Revision 1 as of 2005-09-21 13:01:21

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Apologies for mishandling the misplaced question on BeginnersGuide/Overview. I agree that's not the right place for Q&A, but I was trying to answer the anonymous question in a way the author might find the answer without having to be wiki-literate.

That said, I didn't understand your comment. "Question answered by doc/faq/installed.txt." -- is that an installed file? I have Python 2.4 (executables, not source) installed and doc doesn't have a faq subdir. Or did you mean [] -- which appears non-existant?

I'm 100% for putting everything in its place; I'm just not sure that a wiki-inexperienced person with this question would be able to find the answer given your response.

(And sorry if this isn't the way to do a "Talk" page. I'm new to moin. Please teach me if there's a better way.)

Cheers, ["Philip"]

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