Differences between revisions 4 and 8 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2004-06-22 07:01:00
Size: 711
Editor: twgate
Revision 8 as of 2004-06-27 17:28:10
Size: 1374
Editor: twgate
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Here is an overview of popular packages installed on the Python CD. Here is an overview of popular packages installed on the PythonCd.
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 * ["eric"]3 - a very nice and powerful IDE
 * IDLE - simpler, but also popular
 * DrPython
 * ["eric"]3 - a very nice and powerful GUI IDE
 * ["IDLE"] - a simpler, but also popular GUI IDE
 * DrPython - another GUI IDE
Line 13: Line 13:
  * ? WxGlade
  * BoaConstructor
 * BoaConstructor
 * PythonCard
 * ? WxGlade
Line 17: Line 18:
  * PyGtk
  * WxPython
  * PyQt
 * PyGtk
 * PyQt
* WxPython
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== ... == == Web/HTML/XML stuff ==
 * ["MoinMoin"] wiki - you are using it right now
 * ["Twisted"] - a Python internet framework, very powerful
 * ["Quixote"]
 * PyXML, libxml2 and other XML packages
Line 28: Line 33:
== Scientific ==
 * python-numeric and python-numarray - math extensions
 * python-pyx - module for generating PostScript graphics, plotting

== Database ==
 * [http://gadfly.sourceforge.net/ Gadfly]
 * python-mysqldb - interface for ["MySQL"]
 * python-pgsql - DB-API 2.0 interface to ["PostgreSQL"] v7.x
 * python-pygresql - ["PostgreSQL"] module
== Misc ==
 * PyChecker - checks your source code for common errors

Python CD Packages

Here is an overview of popular packages installed on the PythonCd.

PythonCdRawPackageList has a complete raw list of installed debian packages.

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments)

  • ["eric"]3 - a very nice and powerful GUI IDE
  • ["IDLE"] - a simpler, but also popular GUI IDE
  • DrPython - another GUI IDE

  • ["IPython"] - an extended interactive Python command interpreter

GUI Builders

GUI Toolkit bindings

Graphics libs

Web/HTML/XML stuff

  • ["MoinMoin"] wiki - you are using it right now

  • ["Twisted"] - a Python internet framework, very powerful
  • ["Quixote"]
  • PyXML, libxml2 and other XML packages


  • python-numeric and python-numarray - math extensions
  • python-pyx - module for generating PostScript graphics, plotting


  • [http://gadfly.sourceforge.net/ Gadfly]

  • python-mysqldb - interface for ["MySQL"]
  • python-pgsql - DB-API 2.0 interface to ["PostgreSQL"] v7.x
  • python-pygresql - ["PostgreSQL"] module


  • PyChecker - checks your source code for common errors

/!\ Check against PythonCdRawPackageList before putting on this page! If unsure, put a ? in front of the entry here.

PythonCdPackages (last edited 2008-11-15 13:59:51 by localhost)

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