Attachment ''
Download 1 from visual import *
2 from random import uniform
4 # David Scherer
6 scene.range = 3
8 a = convex(color=(0.5,0,0))
9 b = convex(color=(0,0.5,0))
10 c = convex(color=(0,0,0.5))
11 d = convex(color=(0.5,0,0.5))
12 e = convex(color=(0.5,0.5,0))
13 f = convex(color=(0,0.5,0.5))
15 # circle
16 t = arange(0,2*pi,0.1)
17 e.pos = transpose( (sin(t), cos(t)+2, 0*t) )
19 # triangle
20 t = arange(0,2*pi,2*pi/3)
21 f.pos = transpose( (sin(t)-2, cos(t)+2, 0*t) )
23 # disk
24 for t in arange(0,2*pi,0.1):
25 a.append(pos = (cos(t),0,sin(t)))
26 a.append(pos = (cos(t),0.2,sin(t)))
28 # box
29 for i in range(8):
30 p = vector((i/4)%2 - 2.5, (i/2)%2 - 0.5, (i)%2 - 0.5)
31 b.append(pos=p)
33 # random sphere
34 L = []
35 for i in range(1000):
36 L.append(vector(2,0) + norm(vector(uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1),uniform(-1,1))))
37 c.pos = L
39 # lat/long sphere
40 L = []
41 for t in arange(0,2*pi,0.2):
42 for s in arange(0,pi,0.1):
43 L.append((cos(t)*sin(s)+2, sin(t)*sin(s)+2, cos(s)))
44 print len(L)
45 d.pos = L
47 # modify the disk
48 p = a
49 p.color = (p.color[0]*2, p.color[1]*2, p.color[2]*2)
50 while 1:
51 rate(10)
52 if scene.mouse.clicked:
53 c = scene.mouse.getclick()
54 p.append(pos=c.pos)
55 p.pos[-1] = scene.mouse.pos
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