Links to Python related information in Albanian
ISO 639-1 Code: sq
Code Snippet
Phrases courtesy of Omniglot
1 Python 3.1.1 (r311:74480, Nov 29 2009, 22:24:25)
2 [GCC 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]] on freebsd7
3 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
4 >>> from collections import OrderedDict
5 >>> shquip = OrderedDict()
6 >>> shqip = OrderedDict()
7 >>> shqip[' Shqip '] = ' English '
8 >>> shqip[' Si jeni? '] = ' How are you? '
9 >>> shqip[' Mirë '] = ' Fine. '
10 >>> shqip[' A flisni Shqip? '] = ' Do you speak Albanian? '
11 >>> shqip[' Po, pak '] = ' Yes, a little. '
12 >>> shqip[' Falemenderit shumë '] = ' Thank you '
13 >>> shqip[' Ju lutem '] = " You're welcome. "
14 >>> for shqipx in shqip:
15 print('{0:=^30}{1:=^30}'.format(shqipx, shqip[shqipx]))
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