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Revision 171 as of 2006-05-25 14:12:29
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Revision 267 as of 2007-04-04 13:36:42
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Editor: DavidGoodger
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This page is about the [http://code.google.com/soc/ Google "Summer of Code"] projects involving Python and mentored by the Python Software Foundation (PSF). This page coordinates the [http://code.google.com/soc/ Google "Summer of Code"] projects involving Python and mentored by the Python Software Foundation (PSF).
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Discussion about any Python-related SoC topic should take place on
[http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/soc2006 the soc2006 mailing list].
Based on previous years, we are expecting a lot of competition so when making your application it is important to note that the PSF is looking for projects that:
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For information on last year's accepted projects, see ["SummerOfCode/2005"].  * enhance an existing Python project rather than start something complete from scratch;
 * contribute to the Python community rather than are merely written in Python.
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= Improving the Python debugger = The 2007 PSF SoC coordinator is JamesTauber (jtauber at jtauber dot com). Contact him if you have any questions.
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Student: Matthew J Fleming = Students: How to submit a proposal =
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Mentor: Robert L. Bernstein Student applications are now open.
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Many people have voiced their concern that the Python debugger could be improved in a number of ways. This project aims to incorporate these suggestions into an improved version of Pdb. [http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/AdviceforStudents Google's Advice for Students]
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= Base multidimensional array type for Python core = Looking at the list of PSF ["SummerOfCode/Mentors"] can help you craft your proposal to match their interests.
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Student: KarolLangner = Tips on participating =
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Mentor: Travis E. Oliphant    1. Do not overbook yourself. Working on your project should be your main activity for the entire summer.
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The goal is to prepare a simple, generic multidimensional array interface that can be readily placed in the Python core as a new built-in base type (called, for instance, 'dimarray'), and possibly included in a future Python distribution (maybe 2.6?). This new base type will have the same C-structure as the current array implementation in numpy and will be based on a interface recently formulated by Travis Oliphant within a Python Enhancement Proposal (http://svn.scipy.org/svn/PEP/). After preparing a 'ready to insert' version of the array interface, it will be applied to numpy and several other packages that work with multidimensional data, and possibly modified in order to work out an optimal scope.    2. You must provide weekly status reports.
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= Logging Usage in the Standard Library (PEP 337) =    1. Participate in the developer community by joining python-dev, jython-dev, or whatever mailing list is appropriate.
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Student: Jackilyn Hoxworth    1. If you get stuck, ask for help instead of silently struggling. You can ask your mentor for help, or post a question to the development mailing list.
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Mentor: James Joseph Jewett    3. You will be expected to learn how to use SVN.
= Mentors: How to apply =
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Implement PEP 337, possibly updating the PEP to take account of any new issues that arise. The mentor's responsibility is to ensure the student makes progress. This could entail coaching them, providing motivation, making sure they aren't stuck, answering technical questions, or pointing the student to the proper resources.
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= Decimal module in C. = Mentors should expect to get a weekly status report from their students, and should badger students who are not communicating. The weekly status should be reported to the PSF SoC coordinator.
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Student: Mateusz Rukowicz However, the mentor is not expected to do work for the student.
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Mentor: Facundo Batista Mentoring duties are expected to take a couple of hours per week.
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Adding C implementation of decimal module, which eventually would replace current implementation, with no side effects to applications using this module. See [http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/AdviceforMentors Google's Advice for Mentors]

If you are interested in becoming a mentor:

