Revision 7 as of 2018-02-20 19:29:50

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Help us test PyPI!

Warehouse is a next-generation Python Package Repository which will replace the existing code base that currently powersPyPI (source code on GitHub,roadmap).We are seeking maintainers of Projects on PyPI to test it and send us bug reports.

Since Warehouse must be a reimplementation of the existing PyPI, please focus on any differences, missing features, or incorrect behavior that is exhibited on that affect your workflows for account management and package maintainership initially. We’ll be soliciting feedback on other concerns soon! Feedback on user experience, accessibility, and overall ease of use are welcome. Go tothe pre-production deployment at and try it out!

Things to test

Most of these you can teston, using the same login as you use on (legacy PyPI). For testing destructive actions, like removing an owner, deleting a project, or deleting a release release, please



If you find any potential security vulnerabilities, pleasefollow our published security policy. Please don't report security issues in Warehouse via GitHub, IRC, or mailing lists. Instead, please directly email one or more of our maintainers.


We’re working hard on nearly every aspect of the Warehouse codebase to get it ready for production deployment and are shipping features nearly every day, so check back and maybe even try using for your maintainer activities full time. Due to the rate of change some errors, downtime, and outright broken features may occur. We have some automated reporting of the scenarios in place, but let us know!

Contact us

Security issues:email Donald Stufft or Ernest W. Durbin III

GitHub for all other bug reports & feature requests:

IRC: #pypa-dev on Freenode (someone's usually there 10am-5pm Central Time on weekdays)

Email: pypa-dev mailing list

Thank you for testing Warehouse! You're helping us launch sooner and future users of PyPI will appreciate it. :)

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