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Staff Conference Reports

Part of the effort to encourage our staff having continued education, they will be attending one-two educational conferences per year. Below are the reports and notes from these conferences.


CiviCRM Summit

Location: Washington, DC

Dates: September 21-24, 2016

PSF Staff Present: Ewa Jodlowska, Kurt B. Kaiser, Mark Mangoba

Report from Ewa Jodlowska

The CiviCRM Summit was a worth while conference for us to attend. We were able to see what the new version of CiviCRM has to offer and see if it can be applied to any of the processes we already do and/or want to do. Below are my notes from the training and conference:

Mark Mangoba

I attended the 1.5-day User and Administrator training at the CiviCRM summit. Some key topics at the training included, Installation and Configuration. I learned that Drupal is the preferred content management system due to its relationship with CiviCRM. Although, there are alternative options such as Wordpress and Joomla, Drupal holistically has integrations without plugins into CiviCRM. I also became more familiar with extending CiviCRM using profiles to create forms. Ewa and I foresee using profiles and forms for grant tracking and keep track of sponsorships. The CiviCRM trainers also gave us support resources, such as accessing the wiki, downloads page and learning how to contribute to bugs/issues through Jira.

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