Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2015-05-05 03:59:09
Size: 855
Editor: IanCordasco
Comment: Update vote.p.o instructions
Revision 3 as of 2016-05-07 21:20:21
Size: 902
Editor: EwaJodlowska
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
#acl AdminGroup:read,write,revert, All:read

Adding a New Election Manager

In order to add a new election manager, an administrator (or member of the infrastructure team) needs to add the email off the new manager to /home/www-data/web2py/applications/init/managers.txt. Once the information is there, the new manager should be able to register their own account. Once the manager has an account, an administrator needs to visit the application's admin panel and mark the user as a manager. Once that is done, the manager can follow the "Creating a New Election" instructions to create a new election.

Creating a New Election

Managers should log into https://vote.python.org and click on the "Elections" link at the top of the page. There should be a button that says "Create a New Election". When you do that, the WSGI editor should help guide you through creating a ballot.

howto/evote (last edited 2016-06-12 17:20:18 by MarkMangoba)

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