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Other syntax ideas and feature ideas for ["Python3.0"] .


Optional Static Typing / Adaptation

Lambda / Anonymous Methods / Closures

".." Sequences, Custom Infix Operators

Improved default value logic for Dictionaries

    counts = {}
    for elem in data:
        counts[elem] += 1

    index = {}
    for pageno, page in enumerate(pages):
        for line in page:
            for word in line.split():

Don't give in to the temptation to add *args and **kwds arguments everywhere that a function is passed in - PEP 309 allows this problem to be solved the 'right way':

   1 from functional import partial
   2 d.setdefault(function=partial(list, [0]))
   3 d.setdefault(function=partial(dict, a=0, b=1))

Better boolean logic

The and/or operators should only return boolean values. This makes their use less error-prone, less prone to abuse, and more closely match other languages. Also, it will simplify the underlying bytecode which currently inserts many POP_TOP instructions to complete conditionals. The need to insert these instructions also results in extra code paths and jump instructions. Overall, the language will become more intuitive, more reliable, simpler, and faster.


temp = a() if temp:


}}}The latter structure always makes me shudder. I've never encountered a good use for non-boolean output from "and" (in Python. Other languages are a different story.) but using "or" in the first example is both quicker and more intuitive for many people not to mention reducing code complexity.-- StephanSokolow

Agreed, only comparison operators (==, >, <) should return True/False, leave and/or as is

Disallow calling class methods from instances

Calling with a instance is almost never what you want. When it is done, the results are not especially readable, and the code suggests that it is doing something that it isn't:

{'a'=1}.fromkeys('poof') # what happened to 'a'? 

I disagree to this. Although calling class methods on the instance from the outside will usually be rubbish, it will very often be useful and intended behavour inside instances. For example:

class mydict(dict):
  def key_copy(self):
    return self.fromkeys(self)    

This will assert that whatever subclass of mydict is created and not some other class. One could argue though that this could be achieved by the more cluttersome self.__class__.fromkeys().

Simplify the syntax for raising exceptions

Include docstrings when printing user-defined exceptions such as implemented by

>>> class IdiotError(Exception):
...    """Some idiot occured"""
>>> raise IdiotError
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
__main__.IdiotError: Some idiot occured

Fix implementation of in-place operators

The current implementation will call __iadd__(), allowing it to do the in-place change, but then require that the method return the new value and then store it again. Ideally, all the responsibility for the update should lie with the __iadd__() method and it should return None. This simplifies the bytecode and eliminates some annoying behavior (such as a[0]+=1 succeeding and raising an error when a=([0],).

Remove the distinction between data and non-data decriptors

Having the distinction provides a tiny benefit but incurs a large cost in terms of implementation complexity and increasing the learning curve for descriptors. Using the presence or absence of a setter to distinquish the two is somewhat hackish and confuses the heck out of anyone first trying to master descriptors. Even after using descriptors for a while, that nuance remains an annoying distraction.

Note that descriptors are a somewhat advanced feature, not really expected to be used by beginners or on a day to day basis, so the extra flexibilty given by by the data/non-data descriptors distinction may still be worth the small extra complexity it adds to the protocol .

Reconsider the inclusion of __slots__ or re-evaluate its implementation

Guido has expressed that this is a highly popular, but badly misunderstood tool that is often used incorrectly.

Extra operators for strings and lists

Operators as - & | ^ should be used for strings and lists directly in place of making firs a set data type (see [ PEP 218 - Adding a Built-In Set Object Type]).

The operators /, * and % could also be used to split and stitch strings and lists:

   1 # split:
   2 'spameggsham' / 'a' == 'spameggsham'.split('a') == ['sp', 'meggsh', 'm']
   3 # reminder:
   4 'spameggsham' % 'a' == 'aa'
   5 # stitch:
   6 ['sp', 'meggsh', 'm'] * 'a' == 'spameggsham'
   8 # split list:
   9 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] / [2, 3] == [[1], [4, 5]]

Move rarely-used builtins to the library

pow() to the math module!

Don't remove callable()

Please don't. There are times where you want to know if an object is callable without calling it. For instance if you create a metaclass and need to wrap defined methods passed to __new__, and don't want to wrap class variables. In addition, using exceptions for normal control flow is not good code style.

Make API of set, list, dict more consistent

No need for copy function. A clear function for all of them.

Make copy and deepcopy built-ins, replace copy methods by __copy__

It would clarify how copy should be done.

Don't remove cmp() and __cmp__

Even if it looks TMTOWTDI, it makes implementing comparison so easy that it must be kept. It TOOWTDI is important, maybe only keep cmp?

   1    def __cmp__(self, other):
   2       return cmp(self.member1, other.member1) or cmp(self.member2, other.member2)

Are rich comparisons really that much more complex?

   1    def __lt__(self, other):
   2       return (self.member1, other.member1) < (self.member2, other.member2)

Builtin Literal for sets

Make a set literal:

   1    # Use "< >"
   2    s = <'a', 'b', 'c'>
   4    # Or use "| |"
   5    s = |'a', 'b', 'c'|

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