Differences between revisions 2 and 141 (spanning 139 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2008-06-17 20:10:37
Size: 96
Editor: DavidGoodger
Revision 141 as of 2013-03-14 13:45:50
Size: 3089
Editor: DavidGoodger
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 3: Line 3:
 * Aahz
 * TimAnsell
 * ChristopherArmstrong
 * MartinAspeli
 * GiovanniBajo
 * JimBaker
 * BenBangert
 * HenriqueBastos
 * NedBatchelder
 * FacundoBatista
 * MichaelBayer
 * JamesBennett
 * DanBentley
 * StevenBethard
 * IanBicking
 * PaulBoddie
 * Carl Friedrich Bolz
Line 4: Line 21:
 * TitusBrown
 * JeanPaulCalderone
 * BrettCannon
 * ThierryCarrez
 * NaomiCeder
 * NicolasChauvat
 * BenoitChesneau
 * WesleyChun
 * NickCoghlan
 * Richard Copeland
 * TimCouper
 * MatthewCowles
 * LauraCreighton
 * BrianCurtin
 * AndrewDalke
 * StevenDaprano
Line 5: Line 38:
 * CatherineDevlin
 * Mark Dickinson
 * Massimo Di Pierro
 * FredDrake
 * ReggieDugard
 * GrahamDumpleton
 * MaciejFijalkowski
 * MikeFletcher
 * MichaelFoord
 * AmauryForgeotdarc
 * JimFulton
 * AlexGaynor
 * NoahGift
 * Yannick Gingras
 * Tim Golden
Line 6: Line 54:
 * Ralph.Green
 * Zeth
 * DanielGreenfeld
 * Jacob Hallén
 * MarkHammond
 * LarryHastings
 * JonathanHartley
 * StephenHawkes
 * ChristianHeimes
 * ThomasHeller
 * DougHellmann
 * RaymondHettinger
 * SteveHolden
 * AdrianHolovaty
 * LaurensVanHoutven
 * Jeremy Hylton
 * PhilipJenvey
 * EwaJodlowska
 * BrianJones
 * EricJones
 * RichardJones
 * KristjanJonsson
 * KurtKaiser
 * NoahKantrowitz
 * JacobKaplanMoss
 * CarlKarsten
 * RobertKern
 * holger krekel
 * PeterKropf
Line 7: Line 84:
 * JonathanLaCour
 * SteveLang
 * VickyLee
 * JannisLeidel
 * MarcAndreLemburg
 * VanLindberg
 * MartinVonLoewis
 * KenManheimer
 * AnnaMartelliRavenscroft
 * BruceMartin
 * HaraldArminMassa
 * Chris McDonough
 * DuncanMcGreggor
 * JessicaMcKellar
 * PaulMcMillan
 * DavidMertz
 * CarlMeyer
 * Tetsuya Morimoto
 * SjoerdMullender
 * MikeMüller
 * RDavidMurray
 * Doug Napoleone
 * GustavoNiemeyer
 * JesseNoller
 * NealNorwitz
 * PauloNuin
 * UcheOgbuji
 * MikeOrr
 * RonaldOussoren
 * SamuelePedroni
 * FernandoPerez
 * TimPeters
 * BenjaminPeterson
 * AnandBPillai
 * JohnPinner
 * AntoinePitrou
 * FabioPliger
 * TedPollari
 * VasudevRam
 * PrabhuRamachandran
 * LucianoRamalho
 * MarkRamm
 * AllisonRandal
 * SteveRawlinson
 * TerryReedy
 * RegebroLennart
 * Sean Reifschneider
 * ArcRiley
 * AndreRoberge
 * BrunoRocha
 * gvanrossum
 * MichelleRowley
 * Gavin Roy
 * JeffRush
 * VinaySajip
 * Wilfredo Sánchez
 * NeilSchemenauer
 * HannoSchlichting
 * TresSeaver
 * GregorySmith
 * PeterSchneiderKamp
 * ChristianScholz
 * EricSmith
 * MichaelSparks
 * GregStein
 * VictorStinner
 * JamesTauber
 * ChristianTheune
 * GilesThomas
 * Phil Thompson
 * StephenThorne
 * JasonTishler
 * TrevorToenjes
 * Nicholas Tollervey
 * MalcolmTredinnick
 * KirbyUrner
 * Travis Vaught
 * DinoViehland
 * ThomasWaldmann
 * BarryWarsaw
 * FrankWierzbicki
 * GloriaWilladsen
 * AlexWillmer
 * ChrisWithers
 * ThomasWouters
 * Quentin Wright
 * KaPingYee
 * TarekZiade

(Kept sorted by family name.)

Notes: Zeth = Zeth Green; VickyLee = Vicky Twomey-Lee

Also see AdminGroup.

(Kept sorted by family name.)

Notes: Zeth = Zeth Green; VickyLee = Vicky Twomey-Lee

Also see AdminGroup.

MembersGroup (last edited 2021-08-04 10:49:33 by EWDurbin)

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