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Revision 1 as of 2010-02-23 11:52:08
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Revision 5 as of 2010-02-24 03:52:41
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Comment: removed duplicate videos
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 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257275/|Python's Dusty Corners (#182)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257278/|Decorators From Basics to Class Decorators to Decorator Libraries (#138)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257303/|Scaling your Python application on EC2 (#191)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257337/|A Python-based Platform for Easy Development and Deployment of Networked]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257477/|Interfaces, Adapters and Factories (#181)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257508/|Supercharging Web Communications: Integrating Python-based Apps with Salesforce.com CRM]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257712/|Supercharging Web Communications: Integrating Python-based Apps with Salesforce.com CRM]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257541/|Python's Dusty Corners (#182)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257952/|Python's Dusty Corners (#182)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3258075/|Python's Dusty Corners (#182)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3258333/|Cooperative Multitasking with Twisted: Getting Things Done Concurrently. (#11)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259471/|TurboGears Geospatial Framework (#19)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259480/|Distributed Programming with Pyro (#7)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259501/|Import this, that, and the other thing: custom importers (#9)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259502/|Python in the Browser (#71)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259547/|Deployment, development, packaging, and a little bit of the cloud (#180)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257645/|Managing the world's oldest Django project (#80)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257769/|Decorators From Basics to Class Decorators to Decorator Libraries (#138)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3257916/|Decorators From Basics to Class Decorators to Decorator Libraries (#138)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3258101/|Revisioned Databases for MultiUser Editing (#86)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259574/|Simple WSGI composition: story of one refactoring (#51)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259593/|Building Leafy Chat, DjangoDose, and Hurricane, Lessons Learned on the Real-Time Web with Python]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259602/|A Short Pinax Tutorial (#15)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259616/|How Python is guiding infrastructure construction in Africa (#84)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259632/|The Python and the Elephant: Large Scale Natural Language Processing with NLTK and Dumbo (#120)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259633/|Ecommerce in Python: Introduction to Satchmo and GetPaid (#146)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259650/|The speed of PyPy (#83)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259658/|Demystifying Non-Blocking and Asynchronous I/O (#164)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259663/|Writing Books using Python and Open Source Software (#40)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259691/|Internationalizing your Django project (#74)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259714/|data driven web development (#137)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259721/|Extending Java Applications with Jython (#65)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259744/|An Underwater Python: Tortuga the Python Powered Robot (#175)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259746/|Maximize your program's laziness (#58)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259777/|Deconstruction of an Object (#62)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259794/|Why not run all your tests all the time? A study of continuous integration systems. (#160)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259798/|Turtles All The Way Down: Demystifying Deferreds, Decorators, and Declarations (#169)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259805/|Small acts make great revolutions: crafting Python and Open Source communities in Rio de Janeiro]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259810/|Think Globally, Hack Locally - Teaching Python in Your Community (#122)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259830/|Optimizations And Micro-Optimizations In CPython (#38)]]

 * [[http://pycon.blip.tv/file/3259840/|The Ring of Python (#189)]]

PyCon 2010 Videos


PyConVideos (last edited 2010-02-24 03:58:43 by BaijuMuthukadan)

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