 * Add your name to the mentor list at ["SummerOfCode/Mentors"].
 * join the [http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/soc2007-mentors soc2007-mentors mailing list]
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= Rewrite of the zipfile module. = == Project ideas ==
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Student: Nilton Volpato For 2007, the PSF would like to concentrate on proposals that
advance PSF projects (CPython and its documentation,
Jython and its documentation, the Python web site). That said, projects relating to other Python libraries, applications or implementations (PyPy) that are relevant to the promotion of the Python programming language are also encouraged.
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Mentor: Ilya Etingof The following pages list some ideas:
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The project is to write a new and updated version of the
zipfile module for dealing with ZIP files with much more features that
are not supported by zipfile module currently.
 * ["CodingProjectIdeas/PythonCore"] -- ideas for the CPython interpreter.
 * ["CodingProjectIdeas/StandardLibrary"]
 * https://www.drproject.org/DrProject/wiki/DrProjectSoC2007 -- DrProject ideas
 * http://wiki.python.org/jython/SummerOfCode -- Jython projects.
 * http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/project-ideas.html -- Some ideas for PyPy
 * http://code.google.com/p/sympy/wiki/SummerOfCode -- Ideas for SymPy
 * http://code.google.com/p/pyjamas/wiki/SummerOfCode -- Idea for Pyjamas
 * [http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/dev/todo.html The Docutils to-do list] contains a wealth of ideas. Important projects are prioritized. Subscribe to the [https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/docutils-develop docutils-develop] list and ask for advice.
 * http://webpy.infogami.com/ideas -- ideas for web.py
 * http://pyblosxom.sourceforge.net/blog/static/soc2007.html -- ideas for PyBlosxom
 * http://code.google.com/p/crunchy/wiki/SummerOfCodeIdeas -- ideas for Crunchy (educational software).
 * http://www.pysoy.org/wiki/SoC2007 -- ideas for PySoy (3d engine)
See also ["SummerOfCode/Mentors"] where potential mentors have mentioned projects they are willing to mentor.
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These changes are intended to overcome the current limitations of the module, and include, but are not limited to:
 * Add support for bzip2 encryption
 * Add support for removing files stored in zip files
 * Add file-like object API to ZIP archive members
 * Add support for the traditional PKWARE encryption
== Other Organizations using Python ==
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If you can't find a well-suited PSF project, but you still want to do something with Python for SOC 2007, you can also consider the projects offered by:
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= Ajax in python based on PyPy's JavaScript backend =  * Bazaar (http://code.google.com/soc/bzr/about.html)
 * Django (http://code.google.com/soc/django/about.html)
 * Kamaelia, BBC Research (http://code.google.com/soc/bbc/about.html and http://kamaelia.sourceforge.net/SummerOfCode2007)
 * MoinMoin (see MoinMoin:GoogleSoc2007 )
 * Open Source Applications Foundation (http://code.google.com/soc/osaf/about.html)
 * Plone Foundation (http://code.google.com/soc/plone/about.html)
 * SCons (http://code.google.com/soc/scons/about.html and http://www.scons.org/wiki/GSoC2007)
 * Subversion (http://code.google.com/soc/svn/about.html)
 * The Space Telescope Science Institute (http://code.google.com/soc/stsci/about.html)
 * wxPython (http://code.google.com/soc/wxpython/about.html)
 * Zope Foundation (http://code.google.com/soc/zope/about.html)
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Student: Maciej Fijalkowski All the mentoring organizations are listed here: http://code.google.com/soc/
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Mentor: Eric van Riet Paap == Previous years ==
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The main target of the project is to produce a framework which
takes advantage of PyPy's JavaScript backend and to make it
easy to write an AJAX based framework written entirely in Python.

The aim is to produce a framework which allows Python applications
to be translated into an AJAX based application split into
a client part (JavaScript running on browser) and a server part
(python running on web server). Communication between client and server
is translated from Python method calls into JSON request and response.

= Complete gencli, the PyPy CLI backend =

Student: Antonio Cuni

Mentor: Armin Rigo

gencli is the PyPy backend targeting the Common Language
Infrastructure (CLI) virtual machine, i.e. .NET.

Once gencli will be complete it will be possible to translate the
Standard Interpreter in order to produce a .NET executable of the
Python interpreter (we could call it PyPy.NET).

