Revision 14 as of 2014-10-03 09:41:44

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You can access JSON information about packages by using the URL format

This retrieves information about the latest stable release (using PEP 386 ordering, falling back on older distutils ordering where packages are not PEP 386 compliant.) If you wish to retrieve information about a specific release you may use

You can use this to automatically generate a link to the latest release of your package with (assuming use of jQuery):

<span id="release_info" class="note">Download:
  <a href="">latest</a></span>
<script type="text/javascript">
 $.getJSON('', function(data) {
     h = 'Download: ' +;
     for (var i=0, url; url=data.urls[i]; ++i) {
       h += '<br><a href="' + url.url + '">' + url.filename + '</a>';

sphinxcontrib-cheeseshop Sphinx extension that adds link to latest package version to docs by including HTML code that uses JSON API above.

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