Differences between revisions 3 and 21 (spanning 18 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2004-04-16 08:30:43
Size: 3656
Editor: dsl254-010-130
Comment: +SpycyRoll
Revision 21 as of 2006-08-31 00:13:46
Size: 18
Editor: 210
Comment: Check this [url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/]XANAX[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax.html]xanax[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-side-effects.html]xanax side effects[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/buy-xanax-online.html]buy xanax online[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-online.html]xanax online[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/buy-xanax.html]buy xanax[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-withdrawal.html]xanax withdrawal[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-no-prescription.html]xanax no prescription[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/generic-xanax.html]generic xanax[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-addiction.html]xanax addiction[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/side-effects-of-xanax.html]side effects of xanax[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-effect.html]xanax effect[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-dosage.html]xanax dosage[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-2mg.html]xanax 2mg[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-xr.html]xanax xr[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/order-xanax-online.html]order xanax online[/url]|[url=http://www.wiloto.com/tmp/xanax-information.html]xanax information[/url]| .
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= Python RSS Code =

 * [http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-pyth11.html The PythonWeb services developer: RSS for Python]

 * [http://www.mnot.net/python/RSS.py RSS.py] - reads most RSS versions, produces RSS 1.0
 * [http://diveintomark.org/projects/feed_parser/ Feed Parser] - reads 9 RSS versions
 * SpycyRoll - I don't know much about - this is an ''aggregator,'' and perhaps other stuff as well

== Feed Parser ==

[http://diveintomark.org/projects/feed_parser/ Feed Parser] is an awesome RSS reader.

Download it, and then start a Python prompt in the same directory.

import feedparser

python_wiki_rss_url = "http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/moinmoin/" \
                      "RecentChanges?action=macro&" \

feed = feedparser.parse( python_wiki_rss_url )

You now have the RSS feed data for the Python``Info wiki!

Take a look at it; There's a lot of data there.

Of particular interest:

|| {{{feed[ "bozo" ]}}} || {{{1}}} if the feed data can't be read. ||
|| {{{feed[ "url" ]}}} || URL of the feed's RSS feed ||
|| {{{feed[ "version" ]}}} || version of the RSS feed ||
|| {{{feed[ "channel" ][ "title" ] }}} || {{{"PythonInfo Wiki"}}} - Title of the Feed. ||
|| {{{feed[ "channel" ][ "description" ]}}} || {{{"RecentChanges at PythonInfo Wiki."}}} - Description of the Feed ||
|| {{{feed[ "channel" ][ "link" ]}}} || Link to RecentChanges - Web page associated with the feed. ||
|| {{{feed[ "channel" ][ "wiki_interwiki" ]}}} || {{{"Python``Info"}}} - For wiki, the wiki's preferred InterWiki moniker. ||
|| {{{feed[ "items" ]}}} || A gigantic list of all of the Recent``Changes items. ||

For each item in {{{feed["items"]}}}, we have:

|| {{{item[ "date" ]}}} || {{{"2004-02-13T22:28:23+08:00"}}} - ISO 8601 (right#?) date ||
|| {{{item[ "date_parsed" ]}}} || {{{(2004,02,13,14,28,23,4,44,0)}}} ||
|| {{{item[ "title" ]}}} || title for item ||
|| {{{item[ "summary" ]}}} || change summary ||
|| {{{item[ "link" ]}}} || URL to the page ||
|| {{{item[ "wiki_diff" ]}}} || for wiki, a link to the diff for the page ||
|| {{{item[ "wiki_history" ]}}} || for wiki, a link to the page history ||

== Aggregating Feeds with Feed Parser ==

If you're pulling down a lot of feeds, and aggregating them:

First, you probably want to use [http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/84317 Future threads] to pull down your feeds. That way, you can send out 5 requests immediately, and wait for them all to come back at once, rather than sending out a request, waiting for it to come in, send out another request, wait for it to come back in, etc., etc.,.

from future import Future

hit_list = [ "http://...", "...", "..." ] # list of feeds to pull down

# pull down all feeds
future_calls = [Future(feedparser.parse,rss_url) for rss_url in hit_list]
# block until they are all in
feeds = [future_obj() for future_obj in future_calls]

Now that you have your feeds, extract all the entries.

entries = []
for feed in filter( lambda x:x["bozo"]==0, feeds ):
    entries.extend( feed[ "items" ] )

...and sort them, by SortingListsOfDictionaries:

decorated = [(entry["date_parsed"], entry) for entry in entries]
decorated.reverse() # for most recent entries first
sorted = [entry for (date,entry) in decorated]

Congradulations! You've aggregated a bunch of changes!

== Contributors ==


== Discussion ==

(none yet)

RssLibraries (last edited 2014-05-08 00:46:56 by DaleAthanasias)

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