The result will be in some way similar to the existing IronPython,
with the difference that IronPython is a compiler (though most of the
job is done by the runtime environment), while PyPy.NET will be an

= PyPy Proposal - Write and port modules from CPython with ctypes =

Student: Lawrence Oluyede

Mentor: Christian Tismer

I'd like to make PyPy ready for encrypted communications adding SSL support in the
ongoing and in-development socket module. The other modules I'll port are: bz2,
fcntl, mmap and time (very fundamental).
If there's time I'd like to start working on 'os' and 'select' modules also.

= SciPy Vector Machine support =

Student: Albert Strasheim

Mentor: David Kammeyer

= Neural Nets in SciPy =

Student: Frederic Mailhot

Mentor: Robert Kern

The goal of this project is to extend SciPy's functionality by adding modules for the design, training and use of a variety of neural network architectures, including standard feedforward and recurrent networks, among others. As a guide I intend to work from the modules in Matlab's Netlab toolkit, as well as from my own experience implementing recurrent networks.

= Enhancements to mathtext (part of matplotlib) - a Python package for typesetting =

Student: Edin Salkovic

Mentor: John D Hunter

After a discussion at the scipy user list, and the comments of the possible
mentor (John Hunter, creator/maintainer of matplotlib), I decided to work
on improving mathtext, which is part of matplotlib. So, for this summer of
code I could work on the following (roughly in order of importance/realization):

 * replace the existing bakoma truetype fonts with a set of good,
 comprehensive, math fonts, eg, STIX (http://www.stixfonts.org/).
 The STIX fonts should be available by the begining of June. Also,
 the code should be refactored so that unicode names for symbols can
 be used. This will allow plugging in any font that supports unicode
 (STIX fonts already support unicode). Currently mathtext hardcodea
 the mapping from TeX symbol name to a (font_file, glyph_index) tuple,
 which ties mathtext to a given set of fonts (eg, the Bakoma fonts).

 * incorporate some of Knuth's layout algorithms into the mathtext
 layout engine.

 * refactor mathtext into a stand-alone module

 * add support for kerning - the current bakoma fonts do not have kerning
 info in them.

 * improve the parser to handle more TeX

 * add support for fractions (\frac), arrays etc.

I plan to continue the work on mathtext after SoC.

= Soya3D Collision API : Improving ODE integration in the core =

Student: David Pierre-Yves

Mentor: Lamy

Soya lacks some very useful tools such as a
collision API or a properly integrated physics engine.

I am applying to Summer of Code 2006 in order to fix these deficiencies by
improving support for the Open Dynamics Engine (ode.org), which is barely working and too low-level in the last release of Soya, and provide a similar collision detection system to
all objects whether ODE is in use or not.

= Soya3D exporting/importing tools for Blender =

Student: Palle Raabjerg

Mentor: Buddha Michael Dylan Buck

Currently, no Soya3D importers exist for Blender. This means you cannot import any Soya3D or Cal3D models into Blender. This can be inconvenient for both the game developer, as he needs to publish the .blend files to allow people to modify models, and for a gamer community surrounding a project, as they can't modify models unless the developer publishes the .blend files. (Note: This might be a perfectly okay and even preferable situation for some proprietary game developers, but Soya3D is built on a philosophy of openness and freedom, making this a more important feature.)

The Soya3D exporter tools basically consists of the blender2soya and blender2cal3d scripts. blender2soya is currently used for static (non-animated) models, and blender2cal3d is used for exporting animated skeletal models to the Cal3D format, which can also be used with Soya.
These two scripts lack many features, however, and still contain known flaws.

If I am assigned to this project, I will create Soya3D and Cal3D importers for Blender, and I will work on both exporter scripts

= Pygame on ctypes =

Student: Alex Holkner

Mentor: Richard Jones

My project proposal is to rewrite Pygame to use ctypes. The current implementation is written as a C module that links to SDL. The proposed addition of ctypes to Python 2.5 is a great catalyst for using it to wrap SDL and reimplementing Pygame in pure Python. This would allow developers to extend Pygame with much more ease than is currently possible, and to make use of SDL features not exported by Pygame, and to give PyPy development another library.

