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 * ["Rx4RDF"] - http://rx4rdf.liminalzone.org - is an application stack for building RDF-based applications and web sites. It uses either 4Suite, RdfLib or RedlandRdf as the RDF store and layers on the following:
     * RxPath lets you query, transform and update RDF using familar XML technologies like XPath, XSLT and XUpdate.
     * Raccoon is a simple application server that uses an RDF model for its data store, roughly analogous to RDF as [http://cocoon.apache.org Apache Cocoon] is to XML.
     * Rhizome is a content management and delivery system that runs on Raccoon that treates everything (structure and content) as RDF and lets you edit the RDF in a Wiki-like fashion.

There are several [http://esw.w3.org/topic/RDF RDF] processing libraries for Python:

  • RdfLib - you can construct a triple store, load it from an RDF file, and search through it - easy to install, no dependencies that I know of, small and easy, haven't been able to figure out how to do much with it.

  • SemanticWebApplicationPlatform - http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/ - has a lot of stuff, feels like a big lump of code with little differentiation - looks great, but, what is it?

    • It's a big lump of code. :) It's the W3C-semweb-hacker's playground.

  • ["4RDF"] - part of ["4Suite"] - haven't looked into
  • RedlandRdf - http://www.redland.opensource.ac.uk/docs/python.html - Don't know much about this one either

    • Redland is a python [and other-lang] wrapper around a C library.
    • The interface is not as pythonic as RdfLib, but "feels" about the same.

    • Redland uses Raptor for parsing/serialization; Raptor supports NTriples, RDF/XML, Turtle.
  • ["Rx4RDF"] - http://rx4rdf.liminalzone.org - is an application stack for building RDF-based applications and web sites. It uses either 4Suite, RdfLib or RedlandRdf as the RDF store and layers on the following:

    • RxPath lets you query, transform and update RDF using familar XML technologies like XPath, XSLT and XUpdate.

    • Raccoon is a simple application server that uses an RDF model for its data store, roughly analogous to RDF as [http://cocoon.apache.org Apache Cocoon] is to XML.

    • Rhizome is a content management and delivery system that runs on Raccoon that treates everything (structure and content) as RDF and lets you edit the RDF in a Wiki-like fashion.

RdfLibraries (last edited 2023-10-11 07:23:15 by DanielScanteianu)

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