Open Spaces at PyOhio

Open Spaces are set aside at PyOhio (and PyCon, and many similar conferences) for attendees to create their own creative content on the fly. PyOhio will have 1-3 rooms available for Open Space use throughout the day. One of the Open Space rooms will have an overhead projector.

What can you do with Open Spaces?

Who can schedule an Open Space event?

You can! You don't need a detailed plan, and you don't need anybody's approval. All you need is a desire to see some people come together and learn from each other.

How do I schedule an Open Space?

There will be a large posterboard at PyOhio used for Open Space scheduling, with slots representing each available room for each time slot. Take an index card (they'll be provided), write down a topic and your name, and stick it to the board. Show up and see what happens!

Optionally, if you have a specific idea for an Open Space in mind ahead of time, you may propose it on this page (edit the page by clicking the word-balloon-shaped icon at the upper right of this page) by putting the topic name, your name, and any notes you want to add. That gives people a chance to work up some enthusiasm and ideas in advance. If you like, you show that enthusiasm by listing your own name here under the organizer's.

Sounds crazy. Does that actually work?

It does! People who've tried it generally come quickly to love it. In any case, the Law of Two Feet means that you can try an Open Space event for *precisely as long as you are benefiting from it* - if you aren't, then you are obligated (not just allowed) to leave. There's no reason not to try it!

Proposed Open Spaces for PyOhio 2008

PyOhio2008/OpenSpaces (last edited 2009-04-05 00:47:03 by pool-68-238-9-184)