= SQLAlchemy Schema Migration =

Student: Evan Pierce Rosson

Mentor: Jonathan La``Cour

SQLAlchemy is an excellent object-relational database mapper for Python projects. Currently, it does a fine job of creating a database from scratch, but provides no tool to assist the user in modifying an existing database. This project aims to provide such a tool.

= Drop-in WSGI support for Commodity Hosting =

Student: Jonathan Rosebaugh

Mentor: Benjamin C. Bangert

Tentative Pythonesque Project Name: Holy Grail

[http://www.inklesspen.com/trac/grail/ Project Trac]

I intend to take advantage of existing developments in WSGI such as Paste, flup, and various WSGI-compatible frameworks in order to develop a simple drop-in method for hosting WSGI webapps in commodity hosting.

Project Goals in rough order of priority

  * WSGI Admin Panel - A self-contained WSGI app which allows the user to attach various WSGI apps to different urls. At its most basic it will be a simple wrapper around paste.urlmap, but it will be able to handle more complex situations, involving such things as paste.cascade, paste.urlparser, various middleware, and other complex situations. When I can use PasteDeploy I will, but there will have to be support for manual importing of apps from modules.
  * FastCGI made easy - flup has taken us most of the way, but it needs to be friendlier. Some hosting providers want the FastCGI process to be running on a specified port; some providers want the web server to spawn it. Either option should be easy to do, with robust process management to make sure the FastCGI process stays up.
  * Ease of installation for webhosts - Ideally, a commodity webhost should be able to provide this package for their customers; just click a button in the signup and the WSGI admin panel is deployed to the user's account, creating an isolated user environment using workingenv and setuptools.
  * Ease of installation by end users - However, until this has widespread support by webhosts, the user needs a quick and simple install process. We'll have a simple installer--command line for those who have shell access, python cgi, and maybe even a php-based installer--that lets the user set up their WSGI package using workingenv and setuptools.

= PyDev - Python for Eclipse =

Student: Sean Handley

Mentor: Fabio Zadrozny

Project Blog: http://www.planet-soc.com/?q=blog/114

My objectives for PyDev are to implement as many of the most popular requested features as I can, bringing the power of Python development in Eclipse up to the same standards as Java. Specifically, I will be adding new features to the debugger and code editor.

= Coder: An extensible web-based programming tutor =

Student: Johannes Woolard

Mentor: André Roberge

I propose a system that serves web-pages locally over the loopback address – this could maybe be extended later to work remotely if “restricted python” is revived.

Tutorials are really the most important part of this application: not only must they be simple to create, they must also be fun for the students. I am proposing a system whereby tutorials are encapsulated in XML and contain not only the raw tutorial (which will be pretty-printed to XHTML using XSLT, which in turn could be personalised with CSS), but also unit tests written in python that must be satisfied for the student to advance to the next stage. Not only will I write an IDE for programming, I will also write a WYSIWYG editor for tutorials.

= Improving Mailman's User Experience =

Student: Ethan Fremen

Mentor: Barry Warsaw

I propose to port Mailman's web interface to one implemented with Kid in order to improve the UI and enable better handling of i18n.

= Shed Skin project =

Student: Zheng Siyao

Mentor: Mark Dufour

I will extend the Shed Skin compiler, so that memory management of
generated code and hence performance is improved.

= YAML parser and emitter =

Student: Kyrylo Simonov

Mentor: Clark C. Evans

Homepage: http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML

Timeline: http://pyyaml.org/timeline

I have developed a pure Python YAML parser, which is, as for now, the
only existing YAML parser that fully adheres the current YAML 1.1
specification. I would like to apply to the Google Summer of Code
program in order to continue my work on implementing a YAML parser and

My proposal is to write a C library for processing YAML and Python
bindings to it. While existing PyYAML parser is stable and robust,
being a pure Python code, it is slow and not suitable for processing
large amounts of data. Additionally, having a C library will allow
bindings for other languages as well, which will increase
compatibility between various implementations and serve the goal of
YAML: to be a language-independent format for serializing data.

