Revision 4 as of 2005-08-24 04:23:55

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A social event is anything that isn't strictly technical in nature.

Board Games

AMK wants to run a 2- or 3-hour session where people can show up and play a variety of board games such as [ Carcassonne], [ La Strada], etc.

Damn, and here I was leaning towards going to EuroPython next year, and you go and introduce board games into the mix -- RichardJones


There should be some place for people to meet up for dinner; without that someone without dinner plans who wants to be social has to hang out awkwardly and make eyes at other people in order to form a dinner group.

Got a protocol suggestion for this? Do we just need a 'Meet for Dinner Here' sign, and some explanation in the conference materials? --amk


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