacPython. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to include the CoreGraphics-Python Module. Where ist my old system python? How can I uninstall MacPython?

  • Is there any way to get the environment from a subprocess.Popen created by python? In other words, if the new process updates it's environment, is it possible to get access to the modifications. For example In my case I'm executing MS Visual Studio's vsvars32.bat file and would like to access the modified PATH environment variable.
  • Is there any way to determine if the C implementation under my Python uses IEEE 754 for floating point numbers? If yes, what is it?
  • I am trying to run Python script in ABAQUS, but there is a error "Import Error: No Module named " Tkinter"". So how can I handle the problem? Thanks
  • Why do I call constructor of Cmd class in my Cmd subclass __init__ method?

  • When I import Tkinter, Python exits. Why?

  • I am new at python, I have python 2.5 and every time i open the shell python resets my moniter to 800x600. How do I keep python from messing with my monitor settings? -Travis

Longer Questions

Pages containing longer questions should appear in this list:

  1. Asking for Help/How delete files in the GUI
  2. Asking for Help/How do you create tables in Python?
  3. Asking for Help/How to solve problem when running python from command line?
  4. Asking for Help/How to use Python with MySQL on Windows
  5. Asking for Help/How to use Reg. Exp. to capture data from random text
  6. Asking for Help/How to utilize SQL Server stored procedure that accepts table valued parameter
  7. Asking for Help/I am trying to run Python on IDLE in Windows. Why doesn't IDLE close old pythonw processes on restarting the shell or even quitting IDLE?
  8. Asking for Help/I want to right-click on data files in Windows XP and open them with a Python program.
  9. Asking for Help/Installation Errors
  10. Asking for Help/Is there a way to use i instead of j for complex numbers?
  11. Asking for Help/Python ISO-8859-1 encoding problem
  12. Asking for Help/Python,Pydev and the terminal in linux.
  13. Asking for Help/What is wrong with this "game of life" program?
  14. Asking for Help/What's the simplest way to connect to a MSSQL database via Python v3? I'm trying sqlite3, but I think I'm barking up the wrong tree...
  15. Asking for Help/Why do I get permission denied errors when using macostools.copy?
  16. Asking for Help/Why do I see b'string' when i print a c_char_p string?
  17. Asking for Help/does a python blink
  18. Asking for Help/exiting idle
  19. Asking for Help/remove escape characters
  20. Asking for Help/remove write protected file forcefully like "rm -f"
  21. Asking for Help/thread started using 'bg' ends without any notification
  22. Asking for Help/with newton force calculator

These questions will be moved to the answered longer questions section below when they are answered (having been added to the CategoryAskingForHelpAnswered category).

Answered (fully or partially)

Answered Longer Questions

Pages containing answered longer questions should appear in this list:

  1. Asking for Help/'break' outside loop
  2. Asking for Help/Can Python introspect like Java?
  3. Asking for Help/Defining rules for adding two different data types.
  4. Asking for Help/Do you need a int main() like you do in c++
  5. Asking for Help/Gui Toolkit for python 3?
  6. Asking for Help/How can "normal" users report bugs in Python or the documentation?
  7. Asking for Help/How can I add or substract two to the last digit of a float?
  8. Asking for Help/How can I convert a hex representation to an integer?
  9. Asking for Help/How can I import a module from a sibling directory?
  10. Asking for Help/How can I run an untrusted Python script safely (i.e. Sandbox)
  11. Asking for Help/How can I split a string, but without breaking the quotes?
  12. Asking for Help/How can i fetch system generated value from database after inserting a row using cursor.execute() function?
  13. Asking for Help/How come when I double click on a .py a black thing flashes and then disappears? And what/where exactly is the 'Python Interpreter'?
  14. Asking for Help/How do I get or set the modification date of a file?
  15. Asking for Help/How do I run Python based software from SourceForge?
  16. Asking for Help/How do I use gzip module with pickle?
  17. Asking for Help/How do I use local variables in methods?
  18. Asking for Help/How do you protect Python source code?
  19. Asking for Help/How does the value from input() become a number, not a string? In 3.2?
  20. Asking for Help/How to have a mutable buffer with python 2.3?
  21. Asking for Help/How to run python from HTML
  22. Asking for Help/How to store information in variable arrays?
  23. Asking for Help/I wish to generate graphics and images directly into a file, but I'm confused as to just what i need to do this with python
  24. Asking for Help/I'm taking an unhandled threading exception that I've been unable to locate
  25. Asking for Help/Is there a way to create a file object from text without touching the file system?
  26. Asking for Help/PythonFramework-x.x.pkg installation fails. Is there a workaround?
  27. Asking for Help/Slow SYBASE query after version upgrade
  28. Asking for Help/Socket module changed in Python 2.5?
  29. Asking for Help/Stop 'Hello World' from flashing
  30. Asking for Help/SubtractionQuestion
  31. Asking for Help/Where can I find a tiny python installation (under 2 MB) for an embedded linux system?
  32. Asking for Help/Why does IDLE refuse to start on Windows?
  33. Asking for Help/Why don't my list and generator comprehensions work?
  34. Asking for Help/Why is my global not assigned?
  35. Asking for Help/Why when I read a text file python reads it as "<built-in method read of _io.TextIOWrapper object at 0x02954558>" and how do I stop this?
  36. Asking for Help/readline under MS
  37. Asking for Help/visual error message
  38. Asking for Help/what and how we can use server in python web development ?

Questions appear here when they are added to the CategoryAskingForHelpAnswered category (having been answered).


Asking for Help (last edited 2019-11-04 14:47:35 by ChrisM)

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