Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2006-02-13 15:52:41
Size: 357
Editor: 69-170-187-92
Comment: Initial description.
Revision 2 as of 2006-02-18 12:36:50
Size: 1061
Editor: 69-170-187-92
Comment: The original was just a placeholder until we could agree on the contents
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Python MyCMS is an application development platform built with robust MySQL integration allowing for easy creation of state and event driven web-based interfaces. Additional domain-group-user management built in for direct, authenticated applicability. Py-MyCMS has been developed over the last four years as a proprietary product designed to enable the rapid development of web applications using object oriented methodologies. With built-in components for security management, data management, email, newsletters, and interface building, the system offers a generally comprehensive set of tightly integrated tools that allow developers to create highly tailored, secure, data-centric applications with minimal efforts. As well, it can create report interfaces, multiple-record data entry forms, batched interfaces, and many other common web interactions.
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Come talk to the developers and discover how easy web development can be. The system has been in production for promotional sites, logistical operations, shipping services and many other small to Fortune 500 companies.

By using Py-MyCMS you can reduce your applications time to market, increase your programmatic flexibility, and deliver robust performance without the expense of costly proprietary software.

The Py-MyCMS BoF will occur at 10:50 on Saturday, Feb 25 at the Preston Trail room.


Py-MyCMS has been developed over the last four years as a proprietary product designed to enable the rapid development of web applications using object oriented methodologies. With built-in components for security management, data management, email, newsletters, and interface building, the system offers a generally comprehensive set of tightly integrated tools that allow developers to create highly tailored, secure, data-centric applications with minimal efforts. As well, it can create report interfaces, multiple-record data entry forms, batched interfaces, and many other common web interactions.

The system has been in production for promotional sites, logistical operations, shipping services and many other small to Fortune 500 companies.

By using Py-MyCMS you can reduce your applications time to market, increase your programmatic flexibility, and deliver robust performance without the expense of costly proprietary software.

The Py-MyCMS BoF will occur at 10:50 on Saturday, Feb 25 at the Preston Trail room.

PyMyCMSBof (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:24 by localhost)

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