Differences between revisions 5 and 340 (spanning 335 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2002-07-19 08:10:28
Size: 963
Editor: 195
Revision 340 as of 2007-02-23 02:11:13
Size: 298
Editor: 58-65-236-1
Comment: <a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Scuola-Moda.html ">Scuola Moda</a> <a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Donna.html ">Moda Donna</a> <a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Capello.html ">Moda Capello</a> <a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Accessorio.html ">Moda Accessorio</a>
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A large list of editors supporting Python can be found at http://www.python.org/editors/
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=== ConText ===
I use a freeware text editor called ConText (for windoze only I'm afraid) from http://www.fixedsys.com/context/.

It includes language highlighters for a lot of languages including python. It also allows customisation to execute a command using the loaded files (e.g. execute the loaded python script) then capture the output and decod the line numbers where the problem occurred.

Dave Moor

=== jEdit ===
A nice Swing based editor for many languages and Java specially. You can add additional plugins like PyUtil and Jython for your Python work. Get it from http://jedit.org

Ashish Shrestha [http://www.nyatapol.com.np Nyatapol]

=== Gnu Emacs ===

GnuEmacs is the editor of the gods (but XEmacs ships with Python mode as a default). Does everything (almost) that you could want it to. PythonMode is very useful.
<a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Scuola-Moda.html ">Scuola Moda</a>
<a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Donna.html ">Moda Donna</a>
<a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Capello.html ">Moda Capello</a>
<a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Accessorio.html ">Moda Accessorio</a>

<a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Scuola-Moda.html ">Scuola Moda</a> <a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Donna.html ">Moda Donna</a> <a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Capello.html ">Moda Capello</a> <a href=" http://volny.cz/mlt/Moda-Accessorio.html ">Moda Accessorio</a>


PythonEditors (last edited 2024-06-02 09:00:06 by SkipMontanaro)

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