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These are the current summer of code 2006 mentors (incomplete still) for the Python Software Foundation and what projects they're interested in seeing.
ere is the current list of mentors for the Python Software Foundation and what projects they're interested in seeing.
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=== Simon Belak ===

[http://www.turbogears.org TurboGears] developer.

I am also interested in projects involving AI or WSGI.

=== Robert (Rocky) Bernstein ===

Around the beginning of 2006, I've extened pdb.py to be more complete using the gdb command set as a guideline. See [http://bashdb.sf.net/pydb]. I've also written debuggers for [http://bashdb.sf.net/remake GNU make] and [http://bashdb.sf.net GNU Bash]. Areas where pdb (or pydb) should to be extended (such as in a Summer of Code project) are
 * thread debugging
 * debugging from a separate process
 * remote debugging (which should be done as an extension of debugging from a separate process)

I've also written a Python wrapper for my CD input and control library , [http://freshmeat.net/projects/libcdio/?branch_id=62870 libcdio]. Alas libcdio is much larger than what I've wrapped via SWIG so far. In particular missing is an interface to jitter and error correction interface for "Red Book" or audio CD's (libcdparanoia), and an interface for issuing MMC (Multi-Media Commands). I'd love to see someone complete this as a Summer of Code Project.

Some of my other GPL projects include [http://motif-pstree.sf.net xps], [http://ps-watcher.sf.net ps-watcher], [http://rm-old-files.sf.net remove/rename old files], and[http://recycle-logs.sf.net recycle log files] which can be found on [http://freshmeat.net] or [http://sourceforge.net]. I'm the current maintainer of the development branch for [http://www.gnu.org/software/vcdimager GNU VCDImager] and have wrote the navigable VCD plugin that's part of [http://xinehq.de xine].

I am enthusiastic about programming.

=== Ian Bicking ===

Web developer, [http://pythonpaste.org/ Paste], [http://sqlobject.org SQLObject], and a [http://blog.ianbicking.org blog]

I'm interested in web-related projects, particularly infrastructure involving [http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0333/ WSGI]. Education-related web projects would also be of interest to me.

=== Carl Bolz ===
No info posted yet.

=== Buddha Buck ===

Will mentor one Soya3d-related project.

=== Hye-Shik Chang ===
No info posted yet.

=== Janez Demsar ===

I'm one of developers of Orange [http://www.ailab.si], a large machine learning/data mining library for Python. I'd mentor students interested in developing new data mining widgets, adding new machine learning methods to the suite, interfacing it with other Python libraries or applications (like prolog, R, Matlab)...

=== Walter Dörwald ===
No info posted yet.

=== Jonathan Ellis ===
No info posted yet.

=== Clark Evans ===
No info posted yet.

=== Tague Griffith ===
No info posted yet.

=== Jim Jewett ===

 * client-side web projects, particularly improvements to the plucker www.plkr.org distiller.
 * standard library improvements (probably not new modules)
 * access control/capabilities (to allow running untrusted code, or to sandbox for optimizations)

In all cases, well-documented (doctest OK, doesn't need to be LaTex), clean, easily maintained and extended will trump extra functionality.

=== Richard Jones ===

Developer of [http://roundup.sf.net/ Roundup], [http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi PyPI].

I'm interested in projects to improve Roundup or PyPI.

=== David Joyner ===

I'm interested in mentoring a project to
improve [http://sage.scipy.org SAGE].

=== Jonathan LaCour ===
No info posted yet.

=== Jean-Baptiste Lamy ===

Maintainer of [http://www.soya3d.org/ Soya3d]. Will mentor one Soya3d-related project.

=== Robert Kern ===

I am mostly interested in projects that are of use for scientific development. Specifically, anything to do with numpy, scipy, matplotlib, Chaco, Mayavi, Traits, or IPython. More generally, I am also interested in mentoring projects of use to plotting frameworks, like math formula layout using TeX algorithms.

=== Andrew Kuchling ===

I can help mentor improvements to the standard library, some web projects, and documentation projects.

=== Travis Oliphant ===

I am interested in mentoring projects related to NumPy or SciPy. In particular I would be interested in mentoring a project to extract the essential elements of NumPy into a basic array object for inclusion into Python. A future NumPy would then inherit from this basic array object.

=== Serge Rey ===

I am interested in mentoring projects applying Python in the areas of Geographic Information Systems/Science (GIS), visualilzation and geocomputation. I direct the [http://regal.sdsu.edu/stars|STARS]] project which has a number of geocomputational and visualization components that could serve as SOC projects.

=== Arc Riley ===

[http://www.soya3d.org/ Soya3d] developer from Ithaca, NY. I've also worked with many free software multimedia systems and web frameworks for Python.

I can mentor one or two Soya3d related projects.

=== Armin Rigo ===
No info posted yet.

=== William Stein ===

I am interested in any projects related to making Python the best
environment in which to do mathematics research and education.
Specifically, I'm interested in mentoring a project to
improve [http://modular.math.washington.edu SAGE].

=== Greg Wilson ===
No info posted yet.

=== Thomas Wouters ===
No info posted yet.

=== Blaz Zupan ===

Developer of [http://www.ailab.si/orange Orange], a data mining suite with Python scripting and visual programming interface that uses Qt and PyQt.

