Rough Notes on a Possible Website for buildout ( )
- to give buildout a more professional face on the web
- to raise the awareness of the buildout tool within the Python community
- to improve and aggregate the documentation in a more friendly form
- to provide a one-stop resource for learning about buildout recipes
Site Outline:
- what is it, in a nutshell?
- list of features
- list of recipes
- success stories
- status box re version and stability
- how-to installation
- easy_install zc.buildout
- resources
- manual(s)
- screencasts that teach usage
- mailing lists
- IRC hangout
- a wiki? or use
- ptr to issue tracker
- ptr to the buildout subversion repository
- set of tutorial stories re specific recipes and situations
- host it on a community machine, perhaps where Zope Foundation is now
- base it on a Zope 3 site installation
- rely upon contributed documents written in reStructuredText