Here's what we are working on Dallas:
JimBaker - 2.5 Language support in the parser, possibly multiple parser backends
CharlieGroves - lining Jython type hierarchy up with CPython, adding rich comparisons to builtin types, other 2.2 bugs
EricDobbs - io flush on quit, 2.2 bugs
AlexanderSmith - io flush on quit, rich comparisons on builtin types
Previous Jython sprints generated some useful content, some of which we will migrate here and elsewhere in the Jython wiki.
When and Where
Feb 26 to Mar 1 - 4-day sprint at PyCon on Jython
We're on irc right now (26 Feb 2007 10:00am CST) #jython and if you're at PyCon in Dallas we're in Preston Trail 3
Homework Assignment
If you plan to participate in the sprints, please try to get your development environment set up ahead of time so we can make the best use of the time we code together. Start here:
Please also review the Resources listed below.
What follows is material from the preparation and summary of our previous sprints on jython.