Differences between revisions 1 and 20 (spanning 19 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2005-02-10 05:33:54
Size: 1511
Editor: ClarkUpdike
Revision 20 as of 2009-11-01 03:31:00
Size: 1582
Editor: cpe-075-189-233-103
Comment: Instructions on checking out and doing an initial build entirely within Eclipse.
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ClarkUpdike, incept: 2005-02-10
= Jython via CVS in Eclipse =
Eclipse is a CVS client and can be used to get the project from the repository. It takes a few steps to set it up, but seems to work nice once you do. Please correct any mistakes. (Works for Eclipse 3.0.1)
 1. Run the checkout and ant build steps from the regular JythonDeveloperGuide
 1. In your Eclipse preferences, go to Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables and add a new variable named ANT_HOME that points to your ant install. That directory should have a lib/ant.jar inside of it.
 1. Go to File > Import > General > "Existing Projects into Workspace" in Eclipse
 1. Select your Jython checkout directory as the root
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 *`File -> New -> New Project -> CVS folder (expand) -> Checkout Projects from CVS -> Next`
 *Set up the repository properties
  *Host: `cvs.sourceforge.net`
  *Repository Path: `/cvsroot/jython`
  *User: `anonymous`
  *Password: <leave blank>
  *Connection type: `pserver`
  *Use Default Port <the default>
  *Click `Next`
 *Create the project
  *Select `Use an existing module (..)`
  *Select `jython`
  *Click `Next`
  *Select `Check out as a project in the workspace` [[FootNote(I tried using `Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard` but it put me in an endless loop.)]]
  *Click `Next`
  *Click `Next`
 *Now, scan files from the repository to find tags from the repository by scanning them from files>
  *Select `HEAD`
  *Click `Configure Tags`
  *Drill down into `org.python.core` and select `__builtin__.java`
   You should see a list of tags (`Versions`, `Branches`)checked in the upper right hand pane.
  *Click `Add Checked Tags` to make the CVS plugin aware of them
  *Click `OK`
  Eclipse scans the selected file and pulls out all of the available tags.
 *Checkout the tag you want into the project
  *Select the branch or version you want (drill down)
  *Click `Finish`
This could be made to work entirely in Eclipse with a few more additions to the external builders. For now, it requires running ant in the first step to make the build/gensrc and build/jarjar directories and then every time after a clean.

'''Proposed new instructions'''

Using Eclipse 3.5 + Subversive:

 1. Open the SVN Repository Exploring perspective and create a new repository for the Jython SVN repository.
 1. Open the new repository, expand trunk, right click on Jython, and select Check Out. (You'll be prompted to accept an SSL certificate.)
 1. Once the project is finished checking out, it will show build errors. Right click on the jython-trunk project. Select Build Path > Configure Build Path.
 1. In the Libraries tab, Add Variable > Configure Variables, and add a classpath variable for ANT_HOME.
 1. In the Package Explorer, open the build.xml file under jython-trunk.
 1. In the Outline view, find the "developer build" target. Right click and Run As > Ant Build.
 1. In the Package Explorer view, right click on the jython-trunk project, and select Refresh.
 1. The problems view should no longer show any errors.
  1. Run the checkout and ant build steps from the regular JythonDeveloperGuide

  2. In your Eclipse preferences, go to Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables and add a new variable named ANT_HOME that points to your ant install. That directory should have a lib/ant.jar inside of it.

  3. Go to File > Import > General > "Existing Projects into Workspace" in Eclipse

  4. Select your Jython checkout directory as the root

This could be made to work entirely in Eclipse with a few more additions to the external builders. For now, it requires running ant in the first step to make the build/gensrc and build/jarjar directories and then every time after a clean.

Proposed new instructions

Using Eclipse 3.5 + Subversive:

  1. Open the SVN Repository Exploring perspective and create a new repository for the Jython SVN repository.
  2. Open the new repository, expand trunk, right click on Jython, and select Check Out. (You'll be prompted to accept an SSL certificate.)
  3. Once the project is finished checking out, it will show build errors. Right click on the jython-trunk project. Select Build Path > Configure Build Path.

  4. In the Libraries tab, Add Variable > Configure Variables, and add a classpath variable for ANT_HOME.

  5. In the Package Explorer, open the build.xml file under jython-trunk.
  6. In the Outline view, find the "developer build" target. Right click and Run As > Ant Build.

  7. In the Package Explorer view, right click on the jython-trunk project, and select Refresh.
  8. The problems view should no longer show any errors.

JythonDeveloperGuide/EclipseNotes (last edited 2012-06-03 22:23:41 by JeffAllen)