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The following books aim to be definitive references, either by publishing the Python documentation or by writing new reference-style material, and therefore should be useful throughout your Python programming career.

Most of these books will contain short, highly condensed introductions to Python, and if you're an experienced programmer these titles may be all you need. See the list of IntroductoryBooks if you'd prefer a book with more examples and a slower pace.

Python Essential Reference, David Beazley, ISBN: 0735710910, New Riders, 416 pages (June 2001)

A concise reference for Python 2.1, about as close as you can get to the K&R for Python. The first hundred pages are a complete but very compressed introduction to the language; the rest of the book is reference material on all of the standard library modules.

Some of the reviews below are for the first edition of this book. The second edition updated it without losing any of the first edition's virtues.

[ Review by Jonathan Corbet] [ Review by Phil Hughes] [ Review by AMK] [ Review by Danny Yee]

Python: Library Reference, Prime Time Freeware, 462 pages

A printed version of the Python 2.1.1 Library Reference. Also available as a set, together with the Miscellanea (below).

Python: Miscellanea, Prime Time Freeware, 365 pages

A printed version of the rest of the Python 2.1.1 documentation. This contains the tutorial, language reference, extending/embedding guide, and other documents that come with Python -- everything except the Library Reference, in short.

[ Publisher's purchasing page]

Python 2.1 Bible


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