Conference Management Board
Put issues and their resolutions here.
Agenda for March 12 (Wednesday) IRC meeting
Time 4pm EST == 1pm PST == 22:00 in much of Europe.
Guido (chairing and taking notes here), Aahz, Brett Cannon, Tripp Lilley, Chris Armstrong, Bob Payne, Itamar.
Guido doesn't have much new info yet, the caterers will get back to him on Friday. Looks like pricing is somewhere between $15 - $25 depending on how fancy we want. Guido will decide this based upon projected registration.
On-site registration process
Need a volunteer to plan & coordinate. Tripp Lilley and Bob Payne volunteer to do this together, and will make a plan. They will post it to the mailing list this week.
On-site network
Tripp is volunteering to coordinate this as well; he's planning a site visit Friday.
Not much else needed immediate attention.
Agenda for Feb 26th IRC meeting
Members may access the transcript -- SH
feedback/approval of logo/shirt design
Shop URL:
Alternative color schemes:
Logo and color scheme approved. URL to channge to so store can serve as general Python merch store.
cafepress store, free or premium?
Free store only allows one product of each type (one white t-shirt, one grey t-shirt, etc.). Premium store allows unlimited products and designs, and costs $6.95/month.
Free store under WebMaven control reporting firectly to PSF and producing donations, hopefully deductible
All merch to have a $2 donation added to price
Bag stuffing and handout preparation
Web proceedings
editing and publication
integration of electronic slides
Venue staffing
O RegistrationManager [PSF interest here ...]
On-site network hardware
On-Site Computer Hardware
There is a possibility of borrowing a number of laptops from Learning Tree International.
Press Passes
Would it do any good to ask ForeTec? (Definitely not! --Guido) What about the PBF Press List o ? (Python Journal)
- The only press coverage of IPC10?
Personally in favor: good relationship for OsCon
- One person, to be nominated by the publication
Topics for Next Agenda
o ToteBag (have been ordered) o Hardware and Network
There being no other business the meeting closed at 17:42 EST