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[DIFF] 19:15 [INFO] JeffAllen [1-5] #01 Upload of attachment 'Eclipse_Formatting. xml'.
#02 Attachment 'Eclipse_Formatting. xml' deleted.
#03 Upload of attachment 'Eclipse_Formatting. xml'.
#04 Attachment 'Eclipse_Formatting. xml' deleted.
#05 Fix Sun coding standard link
[DIFF] 21:17 [INFO] JeffAllen Change overriding target from __findattr__ to __findattr_ex__ (see issue 2655)
[DIFF] 19:27 [INFO] MalcolmSmith Update mobile phone information
[DIFF] 14:35 [INFO] AdamBurke
[DIFF] 14:33 [INFO] AdamBurke MalcolmSmith
[DIFF] 21:16 [INFO] JeffAllen [1-2] #01 Explain the ctr specification entry
[DIFF] 18:56 [INFO] JeffAllen Advance to 2.7.1
[DIFF] 17:52 [INFO] MarcAndreLemburg
[DIFF] 23:46 [INFO] AnselmoPeretto [1-4] #03 Creating a new logo page.
#04 Creating a new logo page.

last, but not least, a randomly chosen page: JythonMonthly/Newsletters/August2008


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This page contains a list of recent changes in this wiki of 767 pages (more system information on SystemInfo). For changes on other wikis, see WikiSites/Aggregation.


RecentChanges (last edited 2008-11-15 09:15:58 by localhost)