Asking for Help: What is wrong with this "game of life" program?
I have a problem with a program for Conway's Game of Life. Here's the source code:
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1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 # Conway's game of life on a finite rectangular universe
3 # The boundary is considered to be perpetually dead.
5 def disp(state):
6 h, v, zz = len(state[0])-2, len(state)-2, "+"
7 for t in range(h):
8 zz += "--"
9 print zz + "+"
10 for t in range(v):
11 z = "|"
12 for u in range(h):
13 z += [" ", "88"][state[t+1][u+1]]
14 print z + "|"
15 print zz + "+"
16 for t in range(3):
17 print
19 def iterate(state):
20 h, v, new = len(state[0])-2, len(state)-2, state
21 r = [[0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0]]
22 for t in range(v):
23 for u in range(h):
24 aa = state[t][u]
25 ab = state[t][u+1]
26 ac = state[t][u+2]
27 ba = state[t+1][u]
28 bb = state[t+1][u+1]
29 bc = state[t+1][u+2]
30 ca = state[t+2][u]
31 cb = state[t+2][u+1]
32 cc = state[t+2][u+2]
33 s = aa+ab+ac+ba+bc+ca+cb+cc
34 new[t+1][u+1] = r[bb][s]
35 return new
37 state, s, iters = [], [], 0
38 for t in range(20):
39 state.append([])
40 for u in range(20):
41 state[t].append(0)
43 state[3][3] = 1
44 state[4][4] = 1
45 state[5][4] = 1
46 state[5][3] = 1
47 state[5][2] = 1
49 while True:
50 print iters
51 disp(state)
52 for t in range(1000000):
53 pass
54 state = iterate(state)
55 iters += 1
The program doesn't quite do what it should, but I can't find anything wrong with the source.
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