I also plan to progress on another YAML-related project: Writing a
reference YAML parser and emitter, alternative grammar rules for YAML
that matches the way the parser works and a set of guidelines for
parser writers. The language of implementation of the reference
parser should be Python without using its advanced language-specific
features. This will ensure that a proficient programmer can write a
YAML parser and emitter in her language of choice and will greatly
increase the adoption of YAML. I do not expect to complete the
reference parser during the period of SoC though.

= Web-based administration interface for DrProject =

Student: Gregory Lapouchnian

Mentor: Greg Wilson

Currently the administration of a DrProject installation has to be done
through a command line script. This works well in certain situations
where a professor is able (or willing) to write scripts to make use
DrProject's API in order to execute batch operations. However a
web-based administration interface would greatly simplify course
management by providing a central location for common tasks such as
removing a student from a course or moving them from one project to
another. A web-based console will also make it possible to present to
the instructors some general statistics for the groups and students in
their course in a convenient format.

= Cheesecake enhancements and its integration with PyPI. =

''Student'': [http://joker.linuxstuff.pl/ Michał Kwiatkowski]

''Mentor'': [http://agiletesting.blogspot.com Grig Gheorghiu]

''Project timeline and ideas'': [http://pycheesecake.org/wiki/SummerOfCode06 Cheesecake] - feel free to add your comments about the project there!

[http://pycheesecake.org Cheesecake] is an application designed to evaluate and estimate the overall quality (or so called 'kwalitee') of a given software package written in Python. It emphasizes a need for well-written documentation and unit tests, encouraging good programming practices and penalizing sloppy design and careless distribution. Using Cheesecake to check your code gives you confidence that your software doesn't merely run, but is usable and easy to test and modify as well.

Because Python is very easy to learn and use there exists a vast variety of software written in it, most of which was scattered until [http://python.org/pypi PyPI] was created. Now, when new packages are being indexed on Cheese Shop every day, an effort can be made to spread the spirit of good software design and code reuse among the Python community. This can be achieved by combining the power of Cheesecake and Cheese Shop. Everytime a new version of a package would be uploaded to Cheese Shop, its cheesecake index will be calculated and published on web. Having a way to measure a quality of a package with accordance to other existing packages will be of invaluable help for all developers. It will promote well built packages and in the long run raise the overall quality of Python software.

Adding Cheesecake functionality to PyPI has been already [http://mail.python.org/pipermail/catalog-sig/2006-April/000825.html mentioned] by Phillip J. Eby on the catalog-sig mailing list. Together with Cheesecake maintainer Grig Gheorghiu we've discussed modifications needed to be done to Cheesecake code to be reliable enough so it could be incorporated into PyPI service. A [http://pycheesecake.org/wiki/SummerOfCode06 working copy of our ideas] is accessible on the project wiki. It includes enhancing Cheesecake code scoring techniques to take into account unit tests of a package, running tests in secure environment, extending supported archive formats and fixing all known bugs. Development of Cheesecake will adhere to best practices such as unit testing, continuous integration (via buildbot), pylint verification, etc.

The next part of this project will include collaboration with Richard Jones, PyPI maintainer, and merging Cheesecake into PyPI service. Upon completion all PyPI uploads will be automatically scored by Cheesecake. It will be possible to browse packages archive by cheesecake index, sorting results by installability, documentation and code kwalitee index. Statistics in numeric and graphical form will also be made available. This part of a project will involve writing server-side code, with emphasis on security and robustness.

The remaining time will be spent on resolving all problems that would occur during usage of Cheesecake and PyPI. Along with fixing bugs, I will develop a simple Hello world package that can be taken as an example of good development practices for all Python developers. It should also score 100% in the Cheesecake test of course. ;-) It will be what [http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/hello/ hello] is for GNU Project.

