- We need a new location.
- Have a dedicated tutorial track on at least one day. (Perhaps paralleling the open space?)
Have a newcomer's track on the first day: intro to Python, PyCon, open space.
One person suggested a track at reduced cost aimed at teenagers: PyCon2006/TeenagerTrack. That's an interesting idea; we could have it on the Friday when attendance is at its lowest, and rustle up speakers on game programming, tutorial topics, and other stuff.
- Make organization of Open Space more apparent.
Make SubEthaEdit notes an officially supported thing, and part of the proceedings
- We should post a list of talks + abstracts outside each room so people know what's going on.
- Keynote speakers should be relevant to Python.
From EuroPython: Have multiple tracks, and track chairs responsible for each one.
- Pay airfare and/or hotel for some invited speakers
- Sponsorship: mention that amounts are suggested minimums, not requirements
- Social events: a game night; a jam session (Barry thinks he can get most of the required equipment, or rent it).
- Get session chairs to estimate attendance in their sessions (half full, full, near-empty); this will let us calibrate our understanding of what topics people are interested in.
- Cut down food quantities a bit on the last day
- Have coffee at lunchtime
- Advertise conference more to local university students
- Get projector and run slide show at registration (announcements, lost/found items, open space, etc.)
- Make lightning talks a plenary session
- Encourage formal speakers to also do a lightning talk based on their presentation
- Give sessions titles (e.g. "Web Development", "Networking", "Grab Bag")