lwickjr 2011-09-15 18:23:10: I`ve just reviewed the site.py bug mentioned below, and it still exists in Python 3.1.2. Will someone please fix it?
lwickjr 2011-09-15 18:20:53: Trivial edit to get the comment into the log.
Quote: "Editor: PaulBoddie Comment: Suspicious edit resembling spam. Apologies if casino stuff is now actually lwickjr's focus." Nope; you`re right. Thanks!
lwickjr 2010-09-06 19:25:09: Gah! I`ve lost my edits TWICE now, once to not being logged in [I haven't been around so long that I forgot I had never logged in from this particular machine; it's newish], and once to failing to answer the question that I presume protects the site from unauthorized editing.
Trying a *third* time... Ok, that worked; re-entering the actual information...
Hmm, I note that the DateTime tags below failed to stamp the time when I last edited this page YEARS ago. Odd. I guess I didn't know how to use them then. ::shrug::
Having recently installed Python 2.7.0, I was browsing through the installation, specifically the site module [there wasn't a usercustomize module last time I checked, and the new mechinism was interesting; I had been keeping my personal code in the site-packages directory on my personal Windoze machine] when I noticed an error in the definition of the addpackage function.
To whit, if addpackage is ever called with None as the value of known_paths [which it never is], addpackage makes a totaly useless call to _init_pathinfo without saving the results, which I infer should be stored into known_paths [as is done in addsitedir], as addpackage will then go on to throw a KeyError exception by attempting to use the None value still in known_paths as a dictionary-type container. The indicated fix is to copy the known_paths = _init_pathinfo() line in addsitedir over the _init_pathinfo() line in addpackage. I also recommend that the known_paths argument be made to default to None as it does in addsitedir, and appears [from the body of the fuction] to have been intended.
As this bug was discovered through visual inspection and I am not registered at any of the usual Python development sites, would someone please verify this bug and bring it to the attention of the appropriate individuals and/or groups? Thanks!
Whew! Third time`s the charm, I hope! Also, each time brought forth a somewhat-improved version of the above text ['least I think so ].
Attention, please: I am interested in the possibility of de-linting some of the documentation. How do I go about signing up?
FredDrake sez: See the Documentation Development page.
lwickjr 2025-03-28 22:05:02: Done, which I noted on your page some time ago. [I find myself wondering if anyone found the delinted pages.]
lwickjr 2025-03-28 22:05:02: LionKimbro: "Parnassus".
Welcome to my page.
After reading RealNamesPlease, RealNamesPleaseDiscussion, and OneNamePlease,
I respectfully decline to change my login ID.
This is the ID I use exclusively online, it is derived from my "RL" name, and it is the ID under which I receive my e-mail.
In accordance with OneNamePlease and RealNamesPleaseDiscussion, I conclude that while "lwickjr" is not "exactly" in accordance with RealNamesPlease, it IS "close enough".
Please, no flames; no offense intended.
If anyone with GOOD American-English spelling skills would care to proofread this page and correct any spelling errors that I can't find, feel free. I've been adding known-correctly-spelled words to the online spelling checker, but I'm a tad unsure of a few of my spellings.
I have a few questions that I've been unable to find answer for.
All the documentation I've seen seems to assume that someone wanting to publish Python modules has -- and knows how to use -- a 24/7 file server available to use.
This is not always the case.
Further, I have found the documentation on distributing Python modules to be strong on the mechanics of how to PACKAGE modules [somewhat over-kill, I think, for simple drop-in single-file modules], and nearly nonexistent on how to PUBLISH them.
Could someone please write a page on PublishingPythonModules that is understandable by someone with significant *computer* experience but minimal *Internet* experience?
PublishingPythonModules SkipMontanaro Some of my more publishable modules Vaults of Parnassus
Hi lwick, before I answer some of your questions, I'd like you to consider RealNamesPlease. It is one of our WikiGuidelines, and it has worked well for us so far.
I'm not completely sure what you mean by publishing Python modules. If you need a space to upload your Python modules, you might want to consider StarshipPython. It used to be free for PSA members, but the PSA has ceased to exist, so I guess a small donation to the PythonSoftwareFoundation will do now. Would that solve your problem?
lwickjr: Possibly. I've written a few useful-to-me modules that I think others might also find useful. I'd like to share them, but I am NOT on-line 24/7, and would like someone to host them for downloading. As for WikiNames, would LWickJr do? If so, how do I change it?
With a real name I meant the one in your passport, not capitalizing your nick into a WikiName. Changing it is easy: just create the new page and cut all content from this page into it. Then delete this page and log in using your new name. -- JohannesGijsbers
lwickjr: Don't have a passport. As for my "nick", the L is my first initial, the Wick is my family name, and the Jr is because I've got the same name as my father. Isn't this "real" enough?
- /--- later the same day ---
Having read RealNamesPlease, RealNamesPleaseDiscussion, and OneNamePlease, I choose to continue using lwickjr as my login name. It is a persistent on-line identity. It is directly related to my given name. It is the *only* ID I use online. I doubt that anyone here would like to call me "the Hungry Hacker", with which I sign all my e-mail. Having stated my position, I simply shall ignore the issue and contribute as best I can. After all, isn't that why we're here? No offense taken; none intended.
BTW, what do you think of the modules I describe here?
As for publishing modules, it seems to me that we in the Python community are not yet as organized as the Ruby community.
For the most part, people set up their own website, maybe something on SourceForge, get a listing on PyPi or the vaults (of what-I-cant-spell,) and mention it on the python-announce usenet forum.
It would be a good subject for a new wiki page. I think there's already one that's started somewhere, that it would be worthwhile to revisit.
-- LionKimbro 2005-04-01 21:16:29
lwickjr: Um, sorry about that. The descriptions are heavy on *what* the modules do, but totally void of either of how they work or why one would want to use them.
As for that WIKIPage you mention, How to publish Python modules, I created it in hopes that someone would populate it with useful information. I'm thinking of doing just that. Ok, people, just how big is "small enough"?
Sombody else (Who?): You`re right, it *is* worth revisiting, in case someone _has_ done just that. Someone suggested that small modules can be posted here.
lwickjr: Yes; I've seen that.
lwickjr: Please note: "How to publish Python modules" has been superceeded by PublishingPythonModules.
I'm uploading some of my more publishable modules as attachments to this page. "Alias" is in lwickjr/Modules:Alias.py, "Edit" is in lwickjr/Modules:Edit.py, and "UT" is in lwickjr/Modules:UT.py - I *hope* they're not to big.
Does Edit interest you? Don't forget: it *does* require that the default subprocess be turned off, as it REQUIRES interaction between the user dataspace and the I.D.L.E. dataspace, and I don`t [currently] know how to use the IPC [Inter-Process Communication] that I.D.L.E. uses for the purpose. Alias has the same requirement, and for the same reason.