Converting a Hex representation to an Integer
I'm running into some trouble when trying to convert a series of hex representations into an integer... I'm sure there is a builtin to do this (wouldn't make sense not to have one) but I can't find it for the life of me.
This is a dump of my interpreter session:
and I need to convert the values following user ('\x00\xcc\x15\xa4') into an integer value... what am I doing wrong here?
['anon']: try
1 >>> 0x00cc15a4
2 13374884
lwickjr: you use
1 >>> print int('0a', 16)
2 10
3 >>>
...but these aren`t hex values. Try ord() on each character, and see if that gives you the results you need.
See module struct !
See Also
BitManipulation has a bunch on working with hex