Interested in development of new data/text mining algorithms, new visualization techniques (including 3D and sterographics for data mining), new Orange data mining widgets, data mining in bioinformatics, and porting Orange to MacOS.
 * JimBaker ([[http://wiki.python.org/jython/SummerOfCode|Jython]])
 * Facundo Batista (Python standard library)
 * JeffBauer ([[http://www.djangoproject.com|Django]])
 * Matt Boersma ([[http://wiki.python.org/jython/SummerOfCode|Jython]])
 * Buddha Buck ([[http://www.pysoy.org|PySoy]])
 * Carl Friedrich Bolz ([[http://codespeak.net/pypy|PyPy]])
 * Titus Brown and Grig Gheorghiu (automatic patch verification system for Python core and PyPI packages, based on a buildbot farm running on VMware machines, with ideas from [[http://pybots.org|Pybots]] and [[http://pycheesecake.org|Cheesecake]])
 * Jean-Paul Calderone, Glyph Lefkowitz, James Knight, and Christopher Armstrong ([[http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/SummerOfCode|Twisted]])
 * Jennifer Campbell (PyGraphics)
 * Brett Cannon (Python core and standard library)
 * Ondrej Certik ([[http://code.google.com/p/sympy/|sympy]]), project [[http://code.google.com/p/sympy/wiki/SummerOfCode|ideas]]
 * Fabian Seoane ([[http://code.google.com/p/sympy/|sympy]]), project [[http://code.google.com/p/sympy/wiki/SummerOfCode|ideas]]
 * Antonio Cuni ([[http://codespeak.net/pypy|PyPy]])
 * BrianDorsey ([[http://codespeak.net/py/|py-lib]] - See the future section of [[http://codespeak.net/svn/py/trunk/py/doc/test.txt|test.txt]] and [[http://codespeak.net/svn/py/trunk/py/doc/future.txt|future.txt]] for some py-lib project ideas)
 * Ilya Etingof (willing to help out, esp. in networking areas)
 * David Goodger ([[http://docutils.sf.net|Docutils]])
 * Will Guaraldi ([[http://pyblosxom.sf.net|PyBlosxom]] - [[http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/blog/static/soc2007.html|project ideas]])
 * Peter Hansen ([[http://www.drproject.org|DrProject]])
 * Alan Isaac ([[http://scipy.org|SciPy]], optimization, esp. as co-mentor)
 * Max Ischenko (testing tools development, TurboGears/Pylons and web-related projects)
 * Jim Jewett (client-side web projects, particularly plucker http://www.plkr.org/) or backup mentor.
 * Holger Krekel ([[http://codespeak.net/py/|py-lib]], [[http://codespeak.net/pypy|PyPy]])
 * AndrewKuchling (Python standard library, extension modules, possibly Jython)
 * Tennessee Leeuwenburg (Just happy to help -- of http://pythonpapers.org/ thinking of project ideas still)
 * Martin v. Löwis (Python standard library, core)
 * Zach Miller ([[http://pySoy.org/|pySoy]])
 * Jarrod Millman ([[http://scipy.org|SciPy]])
 * SkipMontanaro ([[http://www.spambayes.org|SpamBayes]])
 * Victor Ng ([[http://www.drproject.org|DrProject]])
 * Travis Oliphant (NumPy, Extended buffer interface in Python)
 * CarloOliveira (UFRJ,[[http://labase.nce.ufrj.br/projects/pyndorama|Pyndorama]], Educational tools for Web and OLPC)
 * Armin Rigo ([[http://codespeak.net/pypy|PyPy]])
 * Arc Riley ([[http://www.pysoy.org|PySoy]])
 * André Roberge ([[http://code.google.com/p/crunchy|Crunchy]]) [[http://code.google.com/p/crunchy/wiki/SummerOfCodeIdeas|project ideas]]
 * JustinRyan ([[http://www.openplans.org/projects/pu]], bridging interface implementations with {IronP,cP,J}ython to enable cross-pollination of communities and adoption with existing legacy apps, also Mono/Twisted reactor convergence possibilities, PyPy, distutils on Jython / javaos.py]
 * DavidStanek ([[http://www.turbogears.org|TurboGears]], projects involving web applications or web application development)
 * Aaron Swartz ([[http://webpy.infogami.com/ideas|web.py ideas]])
 * JamesTauber ([[http://pyjamas.pyworks.org|Pyjamas]])
 * MikeTaylor ([[http://wiki.python.org/jython/SummerOfCode|Jython]])
 * AlexandreVassalotti (Python standard library, core)
 * FrankWierzbicki ([[http://wiki.python.org/jython/SummerOfCode|Jython]])
 * Greg Wilson ([[http://www.drproject.org|DrProject]])
 * Blake Winton ([[http://www.drproject.org/|DrProject]], [[http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/|PyBlosxom]])
 * Johannes Woolard ([[http://code.google.com/p/crunchy|Crunchy]]) [[http://code.google.com/p/crunchy/wiki/SummerOfCodeIdeas|project ideas]]
 * Maciej Fijalkowski ([[http://codespeak.net/py/|py-lib]], [[http://codespeak.net/pypy|PyPy]])
 * Toby Donaldson ([[http://code.google.com/p/crunchy|Crunchy]])
 * Richard Tew ([[http://www.stackless.com|Stackless Python]])
 * Satya Kiran (Python core,Python standard library)
 * Paul Gries ([[http://code.google.com/p/pygraphics|PyGraphics]])
 * Rene Dudfield ([[http://www.pygame.org|PyGame]], [[http://pyopengl.sf.net|PyOpenGL]])
 * Marcus von Appen ([[http://www.pygame.org|PyGame]])
 * Phil Hassey ([[http://www.pygame.org|PyGame]], TinyPy)

Python Mentors

Here is the current list of mentors for the Python Software Foundation and what projects they're interested in seeing.

Mentors are listed in alphabetical order.

SummerOfCode/Mentors (last edited 2008-11-15 14:01:21 by localhost)

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