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Support for decorators was proposed for Python in [http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0318.html PEP 318], and will be implemented in Python 2.4.

== What is a decorator ==

A decorator is a software design pattern. Decorators dynamically alter the functionality of a function, method, or class without having to directly use subclasses or change the source code of the function being decorated.

For more information about the decorator pattern in general, see:
 * http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/patternStories/DecoratorPattern
 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decorator_pattern

== Debate about decorators in Python ==

The winning syntax as of now uses the '@' symbol, as described in [http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-June/045516.html this message]. Mark Russell implemented this version. [http://mail.python.org/pipermail/patches/2004-July/015452.html Here] is the message describing the patch he checked in.

There has been a long discussion about the syntax to use for decorators in Python. See for example these threads:

 * http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.devel/61569
 * http://www.livejournal.com/users/jcalderone/3913.html

== Examples ==


def foo (arg1, arg2):


== Related Resources ==

See also: MixIns, MetaClasses

== Current Decorator Proposals ==

After the @decorator syntax was "accepted", lots of people threw up alarms and a huge series of threads started exploding on Python-dev. Here are the current alternatives that I could find that are being argued, with pros and cons:

'''@decorator "pie decorator syntax"'''
 * + Java-like, so not completely unknown to everyone.
 * + Makes the syntax obvious visually
 * + Will not be silently ignored
 * + Compile-time
 * - Ugly?
 * - Seperate from the def syntax (undesired by some for simple decorators like classmethod/staticmethod)
 * - The @ special character is used in IPython (...)
 * - Punctuation-based syntax raises Perlfears.
 * - Does not nessecarily
'''[decorator] "list syntax"'''
 * + C# like
 * + Can be made backwards compatible-ish, with a "hack"
 * + Doesn't cause breakage in existing code-searching tools
 * - Doesn't cause breakage in existing code-searching tools
 * - EuroPython didn't like it ( why? )
 * - The backwards compatability wouldn't be portable to Jython
 * - Looks like a normal expression, but has "magic" behavior of altering a function object
'''def decorator function() "inline? syntax?"'''
 * + Simple
 * + Obviousely attached to the function
 * - Does not allow for arguments to the decorator inline.
 * - The natural place where everyone looks for the function name now is a possible container for other information
 * - Complicates things like colorization and other functions of helper tools
'''as decorator'''
 * + Non-punctuation based
 * + Does not use an existing mechanism with 'magic' behavior
 * - Guido specifically vetos: "as" means "rename" in too many logical, common places that are in-use, and decorators do not rename.
'''with decorator'''
 * + The benefits of "as" without the renaming oddity.
 * + Reads as, "with decorator define function", which seems accurate. Such as, "with staticmethod define foobar(baz)".
 * - Adds a new keyword?


PythonDecorators (last edited 2016-05-20 20:14:18 by FranciscoReyes)

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