Differences between revisions 1 and 37 (spanning 36 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2009-09-06 02:49:41
Size: 1276
Editor: CarlTrachte
Comment: added RussianLanguagePage
Revision 37 as of 2010-01-26 23:08:40
Size: 6139
Editor: CarlTrachte
Comment: added book sale site (Python 3 - russian author?)
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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/* XXX - check RussianPythonBooks page for active links CBT 14OCT09 */

ISO 639-1 Code: ru
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NewLanguagePage [[http://ru.diveintopython.org/toc.html|В глубь языка Python]]

[[http://www.python.ru/|Язык программирования Python]]

[[http://sapphire.sibnsk.net/shared/Python%20programming%20language.pdf|Язык программирования Python]] - PDF

[[http://www.citforum.ru/programming/python/index.shtml| (tutorial?)]]
[[http://www.books.ru/shop/show/9001544| (bookstore)]]
[[http://www.desc.ru/show.html?id=1096| (mini-tutorial for kids?)]]

== Active ==

=== Sites ===

  * [[http://zope.net.ru/|Russian Python & Zope User Group (ZoPyRus)]]
  * [[http://www.python.su/|Python programming]]
  * [[http://www.opennet.ru/links/sml/83.shtml|OpenNet links for Python]]
  * [[http://www.opennet.ru/docs/RUS/python/|Python tutorial at OpenNet]]
  * [[http://www.intuit.ru/department/pl/python/|Python learning course]]
  * [[http://www.openkazan.info/Phyton_3|openkazan.info]] - Kazan FOSS site - intro to Python with code

=== Wikis ===

  * [[http://ru.pywiki.com|Python Wiki Russian version ]]
  * [[http://omsk.lug.ru/wacko/Python|Python section at OmskLUG wiki]]
  * [[http://google.ru/search?q=python&btnG=Google&domains=kirov.lug.ru&sitesearch=&sitesearch=kirov.lug.ru|Python-related articles at KirovLUG wiki]]
  * [[http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python|Russian Python page at Wikipedia]]
  * [[http://wiki.python.org/moin/%D0%A1%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%A1%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%83|this wiki]] - how to color syntax

=== Forums ===

  * [[http://python.su/forum/|Python.su Forum]]
  * [[http://zope.net.ru/|Russian Python & Zope User Group (ZoPyRus)]]
  * [[http://www.anabar.ru/forumz/anafo.py?forumid=4|Python manifold at Anabar]]
  * [[http://forum.vingrad.ru/index.php?showforum=116|Python subforum at Vingrad]]
  * [[http://www.python.promsoft.ru/index.php|Promsoft's Python forum]]
  * [[http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=31&topic=1537|Ru-Board big Python-related topic]]

=== Blogs ===
  * [[http://softwaremaniacs.org/blog/category/python/|"SoftwareManiacs " by Ivan Sagalaev]]
  * [[http://slav0nic.org.ua/tag/python|"~o~" by Slav0nic]]
  * [[http://pyobject.ru/blog/tag/python/|"Pythy" by Yury Yurevich]]
  * [[http://ragbag.ru|The rag bag of Maksim Derkachev]]
  * [[http://pythonini.livejournal.com/|Python-related blog by PythonINI]]
  * [[http://community.livejournal.com/ru_python/|Python-russian LiveJournal community]]
  * [[http://satels.blogspot.com/search/label/python|sympy + scipy]]
  * [[http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/python/68355/|basic OO code - Russian notebook market]] habrahabr blog aggregator
  * [[http://ninjaside.info/tag/python/|google + gil + threads]]
  * [[http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/python/72757/|abstract classes]] habrahabr blog aggregator
  * [[http://imbolc.name/2009/10/python-x-s.html|string formatting, dictionaries, tags, class]]
  * [[http://forum.codenet.ru/showthread.php?t=56871|forum - unittest]]
  * [[http://welinux.ru/post/1530/|disk monitoring]]
  * [[http://www.fox-space.com/2009/09/18/python-filechanges-monitoring-sample/|file change monitoring]]
  * [[http://www.codeisart.ru/python-the-latest-messages-from-twitter/|django - twitter app]] - latest messages from twitter
  * [[http://roinet.livejournal.com/5740.html|roinet]] - C# + IronPython: вызов методов
  * [[http://nolar.livejournal.com/212307.html|nolar]] - generators with code
  * [[http://www.cyberforum.ru/python/thread75346.html|forum]] - matrix with code
  * [[http://boomzoomer-comp.livejournal.com/3253.html}boomzoomer-comp]] - matplotlib demo with code
  * [[http://chuburmenant.blogspot.com/2009/12/optionparser-unittest-python.html|chuburmenant]] - OptionParser и UnitTest в python скриптах
  * [[http://roinet.net/2009/12/08/python-ruby-interop/|roinet]] - .NET, SOAP, (Iron)Python-(Iron)Ruby Interop
  * [[http://xfox.livejournal.com/17703.html|xfox]] - Выделяем поля из логов nginx на python
  * [[http://vitus-wagner.livejournal.com/443744.html|vitus-wagner]] - lambda
  * [[http://community.livejournal.com/ru_python/271439.html|ru_python]] - list comprehensions
  * [[http://pythons-zoo.blogspot.com/2010/01/python-time.html|pythons-zoo]] - time module
  * [[http://www.arhibook.ru/index.php?newsid=10746|arhibook]] - Python 3 book for $ale

A [[http://www.opennet.ru/docs/RUS/python/|Python tutorial in Russian]] is available, with additional information about built-in functions, CGI programming, and exercises.

CategoryLanguage CategoryUnicode

Links to Python information in Russian

ISO 639-1 Code: ru

There are some groundrules, some laid down by the site admins, some my suggestions:

1) Pages must be named in ASCII and English (PolishLanguage)

2) Pages must have an explanation in English at the top (Links to Python information in <language X>)

3) (my suggestion) We probably want to limit invites to edit the pages to people we know well, or Pythonistas with a track record. Hopefully this is inclusive enough without opening the site up to a spam flood and vandalismfest.

4) No anonymous changes.

Where these pages really need help:

1) check links, remove broken ones.

2) add new links that are quality Python information and active.

3) some care for languages that have next to nothing, but do have people in the Python community - even a link to the Wikipedia page for Python, in that language, is a start (Some are pretty complete and of high quality - the Russian language Wikipedia page for Python, for instance, packs a lot in).

русский язык


В глубь языка Python

Язык программирования Python

Язык программирования Python - PDF

link ruwiki python-methods (tutorial?) (bookstore) (mini-tutorial for kids?)






A Python tutorial in Russian is available, with additional information about built-in functions, CGI programming, and exercises.

CategoryLanguage CategoryUnicode

RussianLanguage (last edited 2012-03-17 22:10:50 by 198-123-92-178)

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