= PyCells: Port of CLOS Cells extension =

Student: Ryan Forsythe

Mentor: James Tauber

Summary: Python port of Kenny Tilton's Cells extension to CLOS

Cells is a framework which, rather than defining a class as a set of
methods and attributes, instead defines it as a set of interdependent
slots, each of whose values are determined by formulas. It is
analogous to a spreadsheet. While it is similar to Python's idea of
properties, elements of a class which act like values but which are
generated by a method, cells build in an automemoization function so
their results are recalculated only when needed. My task for Summer of
Code would be to build a package which implemented Cells in Python,
built regression testing for the package, and translate CLOS Cell's
demo applications into PyCell.

= Python interface for writing Mozilla (NPAPI) plugins =

Student: [http://zygfryd.voidfx.net/ Marcin Pertek]

Mentor: Mark Hammond

Writing plugins with the NPAPI requires using the cumbersome and error-prone C or C++. I propose a thin binding of the interface to Python, by the means of a plugin embedding a Python interpreter and exposing inside it the NPAPI. It does not imply executing Python code from webpages, simply a way to write plugins in Python instead of C.

In addition to ease the creation of plugins, I would make bindings to readily enable the use of wxPython, PyGTK, PyGame and Soya3D. These bindings would enable those libraries to handle the in-browser window and associated events.

= Support Vector Machines for SciPy =

Student: [http://students.ee.sun.ac.za/~albert/ Albert Strasheim]

Mentor: Dave Kammeyer

Integrating libsvm with [http://www.scipy.org/ SciPy] using ctypes and providing various tools for manipulating datasets for use with SVMs.

[http://students.ee.sun.ac.za/~albert/pylibsvm/ Project homepage]
 * ["SummerOfCode/2005"]
 * ["SummerOfCode/2006"]

This page coordinates the [http://code.google.com/soc/ Google "Summer of Code"] projects involving Python and mentored by the Python Software Foundation (PSF).

Based on previous years, we are expecting a lot of competition so when making your application it is important to note that the PSF is looking for projects that:

  • enhance an existing Python project rather than start something complete from scratch;
  • contribute to the Python community rather than are merely written in Python.

The 2007 PSF SoC coordinator is JamesTauber (jtauber at jtauber dot com). Contact him if you have any questions.

Students: How to submit a proposal

Student applications are now open.

[http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/AdviceforStudents Google's Advice for Students]

Looking at the list of PSF ["SummerOfCode/Mentors"] can help you craft your proposal to match their interests.

Tips on participating

  1. Do not overbook yourself. Working on your project should be your main activity for the entire summer.
  2. You must provide weekly status reports.
  3. Participate in the developer community by joining python-dev, jython-dev, or whatever mailing list is appropriate.
  4. If you get stuck, ask for help instead of silently struggling. You can ask your mentor for help, or post a question to the development mailing list.
  5. You will be expected to learn how to use SVN.

Mentors: How to apply

The mentor's responsibility is to ensure the student makes progress. This could entail coaching them, providing motivation, making sure they aren't stuck, answering technical questions, or pointing the student to the proper resources.

Mentors should expect to get a weekly status report from their students, and should badger students who are not communicating. The weekly status should be reported to the PSF SoC coordinator.

However, the mentor is not expected to do work for the student.

Mentoring duties are expected to take a couple of hours per week.

See [http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code/wiki/AdviceforMentors Google's Advice for Mentors]

If you are interested in becoming a mentor:

Project ideas

For 2007, the PSF would like to concentrate on proposals that advance PSF projects (CPython and its documentation, Jython and its documentation, the Python web site). That said, projects relating to other Python libraries, applications or implementations (PyPy) that are relevant to the promotion of the Python programming language are also encouraged.

The following pages list some ideas:

See also ["SummerOfCode/Mentors"] where potential mentors have mentioned projects they are willing to mentor.

Other Organizations using Python

If you can't find a well-suited PSF project, but you still want to do something with Python for SOC 2007, you can also consider the projects offered by:

All the mentoring organizations are listed here: http://code.google.com/soc/

Previous years

  • ["SummerOfCode/2005"]
  • ["SummerOfCode/2006"]

SummerOfCode/2007 (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:01 by localhost)

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